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I believe if you look closely to the jumper they are burning, it says "Pope". I assume this is in protest of his readings that included what they construed to be a knock against Muhammad. Regardless, the message is loud and clear in the subject of this post.....well said.
Islam is only a religion of peace if you are one of them. Repeat after me if Iam not muslim the koran calls me an infidel and gives you the right to wipe me out. Religion of peace, yea right....:lol:
I think Buddhism is the only real peaceful religeon...I don't want to pour gas on a fire, but that's my opinion. Christianity has a violent past of it's own...even recent years over in Ireland...but hey don't get me wrong...those F%$#ers in the picture are NUTS!
The last photo from a different protest has a lot of truth in it.

[Broken External Image]:

While Islam is not the dominant religion, Islam or more specifically Islamic extremists are dominating World affairs. The World is so far unsuccessful in figuring out how to deal with this relatively small group of people which are creating anarchy in several regions of the World. We in the US have 9/11, but many countries deal with this everyday.

Islamic extremists cost you and I a lot of money too. We are paying Billions of dollars to protect our homeland from attack and to fight a long war overseas in Iraq and Afghanistan. We also are paying at the gas pump, because the instability in the Middle East directly affects the cost of oil.

Many blame these issues on President Bush -- well everyone needs a scapegoat. The truth is that this would happen no matter who is in charge. The extremists aren't attacking our President. They are attacking our way of life. They see the Western world as sinful. The extremists want to cling to their traditional values of keeping women subservient, of keeping pornography away from their countries and keeping the focus of people's lives on Allah, not the latest show on TV. Our western culture destroys their traditional culture, because people see our success and want to emulate it.

I can see some of their points. I have my own issues with Western society. I think it is too easy for children to get access to pornography on the internet. I also have problems with what is shown on the TV and broadcast on the radio. I think people tend to forget about God until they are sick or really need him. However, there is no way I can accept someone from another country trying to impose their law on us. That is the extremists' goal -- to make us Islamic and for us to follow their laws. If we don't comply, they want us dead.

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