Was looking for LEDs and found a fellow members ST

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Daniel B

May 19, 2007
Reaction score
Bay Shore, NY
I'm trying to decide on some LED strobes and while looking for some videos on youtube.com

i saw a video of a ST, and i was like "Hold on! I know that ST" then i realized it was Chris from CT
Daniel B,

Hey! Long time no hear, either that or I haven't followed your posts (sorry!).

The ones on this site that come to mind that can help you with your Emergency

Lighting needs are firedog, Mike CT, myself (Tracnblack) and a few others.

Gotta be careful, though, if you're not a Firefighter, E.M.T.(myself) or other

person who has a need for these strobes and lights, there can be some seroius

consequences for using these on the streets. If you're using them for show/off

road only, you should be O.K.!

I've got some good links, myself, to get this stuff. Let me know if you are interested,

and I'll post 'em. ;)
Ok now i'm confused.

Don't mean to sound rude but who are you? Are you from fordrides.com?

I just joined here after the LI meet that Zabtech set up.

Either way i'm interested in links
Daniel B,

Sorry. Didn't mean to confuse you. I'm Tracnblack, regular member since July

of '05, when I bought mine. My first name is Mike. Currently, the only vehicle

website that I am a regular member of is mysporttrac.com., since it's one of

the best ones out there, and the best laid out (thanks, again, Rich!).

There are many good members on this site that have a wide variety of knowledge

on many subjects. As I posted in a message some time ago, we are kind of a social

website that pride ourselves on just happening to have a great ability to diagnose

"All Things Trac"! (Disclaimer: My Opinion Only?).

You should find, after a while, that this will be one of your favorite websites, also.

We're always here to help...:)
Oh, i taught you knew me from another forum or something. Sorry, i just misunderstood it.

Yes i have seen this is a very family like forum, that most people know each other.

Like i said i was impressed by the way people knew each other at the LI meet Zabtech had last weekend, and wanted to become part of the "family".

I do not have a ST but i have a 2001 Explorer Sport.

And since you kind of intruduced yourself i'll do the same:)

My first name is..well.. Daniel, and I use Ghoster as my screen name for Ford Rides. Basically the name came from a friend. He loves the color green and uses the SN ghoster.

So when he saw my explorer (that is green) he was like its Ghoster II
Daniel... that was me on youtube and from the meet!!! lol...mike, not chris...lol...but anyways, just post here for help! ;)