Wet Weather Engine Problem

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Todd LaPlante

Feb 16, 2007
Reaction score
New Salem, MA
I have about 92K on my 2003 trac. Occasionally when the weather is damp and cool, usually fog or a light misting rain, it has trouble starting and once it is running it runs very rough and surges while idling. If you step on the gas too fast it will hesitate and sometimes stall. After driving for a couple of minutes it usually clears up and runs fine. It does not happen very often, but I did clean the TB, IAC, MAF and did the seafoam in the brake booster line. I also replaced the spark plugs, wires and the rubber PCV elbow. Since doing all this I have still had the problem on occasion. It just happened to my wife. Luckily she was at the neighbors the next street over. She had trouble starting it and then she said it would not go when she stepped on the gas. She made it to the hill at the end of our street and it would not make it up. She walked home and I went down to get it. It started right up and ran fine.

I'm struggling trying to figure out what could be wrong. I would hate to have her get stranded somewhere. When I cleaned the IAC it had a lot of carbon buildup and seemed to be sticking. I cleaned it the best I could, but could this be causing the problem? Could the damp air cause it to stick? I could see this causing the hard starting and rough idle, but shouldn't it run fine once the TB is opened during acceleration? The problem is that it happens so rarely, so no matter what I do I won't know if I've fixed the problem.

Has anyone had a similar problem or have any ideas of what I should check?
Just something to throw out there. You say in the case of dampness mostly.

I would unplug the ecu on the fire wall. Look for corrosion. Use a crc contact cleaner. Re install with di-electric grease. Do the same for all major harness connections on the motor.

Unplug and replug the fuses and relays, in the under hood power box. The ones related to the motor. ECU, fuel pump, etc. That will wipe any corrosion on them.

I was thinking plug wires being damp and causing problems. Did you use a good qaulity wire? There are cheapos out there. I have had that problem with, until they dried out. I wont buy the bottom line store brand plug wires. Make shure all plug wires are seated good. Check the master plug to the coil also.

Another thing is dont use engine degreasers or foaming cleaners or steam cleaners on modern motors. They are corrosive, and get into contacts. Dont use high pressure sprays or motor cleaners at car washes. I use the low pressure spot free rinse is all. I never hold the spray in one place around conectors.

This is just ideas only. Since you say it misses and runs bad when damp.
Thanks for the suggestions. I will check the connections and reinstall with di-electric grease. I used the Taylor wires that others on the board recommended. I had also put di-electric grease on both ends of the wires when installing.
Check the spark plug wires for rips or tears too. I had a small tear in the boot on the spark plug end causing it to arc off the block. Check for sparks in the dark.
Get yourself a spray bottle with saltwater solution in it and start misting things down...I'd start with the ignition components...you'll find your problem
If your fuel filter is starting to get dirty, the gas will slowly seep through, so sometimes it will run great after sitting for awhile.:fire:
My wifes focus was doing the exact same thing and it was the IAC. It was shot. Replaced it and everything was good. If you don't find the problem maybe have another look at that.
To take fuel starvation out of the equation, I'd replace the fuel filter. I'd also check for stored OBD codes that haven't progressed to the point of turning on your Check Engine light.
I had replaced the fuel filter not too long ago. I had the problem before and after changing it. I have an SCT programmer from Torrie and have checked for codes and there are none showing up.

I tried the water scope and found no problem. I used very little salt as I did not want to cause future corrosion problems. I have well water which has a higher mineral content and I would think would be more conductive.

Anyway I'm thinking of replacing the IAC and hope that the problem is fixed. I don't want to just throw parts at it and still have the problem, but since it happens so rarely I won't know if it's fixed until at least 3 - 6 months go by and I don't have the issue. Any other ideas?
Try re- uploading your sct program. Or try one of the other programs. It is not imposible for it to glitch. As any computer will. I was having a small problem once. I re-loaded my sct program and all was well.

My curiosty is, you say dampness. Not sure the IAC is the fix.

I have had the problem before and after loading the SCT. When I have the problem it is usually cool and foggy or a very light mist. I would think normal rain and high humidity should also cause the problem, but does not. I tried the water scope and found nothing. I might try it again since I could have missed an area. I sprayed from the top of the motor on to all of the electrical and ignition components, but I wonder if I missed something lower.

My thoughts on the IAC are that the cool moist intake air might be causing it to stick, but it is just an idea. If it were sticking what would the symptoms be? When I cleaned it it was pretty dirty and seemed to be sticking a little.
