Wireless Internet Connection Question

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Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2004
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., NC
Please be gentle. LOL!

I just bought a new laptop and it has “Integrated 802.11g/b wireless lets you stay connected on the road.” This is totally new to me, I’m Fred Flintstone, I still use dial up. Yabba dabba doo!

Anyway, here’s my question: While at home, I get this message (below) and I am able to connect and go online. How??? Where??? I live very close to a college, could it be from there? Maybe a neighbor? And the main question I really have is: Can whoever/wherever this is coming from tell I’m on it? Is it the government trying to watch me??? :lol::lol:

I went ahead and installed my Bedrock dialup and do intend to use it, I was just really curious about the wireless stuff.

Thanks a bunch!

[Broken External Image]:
the network should have a name. i wouldn't use that network unless it is a public access network. if it is a neighbors, i would not connect to it because you can get in trouble...

the signal is pretty low so i would guess it isnt a next door neighbor. i would say within 500 to 1000 or so feet to the laptop.....
Could be a neighbors house, the school, Any thing.

I made mine private so only my lap top will connect to my router..

Todd Z
the network should have a name.

There was a bunch of numbers and letters between the little "antenna" and the word "Connected". I obliterated them, just in case it was the government or aliens. ;):lol:

It that where the name would be?

Sorry to be such a PC dummy.

Thanks again.
System admins can monitor the activity on their networks. More than likely the admin on a non secure network is not aware and wouldn't be able to trace or no how. It's common for unsecured networks to be broadcasted and they are just that, unsecured. My dentist has an unsecured wireless that I connect to when I go, seems to be quite a few times recently:(

If you are using dial up and are not using a wireless router or access point, you can't connect to "your" network.
Yeah it could be the name if the person didnt name the network. The software would just make it a number and letter type name....
Man, I'm confused. I can currently go online either by using this connection or by plugging the phone wire into the modem and going dial up. I don't have any router or anything.

Last question, I promise. :D

What kind of "trouble" could I get into for using this wireless connection?

Thanks again all. :)

Yeah it could be the name if the person didnt name the network. The software would just make it a number and letter type name....

I bet that's right. Thanks
Wireless DSL modems/routers default SSID (network name) is the serial number of the unit so that is most likely where the random characters came from.

So far I have only heard of one state procecuting for someone using an open wireless connection that was not theirs.

Personally I would be all over that. But thats just me, there are certain security risks and the VERY SLIGHT possibility of procecution. With your "lack of knowledge" you didn't know any better though and thought it was magic :)
That screen mearly shows all the wireless networks that are within the reception range of your PC. The wireless connection you are receiving and connecting to is from a nearby wireless router, probably a neighbors. This is similar to the type of wireless networks offered for free at many hotels and coffee shops like Starbucks.

Wireless networks can be configured to be private by providing an encryption key. If the network was encrypted, that network screen would identify that you are within range of network that requires a valid key code to connect.

Unfortunately, people buy and connect wireless router and do not understand how they work. The router manufacturers simplify this installation by providing simple steps or programs to install and connect to the router without warning the public that an unsecured wireless connection leaves you open to have anyone within range of your routers signal to log on to the internet. You can end up being an Internet-Cafe for your whole neignborhood.

Hey! I could open a Starbucks! :lol:

Thanks for all the responses everyone.

Several people (aka "wardrivers") have been prosecuted for parking outside people's houses in their cars and connecting to those people's unsecured wireless networks. So far, I haven't heard of anyone in their home who's been in trouble for connecting to somebody else's network. In fact, in apartment/condo complexes it's quite common, and sometimes even planned that way (multiple tenants sharing a single broadband connection over a wireless network - which perplexes the ISPs to no end).

You can right click on the Wireless LAN connection icon (under Network Connections) and disable the connection if you like without hurting anything. If you do that you'll also save power when you're on battery - the wireless radio in your laptop is broadcasting/receiving all of the time and using up juice unless you turn it off. If you go on the road and want to enable it again (like if you're staying at a hotel with free Internet access), just right-click on the icon and hit Enable. Easy.
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