I'll just sit back and wait to hand out the "I TOLD YOU so's"!!!!
What the other countries are and have been doing, is "Slaving" their people to
work in abhorrent, unsanitary, and unsafe conditions for years, hell, decades.
Our fantastic government has recently found a way to tap into this market, under the
guise of NAFTA, and more recently CAFTA, promising growth for this country while
raising the standard of living in all others. If any of you have fallen for this sorry ruse,
I have some ocean front property for sale in Kansas!
And TJR, it sounds like you have one of the better jobs/careers on this board. Don't
think for a minute, that "The Man" is not trying to figure out a way to take it from you and
outsource it to India or Pakistan. College Degree, Higher Learning? Talk to most any
college graduate nowadays and ask them what their job prospects are. Most all will tell
you that during job interviews, some mention has been made in regards to salary, that they
will have to accept lower, or much lower than they anticipated, due to the competition,
especially in the Tech Industry, from countries such as India, Pakistan and China.
Just because I am from the South, does not mean that I am politically ignorant.
We'all have them thar' sattelite t.v. dishes and access to that thar' intreenet,
and such the like that y'all have up north!
Most of us do prefer beer to champagne, and Nascar to a night at the opera, but by no
means let that fool y'all!
I bet Thomas Jefferson is rolling in his grave right now, with all of the things that are
going wrong with this country!
By the way, rolling to the LEFT, as he was a Nascar fan, also!!!