R Shek I can only deduce from your post that you are one sorry soul. I got these figures and facts off of the United States Treasury web site. I do think you are sorta messed up by likening Obama to Saddam Hussein and Hillary to a kkk member. I think that your comments are grammar school caliber AT BEST. You have one thing in your post that may be near the truth.. businesses DO pass on thier taxes to thier customers in the form of price increases. But it happens almost exclusively when there is a Republican administration. The dollar has de valued by 40 percent in this administrations tenure. Meaning your dollar is almost half of what it was a decade ago. Businesses are forced to screw the consumer. Gas was $1.45 when George W. Bush was innagurated. Wake up you people, you cannot take over the world when things at home are messed up beyond belief.
Need I remind you R Shek that Bush has the lowest approval ratings in the history of politics? The VAST amount of US citizens want a drastic change in Washington. And it aint another Republican. You had better get used to the idea. Dont cry though...you can always thump your bible whenever you get scared. You can even save some footage of Bush/Cheneys fake terror warnings and play them at night. That will scare your 4th grade mind for ya.
4th grade eh? That's why I have my BS in Engineering and my Economics Minor. Yep. 4th Grade. You must be Canadian when you say "your dollar".
You know what? Gas was UNDER $1.00 when Bill Clinton took office. If you take your $1.45 per gallon when GWB took office as fact, then much of the same arguements can apply to Billy Boy.
I was not compairing Obama to Saddam. I'm pointing out the fact that Obama's middle name IS HUSSAIN. Go look it up before jumping the messenger:
<a href>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barack_Obama</a>
So, you again want to say what about my 4th grade education? Hitlery Kkklinton is a SOCIALIST. That is why I reference her as I do.
A Republican tax spin? Last time I checked Reagan and GW Bush both cut taxes while Clinton raised them. Bush Sr. raised them as well. It's amazing how when you cut taxes the income to the treasury increases.... that's simple economics.
Progressive Income tax is a way to punish acheivement. The more you make, the more we take. When you cut away some of the take, more people make. More money comes in. It's really quite simple.
Also, let's keep in mind that Congress sets income tax rates, not the President. Congress also SPENDS the money. If an extra $.10 comes into the Treasury, it is not put towards reducing debt, it's used for some social program (or programme for you Canadians). This supposed 1% income tax on corporations would not go to pay down debt, it would be rediverted to pay for SCHIP or some foolish social welfare program that should be taken care of by the truely responcible people... THE PEOPLE WHO MAKE THE MONEY.
All of these dolts who come out and say "let's raise taxes to pay for the war" don't want the money to pay for the war. They want the money to pay for all the pet projects. You're so damn worried about paying for a war that freed millions of people from the slavery of a tirant that you siphon off $250 million to pay for a bridge to no where.
Our Constitution clearly says that the Government (Of the People, For the People and By the People) is only responcible for the Protection and General Defence of the citizenry. That means Military, Police, Fire Fighting, Border Patrol, etc. No where does it say "we will tax the rich so that the poor can continue to procreate (that means make babies... sorry if my grammer is a tad too high for you) and not have to raise a finger".
Our Constitution gives the people the "Right to Life, Liberty and the Persuit of Happiness". It does not say "You have the right to FREE healthcare, FREE money, FREE social p