what does your alias mean ?

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My initials, and I used to make speaker boxes as a sponsor for the site.

Usually I go by hoaxci5, which is/was a skate video series back when I started out on the internet..

My 9-year old son is nuts about trains. He has been since he discovered Thomas and Friends at about age two. We've taken him to many model railroad shows and railroad museums around the country. And almost every time, we've driven the Sport Trac, since it's our main family traveling vehicle. Hence, "TrainTrac".

When we lived in VA, I even got personalized plates. "TRAINTRAC" wouldn't fit, so I got "RRTRAC" on these specialty plates:

I droped mine recently (Fast Eddie) for my name and first letter of last name and trac year.

The Fast Eddie came from 1968 at the plant. I was accussed of working too fast and making the rest of the team look bad.

It stuck with the guy that started the nick name. He still caled me that, until the day I retired.
We have a 1996 Mustang Cobra. In 1996, they made 2000 limited edition special color (Mystic) and ours is #1848, since at that time the cobra was made by SVT, so we are svt1848! :love:
budfromballground=bud (my first name) from Ball Ground, (Georgia)

It works well when I get on talk radio too, they'll say "Bud from Ball Ground what's your question...":banana:
Mine is just the nickname many people from my last job called me since I was older than most of the other consultants at the workplace and my name is Bob.

hmmmmm and then hahahaaaaaaaaa

I was going to say that I should post more cause I would only have been taking a guess as to what it was. And then my response would look stupid cause it wouldn't make sense.

Now I only look stupid cause I just notice it was right there in front of me while I typed this response.

Doh! Maybe I'm just stupid cause I actually admitted it. Oh well.

What? :back2topic: Oh yeah, the question at hand. Short for Teri is Evil.

Entertaining myself about 10 years ago and was harrassing a friend and she got so worked up that she couldn't get the whole phrase out. TEVIL
Caymen. The color of my Escort is Cayman Green. I first used the name of Cayman, but got offers for man-on-man sex because they read it as "Gayman". So, I went to Caymen and they went away.

When my son brought his fiance and Her daughter (not my sons) home to meet the wife and I, My son handed the 6month old little girl to me and said "Go see your grandpa!" I told him "I was WAY too young to be married to a Grandma! And until it's official, I'll be something else. Papa is taken, so how about ...Pappy?" All agreed that was cool and for over 6 years now and a second grandchild, I am Pappy. It's kind of general too, as it works for the girls cousins, my neices child and extended family. Kind of like Pappy Boyington of (Baa Baa) 'Black Sheep Squadron'. Just not as cool as he was! Maybe to my girls...

Still too young to married to a Grandma, though! She, by the way is "Grammie" and we love be Grandparents! :love:(can always give 'em back when we're done with them. lol)
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Redfish - Sciaenops ocellatus - Old Drum just lounging in the shallows eating and drinking trying to avoid fishooks of life.

Jaded Redfish - Cynical by experience Old Drum lounging in the shallows eating and drinking. (identified by someone on site as being jaded, can't remember who or why)


Tom....... :rofl:

Seeing as how you're such a "target" already I can't believe you actually offered an explanation like that :smack: :bwahaha:

OffTrac...Kind of obvious. Having a 4x4 Sport Trac, being a hunter and having friends with Jeeps and mud trucks, I take the Trac off road. That, and I can't seem to stay "on-track."
Rocks -- This is a common nickname for me. The pronunciation of my last name sounds like "Rock-olz" -- especially with how my family has kind of Americanized the pronunciation over the generations. A good German will say it with alot of throat clearing and whatnot.

MTU -- stands for Michigan Technological University. This is where I got my undergraduate degree. I also hope to retire up there some day (though that is still probably 25 years away). If I recall, when I signed up for the site, just "Rocks" wasn't available, so I threw the MTU at the front.

I used to play on-line POGO Dominoes. Then I was invited to play in on-line tournaments and had to sign up with an e-mail address to join. The word domino and dominolover was used so I added the "e".

If you play Pogo Dominos for fun my name in Bnwht1 (bone white).
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I changed my email address years ago (from an AOL account) and was having a hard time finding something original with my first name - everything I thought of was taken.

Got frustrated and decided to make it Jimmy.... JUST Jimmy. Sounded catchy so I kept it.

Unfortunately, similar to Caymen, the old show "Will and Grace" had a gay character named Jack that referred to himself in a few episodes as "JustJack". I was also questioned about being gay in the beginning. It has since stopped. Not gay - my current wife will attest to that. My X-wife may not.

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