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Dec 29, 2005
Reaction score
Tustin, CA
VehicleVoice ( has picked up Ford's press release on the 2007 Ford Explorer Sport Trac in which was prominently mentioned.


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Happy New Year!

We may have different ideas and opinions...but I dont think we like tricky people...

Rich Stearn ban this guy...thank you

Yeah, it's funny how he pretended to be someone else in his second post to try to generate enthusiasm for the other site!
Does Rich even monitor this forum?

I hope very seriously that you are joking..... Rich posts all the time and monitors the activity here very much.... but I am sure he has more to do than monitor it 24/7. Just do a search on Rich Stern......

He will deal with the issues (if it warrants it) and we may not even know what was done. He has banned others and blocked others before, I am sure he will take care of this issue.... really only needs to send an email to the offender and set them straight.
Others, including myself, have promoted other sites -- even other Sport Trac sites. His blog has a clean look, but lacks much information, but since it seems to be new, that makes sense.

I don't know if he should be banned, but if he continues to spam the site, that could be coming in the future. I've already seen two different threads. :angry:

If he is this witty here I have no interest in reading his blog....

If you want to promote yourself that is fine. Just be honest about it..
It's not a matter of promoting ones self. It is a matter of how you do it.

Several members here promote themselves and the products they make for the ST's.

Most do so in an honest and profesional manner.


Man, the RUDENESS of some people! Does Rich even monitor this forum?

"No old links in here!"

Remember that commercial...was it Hotbot? Pretty funny stuff from the days of "We have no staff, no product, and no customers, but we've got a million dollars spent on a Super Bowl commercial!"

Sorry, that popped into my head and I had to write it.

For the record:

I generally don't mind if someone wants to (gently) promote a personal site here.

Commercial sites, on the other hand, must follow the same rules as folks who want to sell things to the Sport Trac audience frequenting this joint.

I do mind when people spam here, particular with no prior attempt to clear it with me first.

Urquhart12822, feel free to contact me about advertising possibilities. I'll be removing your ad threads in a few hours.
