What does Christmas mean to you?

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One word: stress
For me Christmas, is a time to enjoy family and friends. The pleasure of watching my boy's opening their gifts and being thankful that I can give them. Watching "Its a wonderful life" and reminding myself that what I do in this life, affects others. Thanking God for all that he has given to us._Ron
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For me it is the date that is set aside for the celabration of my saviors birth, Jesus Christ...May all have a blessed Christ-mas..:D
Christmas means a lot of different things to people. For me it is the time we celebrate the birth of the Savior of all mankind, and my personal Savior, Jesus Christ. It is a time for me to surround myself with the people I love, and spend the time with them that I should spend with them every day, but all too often don't. It is a time for me to reflect on the fact that the ministry of Jesus Christ while on this earth can be boiled down to one very specific instruction he gave to us all: "Love one another, as I have loved you." That's what it all comes down too, plain and simple. The message of Jesus is not about rules and doctrine near as much as it is about one thing: a loving, selfless, and giving relationship. Merry Christmas.
Christmas is a reminder that there is more of a blessing in giving than receiving. God gave his Son for mankind. Christ, the Son, did the ultimate for you and I, He gave His life. Sometimes giving is much more than a material gift or money. Time can be just as valuable to those who seek it.
Merry Christmas.

Christmas mean That my new born child will have the things I did not. I want for my child to have a great memory of his christmas now and for ever.


It's my birthday.

And it's all about family.

The story of Christ's birth has always touched me.

I've always loved Christmas Carols.

And I enjoy fruitcake.

Merry Christmas!
Buying LOTS of bateries only to remove a good percentage of them in about 8 months or so because they are dead and were never really used... LOL

Oh, and spending quality time with my family...
From Family Guy:

As we all know, Christmas is that mystical time of year when the ghost of Jesus rises from the grave to feast on the flesh of the living! So we all sing Christmas Carols to lull him back to sleep.

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for us , it is finally getting a date for our final adoption of tyler !!!!

january 12, 2007, 09:45 am , family court- binghamton , new york.

our best christmas !!!!!!!!

For me, dealing with the untimely death of my girlfriend.

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