what is your new years resolution ?

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Mine is to buy a house and finally move out of my parents house. Oh, and yet, have another birthday!
Dont make them...... I am not good at making goals or keeping any thing like that..... i wind up letting my self down.. :smile0005:

Todd Z

Mine is to do what I want, when I want, and at anytime I want! Oh wait; I already do all of that! I guess I have already accomplished my resolution for next year - cool!!

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Bill, I did the chantix. I couldnt stop. I slowed down but the cravings were too extreme. Your right about the nastyness. The night terrors were bad.
Mine is to get no worse than a B- in all of my classes next semester and finally get into the program I am tryin to get into. And to finish this motorcycle project
Hear ya Eddie, chantix works to a point, but the side effects were awful.

gary s, just quitting the cigs will cause mood swings. bigtime.


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