window cleaning

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Todd Thorne

Active Member
Dec 12, 2008
Reaction score
Fonthill, ONT
Hi all

My brothers van has some sort of tree wax or something on it, he thinks it came from a tree???

It has been well over a year and he still can't get it off, and it seams to come from on top of the van down on the windshield. The best i can describe it is as if you didn't rinse the soap off after washing the car, it has a white-ish outline and seems to be coming down from the top of the van, could it be the paint finish??? It is a Caravan, 02 I think.

He has tried the usual, windex, invisible glass, majic glass, razor blades and nothing has removed it :banghead:

open to suggestions.
Belt sander always works! Just kidding...... Sounds to me like the finish like how a white trailer rubs off. I am not real sure but I think that there is some sort of acid that might can help.
Is the paint starting to discolor or fade? I see cars all the time now that apparently park outside overnight, have the dew/pollen/dirt and such on the finish every day, then the vehicle is parked outside at work in the sun and the dew/water just bakes the clearcoat/paint finish to a chalky white it looks like to me. If this is the case, not much to do other than re-paint IMO. If the paint is not faded, etc., then can try compounding, buffing etc., to see if that will remove whatever it is then WAX it and keep it waxed.
Might try a head-light rejuvenation kit or just go to a glass & mirror shop and see what they suggest.
It sounds like the glass is damaged. If that is the case, then replacing the glass will be the only option. If you feel the glass and it seems like it is etched - rough - then all the cleaners in the world won't help. A CLEAN and NEW razor blade should remove any foreign substance from glass. (I was a glazier for 15 years)

As far as the paint, I'll leave that for others.
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I have polished chemicals off off auto glass, with. Mothers alluminum polish. It did not harm the glass.
Had the same thing on one of the Patrol cars at work. Nothing including razor blades would get it off. Ended up finally getting it off using CLR and the glass is clear again!