what to do about a friend that owes u money

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Steve Kaufman

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2003
Reaction score
Clifton, NJ
I have a friend and member of my car club, that owes me $450. He used the credit I had at a car audio place in NYC, and told me that he would pay me back the $450. I said ok, thinking that we would atleast give me a little each week, or even month. Well its been 2 months and nothing. Each time I bring it up he tells me that I know he is good for it, and that he isn't going anywhere so I shouldn't worry about it. Well, I need that money so I can pay some bills and I want to also buy some mods for my ST. What should I do?? I really think that he has no plans on paying me back, because last night he told me that paying me back was on the bottom of his list of things he needs money for. He is also getting married, so I think that if he hasn't given me my money by then I am not going to buy him a gift for the wedding. What should I do
Get him to sign an IOU...set up a payment plan...If he was a real friend he would have given you alittle of something every payday, IMO....After the IOU, you have a good advantage in small claims....If he make excuse and doesnt want to sign the IOU, I would question his freindship...then go straght to small claims...

Real freinds make a point to pay something....JMHO
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Friend or not, $450 in the hand or satisfaction. Get the stuff he bought (one way or another. Just get it or take him to small clames court) or the other side, Stomp a $450 mud hole in his A$$!
I vote for bpoche's friend! :lol:

Really, I'd explain

I need that money so I can pay some bills and I want to also buy some mods for my ST.

and then if he didn't fork it over, THEN use bpoche's friend.
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I sold a head unit to my friend in my car club and got no cash up front. He has however paid me in incriments of $50 every week just about. Ask him if he would pay it off over time in smaller amounts.
Sounds like he's not a very good friend, if you're at the bottom of his list. Friends and family should be near the top, right under rent, food & basic utilities.

Generally, I don't lend friends money I can't afford to just give them. In this case, you did loan the money with the expectation of getting it back. You should tell your friend that you're counting on that money, and leave it at that. If he pays you back, great. If not, just remember it and don't loan him money again in the future.

If you really value your friendship with him, write the money off (but, as I said, don't loan to him again). True friendships shouldn't be messed up over money.
actually we had said that he would give me $50 a week every friday, but if i don't see him on fridays he says he doesn't have it anymore when i see him on tuesday for our meetings.
Friends don't borrow money, friends don't loan money. That's how they remain friends! Nothing will ruin a friendship faster.

A true friend wouldn't stiff you like that. Write off the money and dump the friend. Yes, I know it's easier said than done but you're not writing off a friend, you're writing off a mooch! ('cause a friend wouldn't treat you like that!)

Seeing your not friends anymore, I'm with CASHMAN, get busy with his fiance!

I agree he is not a good friend and should not be treated as such. Maybe you need to re-emphasize that you "want" your money in a timely manner. If it was a store credit the store should have records of his purchase if you have to go the court route.
You dont have to rob his house, just go over and take the wheels off his car. I be the 450.00 will be a lot cheaper than replacing them. and if he doesnt - ebay them!
If you really value his friendship, just give him the money as a wedding gift. Tell him you're even now, but don't ever loan him money again. The mods on your truck can wait for another day, because a friend is more important than a truck.
He said "...paying me back was on the bottom of his list of things he needs money for..."

He also said "...he is good for it...", well obviously that is proving incorrect.

Sounds to me like no real friend as he is taking advantage of you.

$50/week would be 9 weeks to pay off the loan, $25/week (anyone can do $25/week) is 18 weeks or just over 4 months.

Tell him you'll take $25 each week instead of $50; that he has to start paying next week; and that once he misses a payment you will take the merchandise he bought, the remainder in full, OR get ready for small claims court.

Expect the friendship to end when you say that.

And, this is why you NEVER loan money to friends or relatives. Only LOAN what you are willing to ultimately GIVE.

Screw the friendship, he obviously doesn't care. Take him to court, or at least send him a certified letter saying if he doesn't pay you within 10 days then you'll take him to court. Then do it.

Last time I sued somebody, dude showed up for court yellow as a banana from liver cancer. Did I care? Nope. Did I have any sympathy? Not an ounce. I won too. Mofo still hasn't paid me so I asked a collection agency if they keep tabs on the obituaries (they do) and turned it over to them. I didn't want to front the court any more money, but I figure I can collect from his estate when he kicks over. Funny thing was, I was willing to settle up front for $75 to not bother going to court. With court costs, dude owes me about $250 now.

Oh, and don't worry about a wedding gift. You aren't getting invited regardless, I guarantee.
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Have a heart to heart with him and tell him you need the money for some bills you must pay. Aa

although there should be no reason other than it is money owed to you, I have found that if the person thinks you have a good reason, like home bills, then they seem to care to find a away to pay you back.

I am with the others on him not being a good friend. I can tell you for sure if you talk to his fiance and explain the strain it is putting on your friendship she will have some input that more than likely will get you paid....

This man is not your friend , he is a jerk and a deadbeat . You just got suckered . He could have waited and earned his own $ , why should you have to wait for your's ? I 've suffered through the same thing and they usually try to do it to you again . I called one of my friends who is a Deputy and demanded that he bring my $ . I got some of it but never got it all back . He tried it again but I didn't fall for it and never will with him again . I also found that he did this to other people and they all came down hard on him . Some people are just dogs and they should be treated like dogs .I say you should treat this guy like a piece of s--t until he pays up and then never lend him anything again . Treat him like what he is and stick to it . Good luck , hope it works out for you , tell his bride to be what a jerk he is , she needs to know !!:angry::angry: