>> Don't confuse history with the present times.
The more things change the more they stay the same. How long does it take for someone justifying the war in Iraq to spout the tired line "How can we ever discuss anything with them, they just want their 72 virgins!" It's all the same. Some of them try to kill us because of their beliefs and many, many of us justify killing them because their beliefs are different than ours.
You can say it doesn't happen, but I think it does. They demonize us, and we them, and largely due to religion...on both sides.
Sure, times have changed, and yes, we aren't in the days of the crusades anymore. But do you really think if you are one of the family members one of the 10s of thousands of Iraqis that have been killed, innocently, while just trying to live their life that you don't think of the occupying force as crusaders? Think objectively before you answer...
It's easy to say why we are there. It's easy to say it is just and right. It's much harder to remove yourself from what you have been taught, what you have been told, and your way of life and see things TOTALLY from another person's perspective...the perspective of the so-called enemy. But wouldn't that be exactly what Jesus would want us to do?