Who knew?? You may have a black box in your ST!

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Michael Fazzina

Active Member
Oct 19, 2005
Reaction score
Rocky Hill, CT
OK guys and gals...I woke up early this morning to go to work and as usual I picked up a copy of my local paper,The Courant. I was amazed at what I read in one of the articles. I'm definitely checking my owner's manual to see if anything is documented about my sport trac containing a black box electronic recorder. It's an informative read, so take the time and check out the link I have provided and feel free to leave your opinions.
I have read the manual front to back for both the 01 and the 03. Nothing in there about the black box. I had read the article in the USA Today yesterday as well. Seems 80% of the vehicles have them. I knew they were around but did not think it covered 80% of the vehicles....
I know, I know, Constitutional rights. To bad they were written when people rode horses. Very good article. I heard about these on Discovery Channel when they were looking at ways to avoid crashes. Of course they didn't say they were already in cars. It doesn't bother me if there is one in there. Like the article said, helped put an idiot behind bars for doing 101mph and killing someone. How else would they have found out? They WILL have to put some restrictions on how to use the info though. Just like any technology out there, it can be used to harm just as much as to help.;)
OK peeps...I just found the section in my 02 manual where it states that Ford has installed a "crash sensing and diagnostic module".

Your vehicle is equipped with a crash sensing and diagnostic module

which records information about the air bag and sensor systems. In the

event of a collision this module may save information related to the

collision including information about the air bag system and impact

severity. This information will assist Ford Motor Company in servicing

the vehicle and in helping to better understand real world collisions and

further improve the safety of future vehicles.
I didn't read the article yet, but what I think our ST does is record the current state on impact.

It is used in 2 ways; one to enhance/adjust the air/fuel mix to some degree. It analyze the way you drive and adjust the mix based on that to give you a consistent ride. When you get the computer reset (ODB codes), then the computer has to start all over, just like straight out of the factory. Same when you disconnect the battery for 10 minutes.

The other way it is used (and rarely), is in the case of a crash. It contains a bunch of info like the speed you were; which gear; average speed over the last x minutes, was the seat belt on, a readout of all the gages,... In very rare cases (most likely when there is death), an insurance company could request a readout of this to determine if they pay the claim or not.

A computer like that has many great potential that can benefit the owner, but it is also a double-edge knife that is sure to generate a lot of debates.

Example : it could potentially alert the parents of a "student driver" if he drives like a moron; which is only as good as how much the parents care....;)
Beware. It also records everywhere you go, how you drive, what kind of music you listen to, all your conversations, and the amount of flatulence you produce while in the Trac.
The ones from the factory usually only record the last 30 seconds of data before a crash...the ones from rental cars are alot more..some record speed, GPS, G forces, acceleration habits, generaly how you drove the car...even if you didnt crash...
It's in there. Here's the quote from Page 6 of the '03 owner's manual.

Data Recording

Computers in your vehicle are capable of recording detailed data

potentially including but not limited to information such as:

• the use of restraint systems including seat belts by the driver and


• information about the performance of various systems and modules in

the vehicle, and

• information related to engine, throttle, steering, brake or other system


Any of this information could potentially include information regarding

how the driver operates the vehicle potentially including but not limited

to information regarding vehicle speed, brake or accelerator application

or steering input. This information may be stored during regular

operation or in a crash or near crash event.

This stored information may be read out and used by:

• Ford Motor Company.

• service and repair facilities.

• law enforcement or government agencies.

• others who may assert a right or obtain your consent to know such

Does this mean I get request the information on my request ??? I doubt it. :unsure:

Is it my box ??? The rest of the vehicle is. If it mine, how do I read it ?? Do I have to give my consent for it to be read ??? If it is not mine, what if I want it taken off "MY" vehicle ???

My insurance should drop if there is an onboard system that is at their disposal.

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In North Dakota it also records the last 30 seconds of conversation as well. Normally, this is what they hear most often---"here, hold my beer, and watch this.----- Couldn't resist--Rod
We are the Borg. Lower your shields and power down your weapons. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your life as it has been is over. From this time forward, you will service us. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.
These boxes have been around at least as long as airbags. They are regularly used by accident reconstruction experts in court cases. I am pretty certain that ALL OBDII cars are so equipped.
More importantly ..how do you defeat it? with ruining your Trac? Big brother see's too much already...

There have been several cases of these used against the vehicle owner. One I can think of, was a kid going WAYYY to fast down a residential street in his built TA, rearends 2 teenagers in their compact as they are backing out of the driveway. The speed at which the TA was traveling, propelled the car into a tree killing both the teenagers, and sending the kid in the TA to the hospital as well.

Florida law enforcement used the info of the last 10 secs of the run time to convict the kid of Vehicular Homicide, not just manslaughter, as he was doing over 4 times the legal limit in his TA.
They used this info to convict a guy here in vette going over 100MPH in a 35, killed a bunch of people...

I think it recordes info in 7 sec..

Todd Z

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