In Memoriam 1950-2022
Been out of town for this past week. No internet in the boonies.
My dads cancer has gone severly into stage 4. We are all taking turns helping mom. He is so weak, he may never be able to take chemo. Totaly dependent on us. Sad to see an 84 yr old. That 2 months ago, was fairly active. His form of cancer is very agresive. So we are shell shocked at such a rapid change in his health. Been hard to keep his O2 and electrolyte levels up.
We are planing a big fathers day meal, next sunday. If he makes it, most likely be the last. Hope to get all offspring and extended offspring involved. Despite his illness we know he will appreciate it. My folks are very family oreintated. That has also included some of our ex-spouses. Dad and Mom are the most forgiving couple, you could ever meet.
This past week has been sad, emotionaly and physicaly taxing.
Thanks for your prayers...Eddie
My dads cancer has gone severly into stage 4. We are all taking turns helping mom. He is so weak, he may never be able to take chemo. Totaly dependent on us. Sad to see an 84 yr old. That 2 months ago, was fairly active. His form of cancer is very agresive. So we are shell shocked at such a rapid change in his health. Been hard to keep his O2 and electrolyte levels up.
We are planing a big fathers day meal, next sunday. If he makes it, most likely be the last. Hope to get all offspring and extended offspring involved. Despite his illness we know he will appreciate it. My folks are very family oreintated. That has also included some of our ex-spouses. Dad and Mom are the most forgiving couple, you could ever meet.
This past week has been sad, emotionaly and physicaly taxing.
Thanks for your prayers...Eddie