Dan DiMassa 2
Hi all,
Dan here I have been on this website since 02, but can never remember my Alias.. so I'm not a newbie here, just an idiot with bad memory.. lol
Remember in Billy Madison when Adam Sandler yells in the kid's face to never grow up? Dont let your sportrac's hit 116,000!!! haha
Need some advice for my 01' - Por Favor.
One Key. Last week my "headlights are on chime" stopped working. yadda yadda.. spent all last night outside in the NJ rain paying a tow truck driver to break in and jump my battery (and rape me) - since keys/wallet inside truck with dead battery (fun fact: I could get to my jumper cables in unlocked bed, but not to battery)
Now Ford wants (to again rape me for) over $100 for a second key (cant program a 2nd key yourself, only third+) for a truck on its last leg.
Again with the synergistic ailments. AC stopped working. It has a major leak, doing a quick black light test I didnt see any dye, but shop said major leak. (anyone else have this problem, condensor?)
But, last month my driver side window, seems to occasionally fall in and out of track. Haven't ripped it apart yet. Nothing like being stuck in traffic with no AC or down driver window. (any one else with this problem?)
The other silly stuff:
Rear inside door handle broken
Hard bed cover locks broken
Power mirrors shot
Besides that runs pretty well, 18 mpg highway (I have long commute), Mobile 1, tires in good shape..
Knowing this:
Do I fix all this stuff?
Run her into ground?
or buy another used sport trac? (either trade in or sell locally)
or buy a a cheap econo car, and just use the truck weekends for lugging jet ski, surfboards, kayaks..etc
Any advice will help or encouraging words from 01'ers with tons of miles..
Im a 25 yr in a tough economy so dont say trade it in and buy the blue 09 Adrenalin I want very badly (unless you can furnish ski masks, alibi, getaway driving skills..etc)
:inhales deeply and sits up off dr.s lounge: