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Walmart, Target, Meijer (for those of you in Michigan/Ohio) -- they all suck. People's intelligence drops as soon as they walk in the place.

I have a theory that when people gather in large groups, the intelligence of the "crowd" -- not individuals -- is about equal to that of the least intelligent people there. We all come down to the lowest common denominator. Think about this the next time you are at a busy store, mall, ball game, concert -- anywhere there is a large group of people.

I live about 1 mile from a Walmart. That being said, I shop there constantly. 99% of our shopping is done there. As for the "Mom and Pop Stores", here before Walmart, they completely gouged the hell out of my area for years. To go anywhere else was at least a 1/2 hour drive and there wasn't any guarantee that the price would be better. (most of the local stores also owned stores in the surrounding towns. So needless to say, we had to pay thier prices locally, or drive to thier other store (different name of course) and still pay the same prices.:wacko: They fought like hell to keep Walmart out. They had the building of it stalled for over a year by saying that a barn that was on the property was a historic figure of the area. Walmart won and now I get things a hell of alot cheaper than we did before. So not all "Mom and Pop" stores are better for the community. It just the law of the land, make money or go home.;)
MTURocks, I suspect your theory has more to do with behavior than intelligence, and if so, what you are describing in "Mob mentality".

That's actually why I don't like to go to large venues, amusement parks, etc. They seems to bring out the worst in people, and many such places attract a bad element to start with.


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