Water Fuel ?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2004
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., NC
I wonder if the oil companies will buy and lock up this patent? Sure would be nice to make the ST bed into a big funnel to channel rain water into the 'hydro' tank! :cool:

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These guys have been around since the advent of the automobile. Cars that can run on water are not new. The process of converting water to it's components, hydrogen and oxygen; takes more energy than one will get when the two are combusted, forming water. There is always some inefficiency in the process.
All these devices appear to be designed to convert water (H2O) to Hydogen on board the vehicle or with the use of some secrecret device.

You can take pure Hydrogen and connect it to many existing engines now, which would be similar to converting a gasoline engine to run on propane or natural gas. That part is not new. The real difference appears to be the inexpensive way to conver water to hydrogen on board and not having to carry around a large tank of hydrogen which is basicly a bomb!

Fuel cells are the technology of the future and have been used in space craft since the earliest space flights. The difference is they carried hydrogen an oxygen as the fuel for the fuel cells. If these guys have invented or developed a true inexpensive way to extrac hydrogen from water on the fly in a moving vehicle, that could be a significant breakthrough.

The fuel cell and hydrogen technology exists now. The real problem is there is not service stations that have hydrogen fuel because there are no hydorgen fueled vehicles. However if vehicles could fill up with water and extract their own hydrogen, is would not be a big expense for service stations to convert to selling water very quickly.

The other possibility is that these guys have a hidden hydrogen tank and only claiming that they are actually extracting hydrogen from water?? The only way to know for sure is to try to build the extraction device that is depicted in the link that Truc Trac provided.

On a side note, It was on the news last night that the Texas Attorney General made arrest at a company that was selling pills that you add to your gas tank that reportedly gave you more power and better fuel mileage ??? I believe the product came in a large white plastic pill bottle and was named "Bio Performance Source". :rolleyes:

RichardL, so you are saying that a person/company can be arrested for selling performance enhancement product that doesn't do what is advertised?

WTF, most shelfs of most stores, regardless the type (auto, health, etc) are filled with such products, IMHO!


Yes. At least in Texas if there are consumer complaints and the prosecutors feel there was deliberate and willfull fraud they can be arrested. In less severe cases, they may only shut the business down or at least order them to stop their false advertising or unproven claims.

Yhe pills were found to be basicly small coated moth-balls. :wacko:

I hope your not including the turbnado in your opinion of 'such products'. :lol:
Fuel Saver Magnet, Tornado Air Managment system, Spirial Max, etc. all have been proven it doesn't work.

Those people have never been arrested.

No, but on occasion the FTC sues them for advertising false claims.

Oh, and if all that is necessary to convert the water to hydrogen is electricity for the reactor... why not just add extra batteries and alternators?
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I not only cause problems and take heat from you guys,, peep out the debate on HHO,, it is 30 minutes you will never get back ,,mooooohhhaahahahhahh


the HHO is a little different from buring Hydrogen and Oxygen...
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Oh, and you're forgetting that water is not readily available everywhere, and the amount of time and cost it will take to convert gas stations to water stations will make it very hard to get around, and drive the price of water up at those filling stations, until there is a ready supply of water production plants available to service all those vehicles using this new fangled fuel.

What's next... fuel from corn?? Air?? Quit dreaming.
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Yep, the oil companies will probably need masive quantities of imported oil to make the water.


Perhaps the owners of companies that make the devices like the Tornado would be arrested if they were living in Texas and had enough customer file complaints?? The real problem is that most of the theory behind the Tornado is solid and they do work on some vehicles. On vehicles with carburators and throttlebody injection, the intake system transports a mixture of air and fuel. When the air is swirling it will keep the gas vapors in suspension while navigating around and through the intake passages. This can lead to a more even and consistant air/fuel ratio. This can increase HP and improve gas mileage on some vehicles.

On port injected engines, the benefits are small if non-existent. If the design of the intake restricts airflow to some of the cylinders, it is possible that the swirling air will even out the amount of air entering each cylinder. However, the modern enigne would not have that poorly designed intake, but a build up of carbon in the intake can restrict air flow and cause uneven air distribution. Engines in need of a good decarboning might also see a slight improvement in HP and MPG, but not like to exceed the increases that just cleaning the engine would do.

The fact that the Tornado like devices do not work on all engines, but do work a some would not qualify it as a total fraud and that the sellers could know which vehicles might notice some benefit, while others don't.

