Why is there no looting in Japan?

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Bill V.

I'm sure a lot had to do with the fact that they were shocked and stunned at what had occurred.

will e,

I agree that they have a system of honor and respect that supercedes anything most Americans can even imagine.

I think too that a lot of Americans are told they are being victimized. Corporate America is taking advantage of you/killing you/stealing from you. They are told that businesses are making too much profit and that businesses are keeping them down.

So when they think they can strike back and not get caught they do.

Also, mob mentality takes over. A few start off ripping a place off and others see them getting away with it so they join in. No one tells them to stop and if there is, it's some person in a position of Government Authority.

In america it seems to be more of a big city problem. When there was outragous flooding in the midwest there wasn't any looting to speak of.


Great article about the honesty of the Japanese people. If KL still doubts what I said then he only needs to read the article and he will know what I have said is very true.

Unfortunately, I don't think things run quite as smoothly on Okinawa. While I was there police patrolled the streets, but I do not recall any Police Kobana's. They did have a small police office every few blocks in most neighborhoods where crime was more prevelent, which were the bar districts where the US Military hung out.

Again, Thanks for posting.

Well when you are trying to stay alive its a different story. Ther is NOT wide-spread looting. But if you say there is NO looting you are wrong. I guarantee there is some looting. Dont repeat what you see or hear on tv people, it makes you look really uninformed.

Dont repeat what you see or hear on tv people, it makes you look really uninformed


Frank, are you now in Japan giving us an eyewitness report on the looting going on???

What we see and hear on TV is the only way we know what's going on. We have American news and TV reporters in Japan and I am sure if there we any looting they would have reported it...even if it was insignificant. The fact is that most scenes of the devistation are so bad, they is nothing worth looting after it's been under 30 ft of sea water from the tsunami.

Those who survived, are in shelters or trying to leave the country. Who is going to loot a 55" flat panel TV when you don't even have a house to take it to or to even live in. There is not power in these areas and all the TV news shows the streets are deserted.

If you want to imagine there is wide spread looting going on in Japan, you are free to do so, but what is that theory based on....sounds like a brain-fart.:grin:



During Katrina, they were looting food, Clothes and Electronics from stores that were not damaged or flooded. There is a big difference between a Hurricane storm surge and rising water, which does not compare to a Tsunami. Katrina's damage was caused by the levi failures that made the water rise and flood parts of New Orleans. In fact, most people thought right after Katrina left that they had dodged a bullet, unitl the waters started rising.

A Tsunami travels at hundreds of miles per hour, and takes out everything in its path. People have little or no warning, and are lucky if they escape with their lives....and there really nothing much left to go back to.

Many cities in the USA have had the Mafia chased out. The Japanese government is getting the services of the Japanese "Mafia" to help keep peace.

If the Jap Mafia wasn't there, things could be different.

"If the Jap Mafia wasn't there, things could be different."


wow you really do live in dream land. it more & more obvious when something is better and you don't agree, you resort to the most ridiculous statements. :sad:

frank nad caymen have to be related :bwahaha:

wow you really do live in dream land. it more & more obvious when something is better and you don't agree, you resort to the most ridiculous statements.


I know you have trouble reading, so I will quote this for you. It was taken directly from the link posted above... I will give you the link.


There's a circularity to these cultural explanations, says Mark D. West, a professor at University of Michigan Law School: "Why don't Japanese loot? Because it's not in their culture. How is that culture defined? An absence of looting." A better explanation may be structural factors: a robust system of laws that reinforce honesty, a strong police presence, and, ironically, active crime organizations.

I know this sounds crazy to you, but I am right. There is an organized crime group in Japan, much like a "Japanese Mafia".

What is this group called?

The article identifies this group by name...

Police aren't the only ones on patrol since the earthquake hit. Members of the Yakuza, Japan's organized crime syndicate, have also been enforcing order. All three major crime groupsthe Yamaguchi-gumi, the Sumiyoshi-kai, and the Inagawa-kaihave "compiled squads to patrol the streets of their turf and keep an eye out to make sure looting and robbery doesn't occur," writes Jake Adelstein...

Become educated before you flap your trap. It only proves what most people think.

You are simply an idiot.

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Just reported on GMA, bank vault looted of $500,000 in Japan. They said the vault was damaged and left open after the devastation. Must have been an American.
You never know, maybe they will return the $500G ??

Sure there will be a couple of bad eggs but they seem to be avoiding the wholesale mob looting that we saw here in USA.

It might turn to that depending on how well they can help people out. But here in the USA it seems to be 'first chance I get' kind of attitude and then a bunch of other people jump in.

It was on the news, they caught the guy. It was a Japanese guy with a Sport Trac. He said he got the idea from the Sport Trac Web Site. Go figure.


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