Update on my Dad

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In Memoriam 1950-2022
Sep 26, 2004
Reaction score
Pasadena, TX
My Dad passed and went to be with the Lord last night @ 3:30am. His very aggressive form of cancer took him in 2 months of getting sick.

Jesse Stark was 84yrs old. A fairly strong and active man, until 2 months ago.

He was born in a 2 room log cabin. In the hills of Arkansas, 1926. His family got a chance to move to Texas and operate several farms, in the Brownsville area.

He was a Navy, WW2 vet in the pacific. Mine sweepers and sea going tugs.

He retired in 1988 from a chemical plant here in Pasadena,Tx.

To have not finished high school. He worked hard and was smart with $$. Investments and savings allowed him and my mom. To build a nice retirement home on Lake Livingston. They live very comfortably and bought what they wanted.

I just wish I had half the sense he did.

Thanks for your thoughts and prayers, Eddie
Bless You and Your Family Eddie.

No more pain and suffering, time will heal.

Take Care, Brother.

When my grandmother got sick, the prayers were "Please God, let her get well". It wasn't long before the prayers went to, "Please God, take her. She doesn't deserve to be in this much pain".

He isn't suffering any more. Stay strong.

My sincere condolences to you and your Mom, Eddie. It's a tough pill to swallow even though you know it's coming. A trip to Heaven for his Fathers Day present! Look forward to the reunion in a coming time.
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Eddie, from experience I know what you are going through. My condolences.

I'm sorry for your loss but rejoice that Heaven has a new member! I pray for Gods comfort for you and your family at this time.
My condolences Eddie. My grandfather passed from a long battle with cancer 4 years ago Christmas, my older sister was just diagnosed with leukemia which resulted from the chemotherapy she went through for a tumor which was found over 5 years ago - they estimated 7 years if she is lucky - she is 32... Just last week, my wives cousin went in for a routine gallbladder removal - on the table, just as the operation began, the surgeon discovered cancer on her liver. We were just told she has stage 4 (terminal) bowel and liver cancer and she has less than 2 years with chemo.... She is only 37, has 3 kids.

Thoughts and prayers for everyone that has lost someone one to this terrible disease.
My thoughs and prayers are with you and your family, Eddie. You'll see him again someday.


Rest In Peace, Shipmate. You're relieved. We have the watch.

very sorry for your loss.

our prayers are with you. been down the same road early in life.

reach out and touch faith

Sorry for your loss, my prayers are with you.

Lost my dad jus over 2 years ago, and I know words can offer little help right now.

Time will help, but keeping the good memories at the front of your mind will help too.

Dont focus on the last 2 or 3 months if you can help it/

Let us know if you need anything.

Dave & Sue
Sorry for your loss our condolences Eddie....

Todd Z
I'm very sorry for your loss. Your Dad sounds like he's a great guy. May God rest his soul and your thoughts and memories make him immortal in your hearts. God Bless, BC
Thanks for all your thoughts.

We all still had the fathers day cook out today. We had everyone related that would or could come to the lake house.

We had a good time writting our individual memoirs. Of intresting and funny times with my dad. Then sharing them. Funny some of the things you never knew.

We will have the funeral on tuesday & wensday.. Waiting for more kinfolk to arrive. Though my dad only has 1 sister left from 8 siblings. There are many cousins. He has been the glue that kept the connections going. Dad had a strong sense of family.

Just like his father. Even in his sickness. He never tired of the grandchildren & great grandchildren. He wanted them there. Many have claimed. Though they lost their parents many years ago. They gained mine.

Thanks again......