VHT Night Shades

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Not in my experience. VHT makes a quality product that's reasonably priced. Here I applied 3 thin coats of nightshades and multiple wet coats of clear.

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Didn't exactly like the clear lenses of these aftermarket tailights so instead of buying another set I decided to tint them. I'm satisfied with the results.
Wow that looks really nice. I wanna do that but too afraid to screw up my lights and cannot afford to replace them. Can you explain your method of application?
Yeahhhhhhhhh! I've been looking in to buying a set of black tails off of Ebay but this seems like it would work out pretty good! Plus it's way cheaper!!

Yes, HawaiianST, please share with us your process on how you did it. Also, do you think this could be done to the head lights as well?
Is imperitive I feel to remove the items from the trac and spray them in a horizontal position as the VHT is really thin, not like paint.

It even works well on Chrome, have never needed to clear the parts I have done.

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From that link..

Update [6/05/07]: My tails started to orange peel on the top sections where the sun hits the most. So after a little over a year this stuff starts to go in direct sunlight and all day outdoor exposure. Maybe a better clear coat would help next time around. I'll be repainting them again soon.

I've known people who have done it both ways. Painting them has stood up longer than the VHT stuff. I'll try and find the link on the how to do it.
Good info on the write up, but how far away do u spray from the object? And it doesnt say anything about sanding. So all u need to do is scuff w/ pad? No sanding or wet sanding?
Sure Guys....

Please don't hold me responsible if anything goes wrong with your project. Just sharing some useful info that I found works for me. Anyone should be able to do this though IMO...

First remove the tail lights and cover the the holes on the back of the tail lights that the bulbs go into with tape. This will keep water and debris out when wetsanding.

Wet sand and use very fine grit (1000+) sand paper to remove any and all "shine" on the exterior of the lens. This insures proper adhesion. Your lens will look like crap when you're done with this step. Don't worry though, the shine will come back when your project is complete.

After all shine has been removed and the entire surface has been evenly scuffed, let dry. When dry, I used a tack cloth to remove all foreign debris from the lens surface. Be sure to keep your greasy fingers away from the lens at this point.

You might want to put on a pair of latex or rubber gloves to keep your hands free of paint as I held mines while painting. Get your nightshades and paint the lens in long even strokes. I held the tail light sideways so that I could paint it in this manner. If I could complain about 1 thing regarding this product, the nozzle sucks. The paint tended to spatter occasionally. Also, I used one of those hand held trigger type attachments you can place onto the top of the can. This gives the can more of a spray gun feel which can help with the application process. You can get them at home depot or pretty much any auto parts store.

Let your first coat dry for approximately 20 minutes or so and go ahead and lightly wet sand the surface. Try not to apply to much pressure as you sand. All you're trying to do here is prep the surface for the next coat. This can be a tedious process but needs to be done if you want the finish to last. You don't want to invest all this time into it just to have it start flaking off in a few days.Apply VHT with wetsanding in between each coat to your desired darkness.

When you have reached your desired tint level you're ready to apply the clearcoat. I used automotive grade clearcoat, use a brand you like, I believe I used krylon. When the surface has been prepped, apply an even coat of clear employing the same technique you used when applying the nightshades. I'll leave it up to you whether or not you want to wetsand in between the clear coats. I didn't, and my lenses still look like they did the day they were completed. When the first coat of clear is dry, apply the next coat thicker and wetter making sure you don' allow the clear to run. If it does, just let it dry and even out the surface by wet sanding. The thicker and wetter you can get the application, the glossier the finish will be. I applied one thin coat and about 4 wet coats before I was satisfied with the finish.

Let the lenses cure for a while, at least for 8 hrs. then use your favorite automotive wax to buff out a nice shine. I used meguiars. When it's all nice and shiny, reinstall and enjoy.

Hope this helps you guys out. I'm in the middle of tinting my stock lenses and awaiting the arrival of more nightshades as my local supplier ran out. I going to do something a little different to these lenses and I think it'll look cool.

Hey Admin, can I get a wrench for this or what? :banana:

gatorrich, you could use them on your headlights but i wouldn't recommend it. There's a project on how paint your headlights.

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I used it as a guide for mine...

Great write-up and thanks. What stores carry the tint? I'd prefer to find it locally rather than online.
I get mines from a locally owned racing shop. I'm not sure what stores you have in your area but I'd call your local auto parts stores to see if they carry them.

Here in HI the chain stores we have are Napa auto parts, checkers, redline, and carquest. None of them carry Nightshades.
In some states it is illegle to sell it, hydrocarbon B.S, cannot even buy real lacquer in my state.

Got mine from summit.tho not cheap with shipping.
I pay about 12.00 per can. Stumbled upon it accidentally as I had no idea the shop carried it.

I agree, if you buy it online you're looking to spend a lot more, probably double what I pay.
Thanks all for the info, but I actually found a local place here that is going to install an actual protective tint on the headlights, tail lights, fog lights for $190 CAD on Monday...

Ill post pics when she's done!

Bill, chrome you say???

How about polished aluminum???

How durable it the stuff?

Would it be correct to assume the more coats of VHT and clear coat = more durable?

I actually own a can and might do some experimenting.


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