Which candidate should you vote for?

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Ha, I'm winning so far! Hillary and Obama only got a 4 on mine! And Chris Dodd and Mike Gravel got a 1!

Tied between Fred Thompson, Tom Tancredo, and Duncan Hunter.

This is my earlier post. Apparently I don't agree much with anybody. What I didn't say was that no one scored higher than a 33 on my list.
Tancredo came out the highest for me -- but I think I am voting Huckabee in the primary.

Mrs. Bill and Barack Hussein both were 7.

This is my earlier post. Apparently I don't agree much with anybody. What I didn't say was that no one scored higher than a 33 on my list.

That's not that big of a deal--My highest, Barack Obama, only had a 25.

My lowest ones were 3 and 4 a piece--Thompson, Brownback, Hunter, and Tancredo.

You're right, TomT--it's another election of who we DON'T want to lead...
Brownback was the highest scorer on mine, whoever the hell that is...

Guiliani and McCain were behind some others I never heard of. I'd probably go for McCain, since he is already established in Congress and would probably be able to get some consensus since he is a more middle-ground candidate. He definitely doesn't play party politics like most of the guys.
I used to like McCain until he threw his integrity in the toilet and stuck his nose all the way up Bush's ass in the last campaign.

Biden is my first choice, and the most qualified among all the candidates - including McCain. McCain has completely lost touch with reality.

Guess it comes down to who we think "lies" the least.....

Mitt ranked the highest for me at 44

Barack, John and Hillary ranked second at 39

Jim and Duncan came in third at 34

My lowest was Tom with 15
Democrat Kucinich scored 28. I looked at all of the issues and cannot believe that all the Republicans support making the 2001-2003 tax cuts for big business permanent. I will lay out the tax spin right here for all. Remember when a Republican says that he/she will cut your taxes, it is a spin job. Unless your last name is Exxon, Mobil, etc..

Bill Clinton signed into law only ONE federal income tax increase -- OBRA in 1993. OBRA instituted two new, upper-income tax brackets: a rate of 36 percent applied to couples making between $140,000 and $250,000 annually, and a rate of 39.6 percent applied to couples with an annual income of more than $250,000. So 39.6 percent is not even close to the rates during World War II. In 1955 (59 percent), in 1965 (53 percent) in 1975 (60 percent), and in 1985 (50 percent).

To pay for the current Iraq war, and its unchecked spending, it is projected that the American people will be paying the higest rates in history. During this same time frame the largest corporations in America, (international companies pay taxes to thier respective countries, if at all) payed the lowest tax rates in recorded history.

If the federal government raised the tax rates one percetage point (for Companies making more than 200k bottom line) there would be a surplus in the federal budget within six months time. The largest American companies have not one time in history approached paying income taxes NEAR that of what you and I pay. This is broken down to the bare facts so the average person can understand it. The current Republican administration, (and the past 6 Republican administrations) have raised taxes for the average American families (those making under 120,000 combined) at an ever increasing rate. Added to this, the dollar has lost value during the Bush administration by an astonishing 40%. That menas you obviously buy MUCH less for each dollar you have.

Working families are funding the Iraq war. Not the elite, not big business. Let alone the oil companies who are setting records for thier profits. (must have known there was going to be a war huh?)

Anyone who refutes anything on this page is GLEEFULLY invited to go to the treasury website and check these figures.
Nothing there to refute frank.

When I hear the word Republican, I think of some religious fundamentalist hypocrite that's bought and paid for by big business. Of course on the flip side when I think of a Democrat I see a liberal *** that wants to give my hard earned money away to the less fortunate (meaning lazy a-holes that don't want to work), just to get their vote.

Time to start a new party. :(

ps: I'm not very politically correct, as you can probably tell. :)
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Tom hit it pretty good (I might not have put that sharp of point on it, but I'm ok with it). Both parties play to the extreme edges of their members, especially during primary time. Both will move to the center for the general election.
I'm with you Frank- the tax cuts should not be made permanent- and I benefited nicely from them. The amount of spending on the Iraq war is nearly incomprehensible- the health care bill the Prez vetoed as "too expensive" would have cost about $60 billion over 5 years- about what we spend on Iraq in 2 MONTHS- all on a "credit card" called our national debt. The folks who argue that taxing higher earners more is unfair ignore the plethora of tax saving maneuvers available to those who can pay for them, and the huge earning advantage of those with ready access to large amounts of capital. I'm seriously disappointed that not one of the presidential candidates will pledge to have all of our troops out of Iraq in 5 years, and I think Clinton's pledge of $5000 per child may worsen an already out of control teenage unwed mother baby machine. I really am having difficulty supporting a candidate this year, as it seems telling the hard, honest truth about any issue is seen as too risky.
Republicans support making the 2001-2003 tax cuts for big business permanent


All taxes are passed on to customers. If businesses don't pass on the costs of doing business, they are going to be in business very long.

You want to see revenue increase to the Federal Government? CUT TAXES AGAIN! You want to pay for a war? Why are we giving out TRILLIONS in foreign aid to countries blatently hostile towards us? Why are we giving out BILLIONS in "entitlement" programs that should be left up to the individual? Let's start there.

I don't have a problem supporting a candidate.... In fact I support two of them....

1) Mike Huckabee

2) Fred Thompson

Are either one perfect? Nope. But I do believe especially in Huckabee's case that their vision of the United States is closer to that of founders than practically anyone else in the race, especially when compared against the Socialists such as Hitlery KKKlinton and Barak Hussain Al-Obama (yes that really is his middle name).

Time to start a new party

I agree.... Compassionate people can help the poor and needy without getting into socialist ideals. Have business as a friend is not a bad thing as long as your friends know that the country comes first. Capitalism is the solution for 50% of the ills of this country, 40% of the ills can be solved by individuals, churches, social and communal organizaions. ThHe last 10% is equally shared by dogs, bears and government.
R Shek I can only deduce from your post that you are one sorry soul. I got these figures and facts off of the United States Treasury web site. I do think you are sorta messed up by likening Obama to Saddam Hussein and Hillary to a kkk member. I think that your comments are grammar school caliber AT BEST. You have one thing in your post that may be near the truth.. businesses DO pass on thier taxes to thier customers in the form of price increases. But it happens almost exclusively when there is a Republican administration. The dollar has de valued by 40 percent in this administrations tenure. Meaning your dollar is almost half of what it was a decade ago. Businesses are forced to screw the consumer. Gas was $1.45 when George W. Bush was innagurated. Wake up you people, you cannot take over the world when things at home are messed up beyond belief.

Need I remind you R Shek that Bush has the lowest approval ratings in the history of politics? The VAST amount of US citizens want a drastic change in Washington. And it aint another Republican. You had better get used to the idea. Dont cry though...you can always thump your bible whenever you get scared. You can even save some footage of Bush/Cheneys fake terror warnings and play them at night. That will scare your 4th grade mind for ya.
Need I remind you R Shek that Bush has the lowest approval ratings in the history of politics?

So does Congress right now. 16% I think.

The VAST amount of US citizens want a drastic change in Washington.

You got that right. IMO neither party is doing what the people want done. I hope the day comes when the Libertarians are a viable choice.
Sadly, we "Americans" have lost our country to big business and the politically correct crowd that don't want us to address the obvious problems because we might hurt someone's feelings.
Nothing is stopping anyone from paying extra taxes if they want. The government will gladly take it. In fact, Mike Huckabee started a fund for this in Arkansas (this is one of the reasons I like him). The fund was called the "Tax Me More" fund. Whenever someone would tell him or his staff that taxes had to be raised, they would be handed an envolope that would address any additional taxes that they wanted to send to the "Tax Me More" Fund.

After over a year, the fund had about $1,200 in it.

Everyone loves higher taxes, as long as their taxes aren't higher.

Everyone wants the rich people to pay more taxes to take care of the poor people. By the standards of half the rest of the world, WE"RE ALL RICH! Even the poor in this country have a better standard of living than most of the rest of the world.:(

That said, I do think that we should all do our part to help out those less fortunate than ourselves.:)

I'm just irritated at people that want SOMEBODY ELSE to take care of the less fortunate!:angry:
R Shek I can only deduce from your post that you are one sorry soul. I got these figures and facts off of the United States Treasury web site. I do think you are sorta messed up by likening Obama to Saddam Hussein and Hillary to a kkk member. I think that your comments are grammar school caliber AT BEST. You have one thing in your post that may be near the truth.. businesses DO pass on thier taxes to thier customers in the form of price increases. But it happens almost exclusively when there is a Republican administration. The dollar has de valued by 40 percent in this administrations tenure. Meaning your dollar is almost half of what it was a decade ago. Businesses are forced to screw the consumer. Gas was $1.45 when George W. Bush was innagurated. Wake up you people, you cannot take over the world when things at home are messed up beyond belief.

Need I remind you R Shek that Bush has the lowest approval ratings in the history of politics? The VAST amount of US citizens want a drastic change in Washington. And it aint another Republican. You had better get used to the idea. Dont cry though...you can always thump your bible whenever you get scared. You can even save some footage of Bush/Cheneys fake terror warnings and play them at night. That will scare your 4th grade mind for ya.

4th grade eh? That's why I have my BS in Engineering and my Economics Minor. Yep. 4th Grade. You must be Canadian when you say "your dollar".

You know what? Gas was UNDER $1.00 when Bill Clinton took office. If you take your $1.45 per gallon when GWB took office as fact, then much of the same arguements can apply to Billy Boy.

I was not compairing Obama to Saddam. I'm pointing out the fact that Obama's middle name IS HUSSAIN. Go look it up before jumping the messenger:

<a href>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barack_Obama</a>

So, you again want to say what about my 4th grade education? Hitlery Kkklinton is a SOCIALIST. That is why I reference her as I do.

A Republican tax spin? Last time I checked Reagan and GW Bush both cut taxes while Clinton raised them. Bush Sr. raised them as well. It's amazing how when you cut taxes the income to the treasury increases.... that's simple economics.

Progressive Income tax is a way to punish acheivement. The more you make, the more we take. When you cut away some of the take, more people make. More money comes in. It's really quite simple.

Also, let's keep in mind that Congress sets income tax rates, not the President. Congress also SPENDS the money. If an extra $.10 comes into the Treasury, it is not put towards reducing debt, it's used for some social program (or programme for you Canadians). This supposed 1% income tax on corporations would not go to pay down debt, it would be rediverted to pay for SCHIP or some foolish social welfare program that should be taken care of by the truely responcible people... THE PEOPLE WHO MAKE THE MONEY.

All of these dolts who come out and say "let's raise taxes to pay for the war" don't want the money to pay for the war. They want the money to pay for all the pet projects. You're so damn worried about paying for a war that freed millions of people from the slavery of a tirant that you siphon off $250 million to pay for a bridge to no where.


Our Constitution clearly says that the Government (Of the People, For the People and By the People) is only responcible for the Protection and General Defence of the citizenry. That means Military, Police, Fire Fighting, Border Patrol, etc. No where does it say "we will tax the rich so that the poor can continue to procreate (that means make babies... sorry if my grammer is a tad too high for you) and not have to raise a finger".

Our Constitution gives the people the "Right to Life, Liberty and the Persuit of Happiness". It does not say "You have the right to FREE healthcare, FREE money, FREE social p

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