Where would you move? suggestions appreciated

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I'd move to New Hampshire..which is next door to me. No state sales tax. A lot of beautiful sites. Cold and snowy like Maine...Sorry not warm. Nevermind.
Arizona is pretty cool, I loved Florida, I love Colorado Texas is nice if you don't have t live in or near the cities.... but my heart is in PA ;o)
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I have travelled much more than most. I have visited every major city in Canada and much of the US and love America as if it were my own. I will retire there. That said, the finest place I have ever been, the most beautiful scenery, a moderate climate, and fabulous kind people. Seattle. Ignore the nonsense about the rain, its amazing. I would go there today if I could. Portland is a very tight second.


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westchester county, ny. u have both ends of the spectrum here. from the projects to high class people. i am fortunate to live in a great town, Harrison. u can find a decent house for like 700,000 - 1,000,000. its a bit pricey but its worth it. i love it.
Try this survey and they will give you a list of 20 places that you might like to live - they also would like to hook you up with realtors so make sure you don't opt in for being contacted.

It picked Hawaii - several places I've vacationed and the California Sierra foothills where I live.
My choice is surprisingly close to you. Oklahoma City meets every one of the criteria, except for the scenery, though you can find some beautiful sites around town and nearby. I've been here two years and have been amazed at how mild the winters are here. We haven't had more than a light dusting of snow here since I arrived, while Kansas was dumped on most of last year. The temp has not been to the extremes for more than a few days at a time.

Tulsa and Oklahoma City are rated in the Top 20 as most affordable cities in the US. Additionally, the crime rate in OKC is relatively low, unless you live in certain areas of town.

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This is one of the numerous lakes in Oklahoma City
My choise would have to be where I am at now, Tyler, Texas. We have a; four seasons, Summer is hot but normally not many days over 95. Winter we might get 4" of snow every three years or so. The economy is great in East Texas, between the oil & gas markets, there is also a strong manufacturing base here as well. Beautiful rolling hills, lots of pine and oak trees. I grew up in Oklahoma nad my wife in westeren Kansas, so the trees are nice, if you know what I mean. We have lived in the Texas panhandle, then 12 years in Houston, which made moving to Tyler population 100K great. Wish ya luck where ever you end up.
Gerry spoken like a true tourist about Seattle. You must have visited the area when it was a sunny day.

We get 300+ days of rain a year. We will go three months with no sunshine at all during the winter. And, if we do get a sun "moment" we are shocked. No wonder there are 12 flights a day leaving to Hawaii from Seattle.

If it's windy both the floating bridge and I-90 bridge can be closed down because the water blowing over the roadway from the Lake.

Try driving around the lake to get home when that occurs as that can take you four hours to get home.

I don't call that moderate at all.

Summer is only 8-10 weeks long if the weather breaks by June. However, the summers are amazing here just very short.

Ever try driving in the Seattle metro? Traffic delays from 7am til 8pm. My wife has to leave home at 6am to drive into work in downtown Seattle because it takes 15-20 mins. If she leaves later 40-90 mins one way and we only live 17 miles away. Her commute home is always 90mins plus.

According to Frommer's city guides, Charlottesville Virginia is the best place to live in America.

You get all 4 seasons in moderation, no extended hot or cold periods. You get beautiful scenery, mountains all around, rolling hills, historic sites. Low taxes, very low crime. Affordable housing once you leave Albemarle County.

Here is a link to the USA Today story and info on other cities that made the list.

"Gerry spoken like a true tourist about Seattle. You must have visited the area when it was a sunny day."

A tourist?? Not hardly!

The US weather service states you have considerably less rain than you suggest. In fact you get less than Galveston or Houston and many other fine US cities. Sometimes when we so are close to soemthing we cannot really see it well. www.cityrating.com seems to agree with me though. Seattle is among the top ten.

A tourist?? My friend you could not possibly be more wrong. I travell lots, but I take away your trash, I'm not a tourist. I wish I had that luxury.

I second the idea of Tampa, Florida, there's smaller towns around it, clearwater, new port richey,st petersburg, all very nice climate and hardly gets into the 40s...i have family down there, and i love to visit them...



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