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Bob Neimeyer

Nov 26, 2001
Reaction score
Pasadena, CA
See what is really happening in the middle east and what will be at our boarders, this is what main stream media is not reporting, it is fact not opinion. You will have to choose a side SOON!

He is on HNN whitch I think is part of CNN, not sure. Onb Dish network it's channel 202
Sorry, lost the message..Anyway, this is what the main stream media is not reporting...FACT not opinion. You will soon have to choose a side and only one is right!! It's beginning in the middle east and then Europe and then here. And don't give me that "we brought this on ourselves" stuff Read the Koran and the LISTEN to what the pres. of Iran is PROMISING!!! Some nut jobs actually think you can sit down with these people and talk. They believe they are helping to bring back their "12 Imam" who will save us during the mass destruction that they ( Islamic extremeists) will be initiating. So watch Glenn, then pray.
I caught his show about a month and 1/2 ago, haven't missed one since, great show, I also got tickets for his christmas tour.
Should be interesting although I look at Glen Beck as just another Rush Bimbo or every TV evangelist. He's only in it for the money. I do agree our media is very liberal biased so it's always refreshing to see another perspective.
Oh yeah...the minute anyone agrees with the host/television program it becomes FACT not OPINION. Where were you when I started my career 30 years ago? You would have saved me so much angst wondering whether or not I was presenting information properly.
Yeah, I find Glenn Beck to be very entertaining. Informative? Well not really. As a Republican that is more on the moderate side, I can stomach Beck much more than Rush and Hannity. Sean Hannity is the worst kind of divisive hack there is, IMHO, though much of what he say I agree with, it's the way he says it. Way too divisive, and way too abrasive, to the point of almost being mean and hurtful.

Rush is the grand-daddy of the bunch, and he's not much better than Hannity, but at least I can listen to him. There was a time shortly after 9/11 and just before the last presidential election that I would listen to Hannity and Rush all the time, now not so much, because these guys seem to be part of the problem at this point.

As for Beck, I think he is more entertainment than political commentary, and I think he likes to provide social commentary on the absurd, and for that, he seems bi-partisan.

But anyone that thinks ANY of these guys have the "lock on the truth and facts", well, you really don't understand much about radio, tv and the media today. The reality, I am afraid, is that with so many choices, so many venues vying for your eyeballs and ears the programming almost HAS to pander to a particular viewpoint. The "middle of the road" doesn't sell. It's better to get a 15 or 20 share by catering to the extreme viewpoints than it is to get a 3 share trying to be everything to everybody.

That means that if you listen to Rush and his like, and most of what he says resonates with you, then you are probably more aligned to their pole, and there are as many on the other end of the spectrum that think just the opposite. The truth and the facts are usually in the middle, but the middle doesn't sell.

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I said lame because my thoughts at the time were and are exactly what Mariola said. You agree with what he is saying, so it is a fact. Then you tell us to watch and pray...

I do watch Beck, mostly I listen to him on my cities AM channel at 9am. What you posted in your second post is almost word for word what Glenn says on his programs. Nothing you said was any of your own opinion or thoughs.....if you actually listen to him he tells you to take what he says and form your own thoughts and opinions.

I like Glenn's outspoken and raw emotions. He isnt really afraid to say much. He is however a little crazy when it comes to the whole end of the world thing.:wacko:

Interesting how many "facts" we hear about the Middlle East situation. Seems a lot of people want to believe that a particular journalist or politician is the only one with a "clear" picture of what's going on or what's going to happen. Like they have some kind of vision or inside track that nobody else can see or has thought of.

Give me a break!

If you really believe every Muslim wants to kill every Christian and the only thing we can do is kill all of them first, you really do have some unhealthy mental issues. You can interpet the Koran in as many ways as you can interpet the Bible but I don't think any normal-thinking Muslim or Christian believes it tells you to go out and slaughter other human beings. There is no doubt that a small number of Arab Muslim fanatics are conducting a holy war against Christians generally and against Americans specifically. It's fairly obvious these individuals believe their god is the one true God and they're willing to kill us to prove it. It's also fairly obvious that these terrorists have no interest in negotiating anything and we need to kill them to stop them from killing us. What's not so obvious is we're adding to their numbers every day by occupying Afghanistan and Iraq.

Truthfully, if leaving them alone meant they would leave us alone, I think a lot of us would be more than happy to go with that option at this point. Unfortunately, that's just not going to work with al-queda. As one of our generals once said about us being in Iraq, these fantatics truly want to meet Allah and we're just here to arrange the introduction.

Now you may be wondering why the "normal" Iraqi's and Afghan's are not turning in or exposing the fanatical Muslim terrorists amongst them. A lot of people sort of wondered that about the Vietnamese villagers with the Viet Cong. Americans have never figured out that occupying a foreign country doesn't exactly give the the local citizenry a warm and fuzzy feeling about us. They may not like the terrorists in their midst but they have some pretty serious issues with us shooting up their streets, destroying their houses, dropping bombs on them, and telling them what they can and can't do on a daily basis. It's like we're giving them a choice between the lesser of two evils. They might have been glad to see us when we first got there but several years later, not so much.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out we have gotten ourselves into an untenable situation in Iraq and Afghanistan. We went there with the best of intentions but when you're up to your ass in alligators, it's hard to remember that your original objective was to drain the swamp. It's easy for Democrats and Republicans to point fingers at each other on these TV shows about who's fault it is. It's not so easy to figure out an exit strategy for Iraq and Afghanistan but we will have one if we all work together instead of trying to place blame. These TV shows are designed to "stir the pot" because it makes people tune in.

Well folks, feel free to drink the kool-aid and believe anything you want. Just don't get pissed if your fellow citizens don't share your or Glenn Becks "vision" of how the world works. It's going to take a lot of us, Christians and Muslims, to find a way to live on the same planet together.

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The so called "normal" Iraqi's and Afghan's are scared to death of the fanatics. They would love to get rid of them but know that to speak or take action against them will mean certain death for them and their entire family. It's not going to get any better either. The children are being brainwashed all over the mid-east to hate Americans just like they have been taught to hate jews. Leave them alone? It's much to late for that. There will be another 9/11 whether we leave them alone or not. We will be in conflict with Muslims for a long time to come.
Muslims vs Christians (extremists on both sides) comes down to "our God vs. your God". If people are willing to kill in support or defense of "their God", then what exactly does that say? If people aren't willing to die for what they believe in, when what they believe in is that when they die they have glorious everlasting life, then again, what does that say?

If you find these questions thought provoking then watch this video:

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

I'm sorry if the video offends. That's not it's point. I'm a Christian and I watched it and found it very thought provoking. I think it's important to understand how many others think about Christians and religion in general. And it never hurts to question things.
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It's not just a religious thing. Most Muslims in the mid-east hate Americans whether their Christians or not.
Obviously not every muslim wants to kill every Christan, but the nut job president in Iran has his apocoliptic agaenda and soon HE CLAIMS the nuclear abilility to "eliminate the infidels"

Is he bluffing? Well. I guess we'll find out. Did every German want to kill everybody in the world? NO, JUST HITLER!!! Who also ruled through fear and terror. It's not about democrat or republican or right or's about TRUTH and this nut job thinks he is carrying out the will of allah!! Not his people.....HIM!!!!!!
ONE LAST TIME!!!! AND LISTEN!! it is not about my opinion...just watch the show and come to your own conclusion. So put aside you feelings about the personalities presenting this stuff (if you can) and listen then do additional research, it's kind of a big deal..........I know for a fact the Persians don't want to kill Christians and Jews but their leader does you know, the guy with the nukes. I know because my wife is Iranian and I have read a lot of the Koran, check out sura 5 (The Dinner Table): 51 then 5: 82 and 4: 34 and I've cross referenced this with 3 translations....

Oh, and I have a lot of muslim friends, they just can't explain the contradiction between sura 5: 51 and 5: 82. While you're at it...check sura 2: 191, 193 and 216. These are actual words not my opinion

Correct Bob N.

It seems that what you are are saying is that there is a religious book followed by millions that is misunderstood, misquoted, and used for varying purposes, some good, some evil by its followers. Furthermore you seem to be saying that many of the leaders of the countries that follow this book actually have different motives than the majority of the people within the country, and the people and the leaders all proclaim to be following that good book.

I forget, are we talking about the Koran and the Middle East, or the Bible and America?

