We came within about 6' of ending our honeymoon today...

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Tom Schindler

Well-Known Member
1st Gen Owner
V6 Engine
May 30, 2002
Reaction score
Akron, OH
...and our lives.

Riding north on I-5 in our rented Ford Escape just north of Legoland in Carlsbad, CA, I hear a screaching sound. I look around a see nothing. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a Nissan Pathfinder, out of control, heading for me. The Nissan begins to roll right in front of me. I watch the way it rolls and I brake enough to stay out of the way, but I remain in complete control of the Escape. 4 people in the Nissan have minor injuries, but the are OK. The other vehicle was damaged in the front end, but both those people are fine too. The Escape "Escaped" without a scratch. To give you an idea on how close we were, there ws less then 6 feet between us and that Nissan. As the Nissan was rolling, glass was hitting our windshield.

I truly feel that if it wasn't for my years of "wreckless" driving on private property practicing emergency handling of a vehicle, we would have been crushed by a 2 ton SUV. We could have been seriously injured...if not killed today.

I was fine all day long. Sitting back at the hotel with my new wife, it just "hit" me. All day long, I never thought twice about it.

The CHP got a statement from me and I expect to get a phone call sometime next week regarding that accident.

Be careful out there and ALWAYS, and I mean ALWAYS, wear your seatbelt. Those 4 guys in that Nissan were hurt, but nothing serious. They were also wearing their seatbelt.

Tom glad to hear your OK. I just want to second your ALWAYS wear your seatbelt statement. We had a fatal car accident here tonight (well last night it is now) and the guy probably would have lived if he had been wearing his seat belt. Roll over accident and he was ejected. Had he been wearing his belt he would have likely remained in the car and would no doubt have been injured but been much more likely to have lived. I know a lot of people that use the argument of some accidents where wearing the seat belt has actually resulted in death. Those situations do exist but they are very very few compared to the how often they save lives.
Yeah Tom, that really would have sucked on your honeymoon to at least be hurt from that. Glad you and the new wife are ok. :D
Glad to hear you escaped Safely. I hear ya on the part about sitting back and realizing what could have been . A was involved in an accident a month ago and although I dont think we would have been hurt, if I didnt swerve to avoid the other car, my front part of the brush guard would have hit the driver door square and I had visions about what that could have been like.

I am late on the congrats for your wedding, but wish you the best.

Return home safely so that you may enjoy life together as it should be.
Glad you two are ok. I know what you mean about experiance in defensive driving. I used to be a little wild, which did teach me some driving skills. What taught me the most about being on the look out and defensive driving, was when I used to ride Harleys. Drivers dont see motorcycles.
Happy both of you are OK! I know what you mean about it hitting you, happened to me also years ago. Same here, lots of time screwing around spinning out cars in the snow and so on is awesome experience.

Enjoy the rest of your honeymoon, it is a special time for both of you. We'll never forget ours.
Glad to hear everyone's okay. Unfortunately, you've got to be very careful out here on California's freeways. With just the number of cars on the freeways, driving on them can be a problem. But once you add in all of the speeders, cell phone talkers, make-up appliers, newspaper readers (you'd be amazed how many people I see doing this during my 10 mile drive to work in the mornings), and the other numerous bad drivers on the road, things can get crazy pretty quick.
Cris be careful, you don't want to be accused of stereotyping Californians. I've been driving the same route to work everyday for 5 years now...almost 10 miles one way, and I haven't seen any accidents or incidents...but I don't live in California either...the land of the self-absorbed.

Thanks for reporting the event. It's a good reminder to all of us that anything can happen at anytime, and we can only hope to see it in time and react quickly enough to avoid serious injury. I remember that every January 21st, the anniversary of the death of my Dad who died in a car accident when someone broadslided into his vehicle, crossing the center line and killing him instantly. I hope no one here ever has to get a call like that one I got that day. Yeah, we all think it's business as usual and it won't happen to us or someone we love, then it does...
Being alert has helped me avoid quite a few accidents out here too. Glad you and yours are okay. TJR, if only Cris's comment was a stereotype... heheh.

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Try driving an RV through LA traffic. I've done it numerous times. No wonder my hair is prematurely gray! :)

Glad you and your new bride made it through the honeymoon. I hope you have a long, happy life together. I haven't gotten my souvenir from Hawaii yet. Are you able to provide tracking numbers? :lol:

Tom, that proves that people who prepare are always ready.I am glad that everything came out alright._ Ron