Why is there no looting in Japan?

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A very social respectful society.

Hugh, Im not positive. I dont think there was any looting here in Houston area after hurricane Ike. If there was wasnt enough to make news like New Orleans. We did have some take advantage of some of the monetary help. Not as many as, N O folk did. Wouldnt dought the ones that did were the ones that never moved back after Katrina.

My bad...but truth is truth.

I lived over there for 6 years. The Japanese are the most respectful people in the world. 99% would never think of looting. Even with me being an American, they will give you the shirt of their back.
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Reason there is no looting in Japan?

Because their minorities are affluent white people of European descent. That is one minority that doesn't loot, for the most part. Also, they don't have that many minorities.

Our minorities loot, and to be specific, I am talking mostly about blacks and hispanics as the typical profile of looter. Sure, you get some white, redneck looters...but let's be real folks.

Bottom line: Japan has no looting because they are a nation of respectful people, AND they lack the blacks and the hispanics that fit the profile of looters.

Calling a spade a spade.

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Ohhh boy...

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Train Trac,

Yep, I should have said I was putting on my asbestos suit.

Read the comments below the article posted. Many are not too PC, but at a certain point one has to stop apologizing for things and blaming others for the looters, the plight of the looters, etc., and recognize the racial profile of the looters.

Not saying I disagree with you. But thin-skinned and overly "sensitive" folks care more about PC-ness and "feelings" than statistics and facts. So I figure that someone is bound to get their sphincter all puckered up over your comments.:cheeky:
Train Trac,

I don't mind PC when it is synonymous with being "polite" and "respectful." However, when it is used to censor direct critical speech; speech that if listened might actually help some "get their act together", well, then, that PC is BS.

Yes and to add fuel to TJR's fire, look at the demographics of Republican versus Democrat voting areas of this country, Democrat controlled areas have higher crime rates...Just the Facts!!!!:bwahaha:

True, largely because crimes, especially violent crimes and increased incident of theft, occur more frequently in urbanized areas. Some would say its a population density issue. I think that per-capita the crime rates are higher in the urbanized areas. Also, minorities are typically more prevalent, as is low income housing, etc (which came first?).

And, urban areas are predominately BLUE, politically.

Not sure what this all means...

population density issue.

I think it's more than a density issue, Japan is very dense, yet little crime, same goes for Singapore, and many other areas of the world, it's a decay of society in this country.

It started around the turn of the century (1900) and got worse ever since...

The moral fabric is fading away in this country, mostly because of the liberals/progressives/bleeding hearts...you know the types...:smack:

I agree. Population density isn't the reason for looting. I'm just saying that in America, there is an increased density of people, crime, minorities, and as you pointed out blue voters, in urban areas. Big cities have big city problems.

However, as you pointed out, there are big cities in Japan...not the same problems.

Crime rates in large Canadian cities are much lower than comparable US cities. Why is that?

Casual observation from being in Canada tells me that their large minority population is Asian.

But I could be wrong.
Casual observation from being in Canada tells me that their large minority population is Asian.

Asians certainly weren't a minority based on casual observation in Vancouver, or as it has been called by its residents due to this, Hong Couver.

I blame the lack of aspirations to "thug life" for the dramatic lack of crime in Canada. Shoot, I remember a bus driver telling an anecdote of why he would never go into Surrey again, because when he was an ambluance driver, a "gang" shot at him.

I think he was just embellishing, as there is no crime in Canada. :grin:

Also, minorities are typically more prevalent, as is low income housing, etc (which came first?).

TJR, can we come up for a better term than "minorities"? In Baltimore, for instance, Blacks are not a "minority" at <A href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baltimore#Demographics">63.4%</A> of the population.

Taking an existing word and turning it into a constant euphemism for "blacks and hispanics" cheapens the language, as it completely ignores the defnition of the term, as seen here, where the "minority" refers to the majority in Baltimore. :angry:

If by "low income housing", you mean public tenements and the like, then the poor "minorities" came first; I doubt there's ever been a city that would erect cheap housing at the taxpayers expense to lure in bountiful supplies of cheap labor. It seems like it'd open a Pandora's box. Then again, that probably means that Government thought it was a good idea, though in MD, all examples of public housing came after the "minorities" took up roost, bringing in the vandalism, muggings, gun crimes, drugs, and patented ability to turn formerly upstanding & affluent areas into crime ridden slums straight out of Robocop.


Granted, I am using the general-purpose term when I say "minorities", even those in some neighborhoods and even cities they are the majority.

So, when the "minorities" are the majority the majority of the crimes are committed by the "minority".

That seems to be what we're all saying here.

..and that this does not apply to US & Canadian cities, as their "minorities", even if they do constitute a majority, do not commit the majority of crimes in their location.

Confusing. I think your original quote was quite apropos.

Bottom line: Japan has no looting because they are a nation of respectful people, AND they lack the blacks and the hispanics that fit the profile of looters.

...and no one can contest it, honestly. (Sadly)
I will have to agree with LaRue on this one.

I have been to Japan and Okinawa and the people are very respectfull of other people and their property. Many do not even lock their doors except if they live near an American military installation. Yes, most of the violence and crime comes from members of the American military stationed in Japan and Okinawa. It has gotten so bad on Okinawa that they want to kick the American military completely off the island.


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