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Maybe people are sick and tired of Wal-Mart's business practices and are spending their money on more deserving companies?

I know I am. I have all but quit shopping Wal-Mart. The only time I shop Wal-Mart is if I need an emergency item after hours and they are open, or I have nowhere else to shop. Besides that, they have not seen a penny of my hard earned money in a long, long time.

I don't shop there either. 1- too far away from where I live. 2. I'd rather support local Mom and Pop stores in my area. I even get 90% of my hardware supplies from a local place just down the street. They know their products and actually have customer service.

Eating out...I go to locally owned restaurants as well.
i found wal-mart to be great for many of my needs when i was setting up my house in florida a few months ago. it was convienent and the prices were great as well being very organized.

the fact that i was able to get the things we needed in one stop ( groceries as well ) at great prices, makes my decision to return there easier.
Same old story...Standard Oil, Bell Telephone, IBM, GM, Microsoft...

Those that lead the market get villified by those in the "cheap seats" who cry foul, yet ultimately that which grows and expands must contract. Once too big the leader becomes to complacent, too bloated, or simply too preoccupied to deliver niche, new, emerging products and services, and that ultimately leads to their fall.

This isn't so much a story about people being sick of a business practice. Nope, this is all about what happens to a leader when it's growth model stalls, and it's stall in this case has to do more with market saturation and a business model that requires growth and isn't as effective without it than dealing with changes in people's buying habits.

I used to shop walmart but I rarely go anymore. it isn't conveniant anymore, in fact it is a hassle getting in and out of walmart due to the congestion in the parking lot and in the surrounding area. I go to places closer to home even though it cost a bit more, the time and fuel saved makes it worthwhile.

Have a good one

I don't shop there either. 1- too far away from where I live.

Same here. This article mentions Carrefour of France. They have stores here in Poland. They are similar to Wal-Mart, but a little more upscale. However, I prefer TESCO, which is more similar to WAL-MART. The prices are better, selection is better, and they actually sell clothes big enough for Americans to wear.

TESCO is also the only place we can find peanut butter. My daughter takes peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to school. Her Polish classmates have never seen a sandwich of this type and they say it looks disgusting. An American classic, that all children love and they won't even try it. They don't have peanut butter ice cream or Reese's Peanut Butter Cups either. Such deprived children. :(
I hate Wall-mart & Sam's and will only go there as a last resort. I just recently had to close our business in art because of everybody attitude towards the big boys. Our business was started in 1920 and bought by my parents in 1945. Most of our customers were other business's that we supplied to. We carried; candy, gum, cigarettes, tobacco, Institutional food, janitorial, institutional janitorial, paper products and several other things. It got to the point that all of our manufacturer's either doubled or tripled the minimum amount that we had to buy. To give an example, just there of our candy companies went from $11,00.00 to $40,000.00 for a minimum order. With Hershey we would have to order 18 pallets, were they would delivery 1 pallet to the wall-mart distributor building 100 miles away and we had to pay 15% more. I have to give them credit they have got the adult attitude toward them like McDonald's has got the kids toward them. This is only one reason we had to close. Unfortunately our closing will affect some of our customers as we only required a $50.00 order to deliver, where all of the other company's require at least $1,000.00 order. For those of you that don't have a wall-mart or Sam's in your town, you are lucky. If anyone wants to bring them in, fight it. Wall-mart's number goal is to get rid of any perceived competition. When they go in smaller stores will be closing. It may take awhile, but it will happen. There money does not stay in the community they are in, but goes to their home office.

I guess I will have to look for a job sometime. I first have to get all the records closed. I also have a lot to do at home as we are still working on what to keep of my mom's, even though she died in 2004. We moved into her house last fall and put ours up for sale, so it is a little stacked up know. Plus with our grandson that lives with us keeps us busy. Plus if I get a job it may be hard to make it to the rally nest year. Also having worked only there my entire life it will be hard doing something else.

Sorry bout that. Anyway the big box store are bad news, for other business's and the community. I remember when we had a least 40 corner or family owned grocery stores. Now we have none. I have talked to a lot of people who have wised up and started checking prices and found that wall-mart and Sam's are mostly higher in price than buying from the local merchants.

Sorry the long winded, but thanks for letting me vent. I didn't mean to hijack this, but once I started to write it keep going.

Many items Wal-Mart sells are extremely over priced. Some are priced cheap, but they provide that percieved savings in money.

Much the same as a hybrid car. It costs you more to save at the pump. In the end, you never saved a dime. Only mentally did you save anything.

Hey AdamCKach, for the record that statement, ("After 10 p.m., the Wal-Mart in Wilkes-Barre is inundated with who I will generally describe as illegal immigrants. How do I know?...." ) is a broad sweeping generalization and shows you ignorance. Who cares what the nationality the people that shop there are. This thread was fine without a dumb a** statement like that.
I don't care about the nationality. Don't put words into my mouth. Unless being an illegal immigrant is now a nationality. Or, the problem is so bad and focused on very few nationalities that the words developed into an alternative to calling folks by their nationality. Whatever the case, it's not my problem.

I care that the store is inundated with LAW BREAKERS--ILlegal immigrants. I care that I'm in a store with a large group of folks utilizing the social system without paying in, and not attempting to integrate. Because the system is broken doesn't mean that folks should take advantage of it. I care that Wal-Mart has a past marked by hiring such lawbreakers for their warehouse work. And, with respect to a relatively local regional distribution warehouse, from talking to folks who work there, I know for a fact it continues. I also know that the same folks have been arrested en masse at Wal-Mart construction areas in eastern PA. Wal-Mart claims it has no knowledge of subcontracting procedures. And yet, Wal-Mart settled a federal lawsuit for about $10 million concerning their use of the same hiring practices in their stores.

Specific to my situation, I'm frustrated that going to the store after a certain hour results in a packed store. I'm frustrated seeing a broken system and the folks who take advantage of it. And, from a more general sense applicable to all folks, I hate waiting in lines ten deep to purchase two things. I don't see the same problems with smaller, more localized stores.

Ignorance? I see and read the reports on crime in Northeastern PA. I take note of those that mention the citizen status of those apprehended. I see the issues that Hazleton faces. Perhaps in Texas you're used to this. Up here, we prefer the laws to be followed.

Save your preaching for someone else. And stop and read carefully before throwing "dumb a**" and "ignorance" around. Thanks kindly.
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roms838,,2 days ago a local radio station in houston announced, if you need an illegal day laborer on rainy days. Go to the wallmart. Thats where they hang out. They did not say anything about race or nationality.

My personal predjudice is illegals bucking the system. Then marching against and protesting the system instead of showing pride for the USA. I dont care what race you are. Make an honest attempt to intergrate yourself into this nation. Keep your culture but leave the old country behind.;)
For those down on illegal immigrants...

First, to generalize that anyone who doesn't speak English is illegal -- that is prejudice. Not everyone who speaks a foreign language is an illegal immigrant. My ex-fiancee was Puerto Rican (part of the U.S. for those who don't know). She would get infuriated when some ignorant person referred to her as an immigrant. Even though Spanish is her native language, she was born American. She will never lose her accent, but she does have a larger English vocabulary than most English-speaking Americans.

Second, illegal immigration mostly exists because of the hiring practices of US companies and a shortage of unskilled laborers in the US. This shortage of workers would not exist if immigration policies were changed to allow a more reasonable process for people to work here legally.

Third, integration into a foreign country is difficult. I know from first-hand experience. Learning a foreign language is not easy, otherwise everyone would know two or more languages. Here in Poland we have around 20 Americans, including the children. I don't hang out with them much, but they do tend to do things as a group. We also occasionally have events which exclude non-Americans. This is normal behavior. People stick to their own normally, and you can see this with racial groups, religious groups, and even social groups which revolve around work, marital status or sexual preference.

Don't blame immigrants for sticking together. It is attitudes like the ones posted above that encourage them to stay together, separated from the rest of the U.S. Predjudice excludes people, and discourages integration.
First, to generalize that anyone who doesn't speak English is illegal -- that is prejudice.

Did anyone mention speaking English? From what I can see, your post introduced it. Again, I think folks are extrapolating from posts statements that in fact were not said.

This shortage of workers would not exist if immigration policies were changed to allow a more reasonable process for people to work here legally.

Shortage of workers or shortage of workers willing to work for asininely low pay? Pay a fair wage, and you'll find workers.

Learning a foreign language is not easy, otherwise everyone would know two or more languages.

I'd give this thought weight if my great grandfathers and great grandmothers didn't have to speak the language minimally. I have no problem with a "true" immigrant. God bless my great-great grandparents, who to get into the country had to be healthy, speak some English, present the proper documentation, etc. And God bless them for working the anthracite mines, and my great grandparents, and my grandparents. I have a problem with those that suck from the social system without paying into it. Could you imagine folks crying for amnesty in the 1800s and early 1900s? They'd be put back on the steamship to Eastern Europe.

It is attitudes like the ones posted above that encourage them to stay together, separated from the rest of the U.S.

The above attitudes show a respect for the legal system. Another example: an extremely good friend of my family from Germany. She entered the U.S. in the 60s. Upon arrival, she had to prove she had a job waiting and she had to regularly check in with INS (or its counterpart then) to prove continued work, no criminal activity, etc. She did it the right way. The attitudes above show no mercy for those who forego established processes for securing citizenship. Wrong is wrong.
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You missed an important part. The shortage of unskilled labor that will work for next to nothing. It is illegal to pay less than the minimum wage. We need illegals here to satisfy those companies that want to break the law.

Sorry, I do not buy the whole "we do not have enough ______ to do the job". What they are really saying is that "we do not have enough ______ to do the job at the price I want to pay".

Pay me enough and I will lick the toilet clean. I am sure everyone here is like that. "Money talks, Bull$4it walks."

Everyone has a price, unfortunatly, it is not the price "you" may think they are worth.

So Adam, if these "illegals" speak English, how can you tell they are foreigners, let alone illegal?

Caymen, no one could pay me to lick a toilet seat.

The "illegals" are doing jobs that in many cases, Americans won't do at any price. We have become too comfortable in our lives to pick crops in 100-degree heat or do many other unpleasant things. These people are willing to do these jobs at low wages. Without them the crops would rot in the fields and many construction projects would go unfinished.

Here in Europe the system works a lot better. The borders within the EU countries are mostly open now. Construction in the western half of Europe is pretty much done by migrant workers from Eastern European countries. These workers are craftsmen who do an excellent job and they are willing to work at wages below the standard of the west. In London, it seems half the service industry is run by Poles. These workers do not need to risk their lives to sneak across a border, or worry they will be deported. They pay taxes into the government on their wages and are law abiding citizens.

Where the root of our problem lies is in how our government has implemented immigration laws. The laws themselves are rooted in prejudice. They generalize that all immigrants are uneducated and unskilled. This is far from the truth. We have highly educated immigrants from Vietnam filling engineering posts within our government. I worked with many of them when I was in Oklahoma. There is a shortage of engineers in our country and I know several Polish engineers who would love to come to the US to fill them. Unfortunately, they can't come, because our government won't let them. As a result, our US companies have to outsource many technical jobs to India and other places, because we don't produce enough native-born engineers.

Our immigration laws are driving US jobs overseas. Why do you think all of our clothes are made in China? Why are cars built in Mexico? Why do we talk to someone in India when we call Dell for technical support? It is because we refuse to allow these immigrants into our country. These folks in China, India and Mexico would love to come to the US to work. People in other countries dream of coming to America for freedom and a better life. Unfortunately, Lady Liberty has slammed the doors shut on them.

Many "Americans" ancestors arrived here as refugees with nothing. No education, no money and no skills. But they did have a dream of something better and they were willing to work hard to scratch out a living under harsh conditions. Those immigrants are what made America great. Americans have forgotten this, and have now become prejudiced against the very thing that made us great. We shut off our lifeline and now our population is becoming older and less productive every year. Immigrants will not kill the US. If we let them, they can save us.
Caymen, no one could pay me to lick a toilet seat.

Every person has a price. You can honestly say if someone handed you $20 million to lick a toilet seat, you would say no? $1 billion? $1 Trillion?

Yea right.

Everyone has a price.

We are moving jobs overseas because we will nopt allow them to come here? :lol::lol::lol:

Too funny.

You must have forgotten about the fact that we are a developed nation and a third world country will work for next to nothing. As soon as the wages in Mexico and India come up to our standards, they will move elsewhere.

Thanks folks for the nod to the mom and pop stores.I work at one,Simpsons hardware(no Homer here!!),an ACE franchise,and walmart and lowes are some of our best sales people.We get lots of customers in our store from them,saying they can not get any service and thier products are junk.Both of these stores are less than a mile away,but don't hurt us!!!!:)

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