Using Old Temperature Sensors in New Lower Housing

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Feb 27, 2009
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Kailua-Oahu, Hawaii
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Due to a small pinhole leak behind the sensors on the lower t-stat housing.

I have read people reusing the old sensors by replacing the o-rings. (l1tech)

The old sensors are very loose and guaranteed to leak. Anyone try RTV silicone?

Can the old sensors be used in the new two hole RH144 housing?

If not, can I use the RH148 single hole housing, and only buy one sensor?

Read the difference are the bolt housing sleeves that can be modified to work.

Would prefer to use the old parts and not spend $70 on two new sensors,

in addition to catching a cab to travel 30 miles. Thanks.
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Rather than pay the $50 round trip cab fare, took a chance and used RTV sealant.

Wll see long term if it holds up. Refilled with water and drove for an hour without issues.

No detectable leaks yet. Keeping a close eye on temp guage, and will get backup o-rings.

Easy fix pulling retainer clips with needle nose vise grips, even on the road. Thanks Paul!
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Somewhere in my toolbox I have the measurements of the o-rings that can be used to replaces the o-rings on the sensors, I'll look and see if I can I can find them but being that my toolbox runneth over it may be a difficult task. FWIW if you get a new housing from Ford it comes with the new least the last few that I have done in the past weeks have anyway and the new housing that I just put on the engine that I just put back in the ST that I picked up did.