Waaayyyy off topic- Air Force members, what do you think of the new ABU?

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Larry Phillips

Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2003
Reaction score
O'Fallon/Scott AFB, IL
I thought I would ask this here, since I know there are a few AF members here, and people here tend to like open discussion.

I'm really interested in the news on the Airman Battle Uniform, and have been keeping up on all the changes as they've been announced. I also heard alot about it from CMSAF McKinley during his visit last week. I was reading up on the latest AF Times issue on the finalized ABU (with pictures) as well as some of the new features that were added, and options that were discarded. Needless to say, I personally like the new uniform and will buy it as soon as it is available, but I have to agree with most that were interviewed that the ABU is lacking a few things in both the functional and I guess design categories. Here are some of my gripes-

-It looks just like the BDU except for the material and color (and a few added pockets)

-The pockets are not functional while wearing Level IV body armor. Many requested shoulder pockets like the Army has. In the AF Times, it was noted that leadership polled Airmen about them and got a negative response because "they would be tricky to access". My thought is that they didn't add them so they wouldn't interfere with the placement of the enlisted stripes. Instead we have to settle for a "pen pocket" on the left forearm. (I'd love to be polled on this uniform)

-This isn't a gripe (yet) since I don't know if it will be authorized, but the new uniform comes with a sand color T-shirt. I hope to see black as an option.

-And my biggest complaint- No unit patches. Period. What?! They say they are trying to cut costs from sewing and removing them, which is a way to go, but personally, I like to identify with my unit. My thought is do like the flightsuit- Either tan velcro squares on the pockets to "adhere" velcroed unit patches to, or velcro cut the same shape as the basic AF shield design which 90% of the Air Force uses already like the MAJCOM patch is done on the flightsuit.

That's my thoughts on it. What's yours?

Also, I was playing around in MS Paint today, just seeing how it would look with options that I would've wanted. (I also did a version with a flight crew style badge, but this one has nametapes) I figured you guys wouldn't mind seeing it.

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Not in the AF, but I liked the old camo better then this camo of tomorrow stuff they're doing. I suppose they work better, but now all my stuff doesn't match. Not that I need it to anymore, but if I ever go back in then all my custom stuff is shot.
As a former U.S.A.F. member('76 - '80) , anything is better than those pickle suits we had to wear.Fatigues were so boring!!!
I will appreciate not having to take my uniforms to the dry cleaners. The Command Chief of the ANG came to our squadron on the 30th on Nov and showed us his uniform. The all-weather coat is real nice. I've been through the solid greens, BDU's with all the patches, BDu's without patches and the leather Air Crew style patch, ACSP with stripes, BDU's back with all the patches and stripes. I'm kind of looking forward to the change. Now the service dress proposal I saw are real scary!
Bah, go back to kakhis with the field uniform, the normal one with shirt and tie, and then the dress uniform. Back to the Ike jackets and stuff.
Larry, I like the new ABU, and like the idea that they are wash and wear, just like our BDUs were supposed to be when they came out. I was issued the olive drab fatigues in Basic. I liked them because they were easy to iron, and they looked sharp. I also liked the way we could convert the shirts to short sleeve. Don't worry about the unit patches. Another Chief of Staff will bring them back to make his "lasting" mark on the Air Force. :)

If I were the Chief, I would eliminate hats. They serve no purpose, are not allowed to be worn on the flightline (Duh! What is our job?), and it seems no one wears them properly anyway.
I am currently in the Air Force and i like the new uniform. I think its great. It will be better for those of us in Security Forces (we seem to be the ONLY ones in the AF that actually know what a pressed uniform and shined boots are) to not have to iron all the time. Plus it gives a tactical advantage if needed....
i'm looking forward to the change. last i heard on the undershirts was brown or sand colored with USAF across the back, which i wasn't to thrilled about. i like the wash and wear idea. i'm tired of being one of the few MXS troops around not in an office with a sharp uniform. anyways, just remember, the current bdu's were supposed to be wash and wear also. so you never know
Plus it gives a tactical advantage if needed....

I'm not sure about that. In a hot zone, I would like to look identical to the Army and Marines shooting at the bad guys. If I look different than them, perhaps they will mistake me for the enemy. They are better shots than most of our enemies. :blink:
it gives a tactical advantage during close quaters combat. Plus, the "enemy" doesnt wear established uniforms, they are INSURGENTS......
I'm not sure about that. In a hot zone, I would like to look identical to the Army and Marines shooting at the bad guys. If I look different than them, perhaps they will mistake me for the enemy.

That's one of the points of the new green grey blue tan color scheme. It's so it looks more like the Army's ACU from a distance. Also, the colors of the ACU and the Marine's desert uniform look nothing alike anyway, even from a distance, so would it really matter when we jump into the mix sporting our new colors?

I like the looks of the new uniform. After 30+ years I've seen a lot of changes, from "1505" khaki's, to the Vietnam era jungle uniforms, to the new dress blue uniform. We're just about due for another major uniform change. Only time will prove how useful the new uniform turns out to be. I'm not sure about the pockets all over the place. They could prove to be useful, but the wearer would need to be careful not to overstuff the pockets for a "lumpy" appearance. Hopefully the black tee shirt will become authorized. I don't need another pile of garments that have become obsolete. (although the cotten tee shirts make pretty good polishing and cleaning rags for the ST - LOL).

Yeah, I see what you're saying. On my drawing, I only added the shoulder pockets (and modded the chest pockets). Everything else like the shin pockets are actually on the new one.
Q, why do you have to go and say something dumb like that?

The Air Force has had medics, tactical air controllers, Security Forces (military police), Special Operations, and others engaged since the very beginning. More recently, whole AF units have been the boots on the ground relieving Army units in all sorts of roles.
those of us in Security Forces (we seem to be the ONLY ones in the AF that actually know what a pressed uniform and shined boots are)

typical SF response there huh? You must be a young 'un. BDUs are not supposed to be starched and pressed. The starch shows up under unfrared light and goggles.

Larry, I like it. And we will all (well most of us anyway) still press them. When Chief Mac was here at Randolph, you could see where his had been pressed.

Black shirt?? Currently, by the book, only brown is authorized. It gives CCs the option of black. I suspect that would stay the same.

And don't worry about Q - typical EX Marine reply and completely expected from the source.


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