what to do about a friend that owes u money

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Sue him civilly just as a premise...and instead of collecting the $450 in cash, take it in his possessions with a civil sheriff present.....you can still do this even if he doesn't show up in court. It will make him think twice next time he goes to scam someone else.
Heres my take on the subject. If a friend is in need, yes you help them out. Especially IF they are a long time very good, been thru thick n thin over they years- friend.

However, a really good friend pays back what ever they can and doesn't avoid ya. Comes over now and then to see if there is anything "you" need help with and to remind you "he or she" has not forgotten "you" helped them out.

However, I have blown off a couple of people that owned me money over the years. I weighed what was going on with that person, how good a friend they really were to me, and "did they ever avoid me" I think that is what would bother me most...if somebody that owes me money avoids me, instead of being straight up with me.

In your case, He straight up told ya he has NO INTENTION of paying you back any time soon.

He is not your friend. He's using you. sorry :(

Good luck.

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I'm in a similar situation Steve. I fronted my friend some cash for a little trip that we went on back in April 2005. Although it was only about $90, he knew that I expected to be paid back and he promised that he would. Here it is almost January 2006 and I haven't seen a dime. He is in college in Kentucky and every time I talk to him online HE brings it up and tells me he is going to mail me a check or money order or something. I would understand that most college students don't have much money but that isn't his case. If he has money to buy tickets to NFL games in Philadelphia several times, he has money to pay me back.

I consider him one of my best friends, I have known him since I was in middle school. And it's not like it's a huge deal being only $90 or so, it's just the principle. It's not like I REALLY need my money back, but he promised to pay and he hasn't. I hate getting mad at one of my good friends, but it really is a slap in the face.
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You just paid $450 as a lesson to learn what the word "friend" means.

I get at least 8 credit card offers each week in the mail, and can get money from a number of legitimate sources. Around here, there are payday loan places and pawn shops on every block. The guy has plenty of alternatives.

A payment plan would have been a piece of cake. Even though he is broke right now, I'll bet he has money each week to buy cigarettes, beer, fast food, pay for a cell phone, and other stuff like that. He could easily pay you $25-50 a week.

Write the money off as a lesson learned, and find some new friends.
After being screwed over twice by a friend who I thought was a 'good friend', for alot smaller amounts,,, and I mean ALOT smaller amounts,,I decided that I do not need someone like that in my life and cut off the friendship, I have not missed it and I am still Ok with what I did.

You have to do whatever you have to do.

Just so everyone knows, I talked to him last night and he gave me the TV that he got that day and I am going to install it in my truck and then sell the 15" that I currently have. I am going to ask at least $450. If any one is interested in the TV let me know.
It's times like this that I always ask myself "what would Tony Soprano do in a situation like this".
the entire deal was this:

i bought a tv from a guy at canal street in NYC and it didn't work, they do not offer cash back refunds. my friend said that he would use my credit at the store and he would give me the cash. I then bought a tv from another car audio place. since he never paid me the money i am taking the tv that he got with my credit and installing that one in my st and selling the one that I bought
Ok that's a cool deal..now the lessen here is ....just don't loan any more money, look what all you went thru to get paid back in "some way" Next time a "friend" says I really need you man..... think really hard.... "does he reaaallly need me" why not a family member? why not another friend? :) Glad you are satisfied with the outcome. That is all that reallyt counts.
Steve said:
i bought a tv from a guy at canal street in NYC and it didn't work, they do not offer cash back refunds

So what ever happened to that TV and that money?

And, do you have any other money for investments? You seem like just the kind of guy most investors like to do business with. ;)

Seriously, dude, money is too darn hard to come by to buy stuff on Canal St.


that tv was returned to the store he bought it from (on canal st) and he was given a store credit, which was then used by his friend.