What's up with the people on here?

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listen here, todd z get paid very well to answer the redundent questions that are posted by you "non-searchers". btw, i am a non-searcher !
I think a group of people should get together and do a good FAQ page, and the button can be put next to the search button at the top and bottom of the page...

Doesn't matter, I tried that at The Ranger Station where I'm a moderator and not many people look at it anyway.

Points taken, I want human interaction, so I'm gonna go out with my friends instead of asking ??? here.

Some people don't have friends. Me and Caymen for example.:p

I'm amazed to find that my little rant has now qualified me a "whiner" in your book.

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck....

I came to this board, ran through the projects, did a search on what I was looking for, and when I couldn't find it then, I asked about it. Wow, complicated.

BTW, this is not the first time that not using Search first been brought up. ;)

I wouldn't call you a troll (yet), but who pissed in your Wheaties this morning? Dang man, get a grip or take some

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i dont understand why it would even bother "ANYONE"

if you put your little mouse pointer over the subject it will

open a window with what the question is and you can read the first

few lines of the post, i do this with all posts to see if i actually want

to open and read.

its not a big deal.
As an only seldom to the website visitor, how is one to know that a question is not a new one? Should every first time or not in a while visitor be asked to search for any possible questions before they post?

I had no idea that the symptom that my Trac is experiencing right now was not new to others, that is why I posted my question. Free exchange of ideas and information, isn't that what forums like this are for?

Sorry to bother you, I guess we are all not as all knowing as you.

Dave S.
Your point is well taken, Dave. That is another reason why Rich Stern does not want to create a page of that type so your questions can be answered by those who frequent here several times a day. What seems to be repetitive to us is not repetitive to you. :D
if you put your little mouse pointer over the subject it will

open a window with what the question is and you can read the first

few lines of the post, i do this with all posts to see if i actually want

to open and read

Rich, any way to make that box actually show all of the first message of a string, or at least a couple lines more than it shows currently?
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I have no objection to expanding the FAQ, provided that the content comes to me in refined form. In the past, I have received incomplete or only partially correct suggested info for the FAQ, and then it becomes MY project to finish. Can't do that. So, if you want an FAQ entry added, write it up, ask for some feedback here from others on whether they agree with the info, and then email it to me and I will publish it.

Rodeo, I never want anyone to feel badly about posting a question, even if it's been asked 1000 times. If somebody has answered it already and doesn't feel like answering again, they don't have to. There will be other members who are happy to answer it.

Why do you say "hello" to start a conversation with someone you've never met before? After all, you've said "hello" thousands of times in your life. Kinda redundant, right? You say it to meet someone and get to know them. Newbie questions on web forums accomplish the same thing. It's a good ice breaker for someone who has never posted before.


One idea for the FAQ, particularly if people do as you suggest and start getting you more content of value--

Bump it out as a main topic on the side bar, rather than burying it under "Resources".

It might get more visibility, and thus more usage (and more contributions) if this were to happen.

Like I said, just a thought. I suspect some people who don't click on "Resources" very often may not even be aware it's there...

I think anyone should be able to post any question at any time. So what if it's been answered a 1000 times. They should not be made to feel like if I post this question will I get flamed!!!

As an only seldom to the website visitor, how is one to know that a question is not a new one?


Example: Yesterday I read that the Mustang's sales have plunged drastically during January & February. So why is the white balance off a tad when my Nikon is focussed on a yellow song bird with a white 20x12 billboard in the background?

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