Thomas Rogers
Well-Known Member
IMHO, one mistake is not the reason to dismiss an entire website as a resource, especially one as popular and heavily used as Edmunds.
Also, I was listening to an economist. He said if at a young age. If a person buys a vehicle and drives it at least 10yrs, before a new one. You will save aproxamitly $300K at your retirement age. Over those that lease or trade every 3 to 4 years.
I know a lot of people who drive clunkers that don't have air conditioning, the radio doesn't work, the power windows are shot, etc., and they don't seem to mind.
Assuming it is accurate for a moment, one other thing to consider is that the person that keeps their vehicles at least 10 years will drive 5 new vehicles during that time, while the person who leases will drive a total of 12 new vehicles.*
I did say above 18 to 65 for the period of ownership for both owner profiles.
So, if you enjoy new cars, what is that worth?
Resale doesn't matter to me as i keep every vehicle till it dies.......
then i don't worry about this crap...LOL
Todd Z