what does your alias mean ?

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Back in the days of CB radio my handle was itchybrother, taken from the cartoon series itchybrother and biggy rat. It got shorten to itchy somewhere along the line. I still use it on web sites where you need an alias.
'Lyon' -- Last name.

'pride' -- currently several 'pride' under my roof.

If some of them don't move out soon, may have to change my handle to 'LyonCommitted'.

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well I dont use it here because I wanted to be more familiar with people on this site, but on every other website I am involved with & XBOX LIVE I prefer to be somewhat anonymous.

99% of the time I go with the name OSICKS - pronounced "oh six" - as in 06, my jersey number for hockey. I went with a different spelling of six simply to be different.
I don't use it as my alias--but my e-mail starts with "biggbill". That's a reference to an act done by a comedian named John Pinette back in the early '90s. John is very large, and said that he loved to go to buffets, as he was always assured of coming out ahead. He'd go into a Chinese buffet, and the owner would come out, frown at him, and say (in a decent comedic Chinese accent impersonation), "You too big! You go now! You eat veg-ta-bow. Veg-ta-bow good for you!" He also liked casino buffets--he'd lose money at the blackjack table, but more than make up for it at the steak table in the buffet. "Hit me again!...Hit me again!...I don't think the house is going to win THIS hand!"

From that act, a couple guys I used to eat lunch with from time to time (often at buffets) started calling me "U2 Bigg"--sort of a rock/rap reference to Pinette's line. And that eventually morphed into "BiggBill"--especially when "BigBill" was already in use when I signed up for the e-mail account.
Bill V,

I've seen John Pinette's work that you are referring to. It is absolutely hilarious. His facial expressions really are the icing on the cake! (I'm sure he'd love that comment)

Its my name Gerry MacFarlane

I usually use MacShots

Mac for my last name and

Shots because I was a Grand Master handgun competitor. I shot PPC in Fire and Police Games. I also did some Silhouette competiion shooting. No longer shooting competitively but do quite a bit of instructiong.

My Army buddies always called me "Stone", so when I needed a email addy, stone was taken. I would have had to use "stone1837264532", no way I could remember that. So I came up with stonemiser. Never a problem with that.:grin:

So thats who osicks is. I see you get on live sometimes and i think, "who the hell is that". Now I know and may say something next time.

Mine is obviously just my name.
Back in my earlier military days, when Rambo was popular, one of the girls in the orderly room started calling me "Rampo". I thought it a clever interpretation of my last name; "Rampino"
My real last name is DiGiuseppe, I was called Deege since the 4th grade, No one could pronounce that name. Even today, its just alot easier. There are people till this day that don't know my real last name, some don't even know my first name either. That might be a good thing...
On here I just use my name, but on other sites I use BlacKnight in one way or another. My favorite color is black and Roger comes from the Celtic word for warrior or soldier. I started using it around 1995 as a CB handle when I had my Ranger and Cavalier (both also could be viewed as fighter-type names). When it's already taken, I just drop the vowels and the c and add my year of birth.
I've been given the nickname 'Crash' more than once in my life due to my 'incidents' involving car accidents, skiing accidents, moutain biking accidents, etc... I just Kustomized it with a 'K'. It's a fitting nickname since I race karts these days, and I've flipped in one of those too!
