USC about to lose!!!!

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We're going nuts here in Austin TX, it's going to be a long day at work heheh...........National Champs ala V-Y style.

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Good to see the better team won. Even though the USC fans will claim the second (?) TD by Texas off that lateral from Vince to the TE should've been ruled down, (you'd also have to content that Texas had that one interception and the ground knocked the ball out, resulting in 7 less points for USC) the better team still won, regardless of what Leinhart wants to think. Texas stopped the unstoppable Reggie Bush, had some difficulty with White, but was able to handle him better then anyone else....and Leinhart? Eh...he showed he is a good college QB, but won't be a good NFL QB. Vince did, however.

USC never was a #1 team, and now the rankings will actually reflect that.
So true Tiger. USC finally faced a team that doesn't have a QB that chokes in the big game. No wonder that Jason White, a Heisman winner, wasn't picked up by any NFL team. Congratulations to the Longhorns, and our southern neighbors in Texas! :)

Hope Vince goes pro, I saw the moving van at David Carrs house this morning on my way in. :D
What a game. I'm with you 23ballistic. If the Texans could somehow find a way to get both Reggie and Vince, they would not even need any other players on the field. :D
I think Vince goes pro, David Carr gets traded to get some players we need. Dominque Davis is a good running back, few more players & Vince Young would be nice. I thinks the Texans have 7 picks in draft.
Both Texas and USC played a great game. Leinart completed 29 for 39 with 357 passing yards, but Vince Young was absolutely AWSOME! Both teams truely played up to their 1st and 2nd place rankings!

Ohio State and Notre Dame also played a great game. Notre Dame played outstanding football but Ohio State just had way too much fire power for them.

Penn State suprised me as the #3 team playing against #22 ranked FL State and had to go to triple overtime to win by a measly feild goal. Penn State should have won by at least 10 points against a #22 team.

I think the end of season standings should be:

1. Texas

2. USC

3. Ohio State

4. Notre Dame

And I still think Notre Dame's Coach Charlie Weis should be named "Coach of the Year".

Penn State should drop to about 5th or 6th.

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Best game (um, best incomplete game) I ever watched! Trouble is, I went to bed when USC went up by 12 !!!! Horns did OK without me tho, thank goodness.
USC should drop to at least 5th. And they better not be in the top 5 next year when play starts.
Between the FSU game and the Texas game, I haven't slept in 2 nights. FSU, even losing, played an exciting game. Then last night with Texas, it was another night on the edge of the seat.

Hook 'em Horns!!!

All the BCS bowl games this year were exceptionally good. Being partial to WVU, I'd say that it was the most exciting game with the fake punt at the end to seal it, but the other three kept me at the edge of my seat the entire time and I stayed up to watch them all.

I'm glad Texas got the win, they deserve it and Vince Young was amazing. I can't stand USC's arrogance.

The rankings for the final week has been released. The AP Poll Top 10 goes as follows:

1. Texas

2. USC

3. Penn State

4. Ohio State

5. West Virginia

6. LSU

7. Virginia Tech

8. Alabama

9. Notre Dame

10. Georgia

(FSU ranked 23)
Hmmm, we lost to Wisconsin, but we did beat Alabama, Georgia, and put up a fight against LSU. Once again showing that the SEC is the least respected conference in the US.
I'll give them the two-pete, if they're both shared. If USC gets to share '04, then Auburn gets to share '05. Now if USC won '05 outright fair and square, then they don't get '04. They want the shared title one year, but don't want to be the ones sharing it the next...hypocrites...
Auburn was ranked 7 and lost to a 21 ranked Wisconsin team. You can make the argument that they beat this and that team and held together with another team, but it comes down to wins and losses. If you win the games you're suppose to, then you'll be in good shape to have a good rank. Unfortunately, Auburn had two losses to teams that they should have beat (Wisconsin and Georgia Tech). By the way Auburn is ranked 14 followed by Wisconsin at 15, despite the bowl game victory.

On a side note, I think the SEC is one of the MOST respected conferences in the US for football. The Big East, on the other hand, is considered full of a bunch of weak teams who some think should not be eligible for a BCS bid as compared to the ACC, SEC, etc.

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