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TJR, although Christian Fundamentalist totally freak me out and should be removed from society, they are but a few compared to the Muslims and not near as brutal. I dare say that if the Mormons started recruiting suicide bombers then they would not be around for long. :)

Sure, there *might* be more of them behaving badly it's just a numbers game but there are plenty of hypocrits and haters on both sides.

Anyone that says we have to exterminate Muslim extremists or kill terrorists before they kill us AND claims to be following the teachings of Jesus Christ must be reading from a different Bible then me.

I kind of think JC wouldn't use words like "we have to fight them on their soil so they don't attack us on ours", but hey, that's just me!

Let the scripture quoting to "prove" me wrong commence...

Muslims vs Christians (extremists on both sides) comes down to "our God vs. your God".

Muslims, Christians and those of the Jewish faith all worship "The God of Abraham". They all worship the same God, and the Koran, Torah and Old Testament are based on the same biblical stories, so the whole issue comes down to ignorance, intolerance and prejudice. This is the UN-Holy trinity which has caused so much hate, death and suffering in the Middle East and elsewhere.

That's what made me get out of Christianity. Every different religion (Catholics. Baptist, etc.) believe they are the "chosen" few. Several hundred years ago Christians killed a lot of people because of their "faith", but that was several hundred years ago. The Muslims are where Christianity was back then. That is why their religion is the bigger threat today. Don't confuse history with the present times.
>> Don't confuse history with the present times.

The more things change the more they stay the same. How long does it take for someone justifying the war in Iraq to spout the tired line "How can we ever discuss anything with them, they just want their 72 virgins!" It's all the same. Some of them try to kill us because of their beliefs and many, many of us justify killing them because their beliefs are different than ours.

You can say it doesn't happen, but I think it does. They demonize us, and we them, and largely due to religion...on both sides.

Sure, times have changed, and yes, we aren't in the days of the crusades anymore. But do you really think if you are one of the family members one of the 10s of thousands of Iraqis that have been killed, innocently, while just trying to live their life that you don't think of the occupying force as crusaders? Think objectively before you answer...

It's easy to say why we are there. It's easy to say it is just and right. It's much harder to remove yourself from what you have been taught, what you have been told, and your way of life and see things TOTALLY from another person's perspective...the perspective of the so-called enemy. But wouldn't that be exactly what Jesus would want us to do?

TomT, couldn't agree more. I still follow Christian beliefs but don't practice "Organized Religion". Seems they all have that "scare factor" (end of the world, etc) to get people in the seats of thier churches to get the money out of thier pockets. I say this and my own father is a minister. Grew up in it, seen stuff to make you go WOW. Still not enough for me to actually go, "this is the right religion and that one is not". In EVERY religion, there are some who just don't grasp that they suppose to be "Passive" toward others. Not go and kill that person in the name of thier lord. Everyone takes what they hear and read different ways. To bad some are just to "crazy" to get that it is to mean there is more out there than any problem you might have. Not all Muslims are bad. There are just some very weak minded ones out there that will fall for that "martyr" crap.;)
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I agree with you completely stonemeiser. And I know all Muslims are not bad. I don't blame the people. Their leaders and clergy are keeping them uneducated and misinformed just to breed their hatred against us. Unfortunately it's not going to be an easy task to change their feelings towards us. We are learning that now in Iraq.

TJR, I feel your pain toward Christianity but it was not Christians that flew planes into the two towers, it was Muslims. Christianity is a mess, but it's not the Christians that we have to be afraid of right now.

I do wish every country, including ours, could keep politics and religion completely separate but I'm afraid it's just not going to happen anytime soon.
I do wish every country, including ours, could keep politics and religion completely separate but I'm afraid it's just not going to happen anytime soon.

Nor will it ever happen. Religion will always work its way into politics and, likewise, politics will always find a way to work itself into religion.

Get the masses in the religions to believe they are fighting for God and those in the government to let those religious people to think they are working in the name of God.

Like God needs us worthless human beings to do his work. The sooner we realize that, the better off we will be. Gay marriage, who cares. Let the government do it. If a church wants to allow it, let them read the bible and decide for themself. Same goes for everything else.

TJR, I feel your pain toward Christianity but it was not Christians that flew planes into the two towers, it was Muslims. Christianity is a mess, but it's not the Christians that we have to be afraid of right now.

On 9/11, even the most bleeding heart libs among us knew right away who was flying the planes. People might have hated to admit it but I don't think there was any doubt in anybody's mind about who would do that.

Then there's me who is way off of the plantation, I could be shooting down their civilian airliners and firing nukes at them and I wouldn't feel at all bad about it. We're never going to win them over, so eliminate enough of them that they're no longer a threat. I don't have a problem with that.
Back to the original topic. Watched the show and although I can't say I learned anything new about the Muslims, he did bring up some very valid points about Iran that I wish our politically correct libtards could see.

1. Iran does not need nuclear power for power plants. They have a sh*t load of oil and the ONLY reason they are interested in nuclear power is to annihilate Israel and then us. Say what you will about GWB but at least he is taking the nuclear threat seriously. I doubt if an idiot like Kerry would.

2. The comparisons to the leader of Iran and Hitler are very valid. If the US and other countries had taken Hitler seriously to begin with then there would not have been a WWII. Are we going to wait for millions of people to die in WWIII before we take this clown seriously? God I hope not. You would have thought we learned our lesson.

I did like the fact that he closed his show by showing that there are many Muslims, especially in the US, that are greatly opposed to the hatred that's being taught in the mid-east. Hopefully those Muslims will eventually prevail, but they are going to need our help.
it was not Christians that flew planes into the two towers, it was Muslims.

I must be confused. I thought it was terrorists that did this. When did the word terrorist become synonymous with Muslim?

but it's not the Christians that we have to be afraid of right now.

Ever do a google for "Abortion clinic bombings"? No? How about "Stem Cell bombing". Not exactly the most friendly Christian groups. If you have the time, maybe even look at Wikipedia for "Christian violence".

The way I see it, the only difference seems to be if it is the other religion doing it we call them "terrorists"; if it is our religion doing it we call them "activists".

Instead of pointing fingers and trying to condemn an entire people based off the actions of a handful of nut jobs we need to get rid of those nut jobs and leave the rest of the people alone; Doesn't matter if those nutjobs are Muslim, Christian or atheist. Terrorism is a cancer which needs to be surgically removed.

I must be confused. I thought it was terrorists that did this. When did the word terrorist become synonymous with Muslim?

I'd starting about with the 1972 Olympics, although there were some radical Muslims hijacking planes and killing Bobby Kennedy in a few years leading up to that. Not all Muslims are terrorists obviously, but saying that all terrorists are Muslims isn't a big stretch right now.

The way I see it, the only difference seems to be if it is the other religion doing it we call them "terrorists"; if it is our religion doing it we call them "activists".

Difference is, with Christians there is the occasional nutjob acting alone, with radical Muslims there is a very large number of people acting in an organized and well-financed operation. There is no comparison.

We have the ability to let stuff go, the Muslims are still mad about the Crusades 800 years ago. It's a primitive religion for primitive people.
I have been listening to Glenn Beck since 2002 and have only missed a handful of his HNN shows since he went on the air. I even made special arraingments to watch the special Wednesday night.

I'm looking forward to tonight too.... Benny Netanyahu will be on for the full hour...

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