Why should every citizan be armed?

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Tom Schindler

Well-Known Member
1st Gen Owner
V6 Engine
May 30, 2002
Reaction score
Akron, OH
Here is why...

John Hayes wants only to sell pizzas, not shoot robbers.

But the day after his West Akron pizza parlor was held up and he shot and killed the shotgun-armed robber, Hayes remains concerned about his business, his life and the health of his six workers.

I visited the guy today. Business has shot up with people supporting his actions. If I were in the same situation, I would have done the same thing.

Click the link below...

Good for him!

Looks like a nice neighborhood to move away from. Why run a business and pay taxes if the local neighborhood doesn't seem to appreciate your business, and the police can't protect you?

Yeah, call me a gutless coward if you want (some here will), or say that this guy is a hero for talking a stand, but I say life is too short. Just look at the pain and anguish this guy is describing now. I wonder if it is all worth it!

I know, I know...some here want to take a stand. But sometimes I wonder for what? What's the point? Do you really WIN if you LOSE yourself in the process?

TJR because he was armed he now has the option to move, if he wasn't neither of us know if he would still be alive. Since he did shoot him, we know for sure he is alive and has options..

Crime happens everywhere, just because it didn't happen to you, or in your neighborhood doesn't mean it won't...

Good for John Hayes, good for taxpayers, one less criminal eating up tax payer dollars in the judicial system.
Did you see the school shooting today ?????

I am looking for a new pistol.... But the craze has the prices through the roof here... :angry:

Todd Z

Yes, I know you can be a statistic just about anywhere these days, but...

When I said I would think of moving I was moreso talking about the fact that in the article the store owner said he was robbed 4 times in the past 2 years.


There is a lot of cost in uprooting a successful business and moving it. The robberies more than likely totaled less than $1000 in loss. On top of that you never know what the next town is going to turn into.. They don't mention how long the shop has been in business (some of the others but not the pizza place)

Plus if people don't stand their ground and fight for their streets criminals will take them over, instead of running to the next town, how about fighting for what you love?

I'm all for fighting for what you love, but at what cost?

I love my life. I love my peace of mind. I love a feeling of safety. This guy has lost most of those things by his own admission due to his decisions and the circumstances he opted to be in. Sure, ultimately it is the criminal that is to blame.

Seems to me the criminals have already taken over that town.

Do towns and neighborhoods turn bad because the good folk leave, or do the good folk leave because the towns and neighborhoods are turning bad?

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Do towns and neighborhoods turn bad because the good folk leave, or do the good folk leave because the towns and neighborhoods are turning bad?

It is both.

You said it yourself...

"Why run a business and pay taxes if the local neighborhood doesn't seem to appreciate your business, and the police can't protect you?"

Look in the mirror. You are the cause of many problems.

The only way for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.

Stand up. Rise above the scum out there. Take a stand.

Sure it is easy to move somewhere else and live happy, but one of these days you may find you never got away from it all because you always ran.


Parts of Ohio sound really bad. I pitty those that have to live there.

I've moved out of states and neighborhoods that stopped being able to take care of their people. I'm quite able to protect and take care of myself, I just don't want to live in a town where I have to.

If I have to have a gun because the liklihood of getting robbed is high, or if I have to have bars on my windows, or if I can't take a walk around the block after 10pm (without having to pack), if I have to have a gate around my community to keep out the local criminal element, etc, etc, then I'm going to live elsewhere.

We live in a society that has rules. The rules of our current society is that it is to be reasonably civil, and that there are those in service to us, charged with protecting us and upholding the peace. I say let them do their jobs. If there are areas where they can't do their jobs, then I'll live somewhere else.

When there stops being "somewhere else", then I will take up a gun and stand my ground. I've been to a lot of this great country, and we aren't even CLOSE to that day coming.

It's a big country and a big world. Call it fleeing if you want, call it cowardess, call it not standing up to evil; but part of being "well off" is being "mobile".

We have some slum areas with higher crime rates near where I live. And people choose to live there...many to save money so they can "play" (have 4-wheelers, go on vacations several times a year, two sports cars, etc). For me, I choose not to live with the animals.

Also, Caymen, you say "Look in the mirror, you are the cause of many problems!" Well, thank you too buddy! I'm not the criminal. I'm not the one with the gun, robbing the store. I'm not the police that are doing nothing. Good people should be allowed to do whatever they want without feeling guilty.

Besides, if you believe in "survival of the fittest", then maybe, just maybe certain neighborhoods SHOULD NOT SURVIVE. Maybe if the good people would LEAVE SOONER, and take the tax base with them, then these sh!thole areas would spiral down to non-existance sooner and die out quicker. Maybe if we didn't have welfare, and maybe if we didn't throw money at such areas and neighborhoods than there wouldn't be blight and generations of people stuck in an area with no hope! Maybe the problem is that the good people, and the taxpayers are propping up these areas and their sh!theal people that live in them for too long!

At a certain point, if you keep animals caged with now ability to escape, and give them just enough scraps to barely survive then sooner or later they will start to turn on one another and eat each other.

Yes, I said ANIMALS! Many of the people in these areas are animals. I guess if I lived in a lions cage I would want a gun too!

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You know what they say about the police right?

They are only minutes away when seconds count.

They are useless at preventing crime...
I live in a gated retirement Community, with a manned gaurd house 24/7

No crime in my Hood, never has been, we dont even lock our doors:)
good for the shop owner.

boo hoo to the robber, he got what he deserved.

as far as the title, why should every citizen be armed?

by far not every citizen. there should be a very extensive background and mental check as well as a waiting period. some states are to lax in letting just about anyone purchase a firearm.
Also, Caymen, you say "Look in the mirror, you are the cause of many problems!" Well, thank you too buddy! I'm not the criminal. I'm not the one with the gun, robbing the store. I'm not the police that are doing nothing. Good people should be allowed to do whatever they want without feeling guilty.

When you walk away and let thugs TAKE your neighborhood, you are the cause. If everyone stood up and said "We are not going to accept this in our neighborhoods", things will change. When we run to another town where we feel warm and fuzzy, we are allowing scum to succeed.

some states are to lax in letting just about anyone purchase a firearm.

I guess you have never purchased a firearm. You fill out a FEDERAL form to purchase a firearm. The FBI says if you can buy one or not. I wonder what state allows "just anyone" buy a firearm? Please tell me. I need a few more "cold guns'.

Tom, I have purchased several guns in my past.

I have never filled out a FEDERAL form and all were purchased through a dealer. In Tennessee, the a state background is ran for the purchase of a firearm unless you purchase an excessive amount in a short period of time. Under normal circumstances it is only a state check and there is no wait time or cool off period. The background check is ran over the phone and I walk out with a gun. :cool:

Guns are not registered in Tennessee unless the weapon is classified as machine gun, AOW, etc. Yes, in Tennessee I can own a fully automatic machine gun after I pay my $200 tax stamp and file a Form 4. We can also legally own silencers. I can even saw off a shotgun, reclassify it as an AOW (any other weapon), pay a $5 tax and be legal.

If you want to get a handgun carry permit in Tennessee you will undergo a federal background check.
