Witnessed a nasty collision - Filled with Racial Hatrad towards Arabs

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Alan Peters

Well-Known Member
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
Troy, MI
I was sitting a red light and the woman next to me is in an Infinity SUV one of those jelly bean brand new ones. Anyways, she decides she no longer wants me wait for the red light and wants to get into my lane. So she starts to come into the side of me where I move to avoid her. Mind you this is all at a red light so were all stopped. I honk the hong she doesn't stop so I have to ride the curb and up on the grass to avoid her. Then she starts through the light and SMACK! she's t boned by a 2 door explorer sport. She gets out with Dog in had and starts yelling she has the right away then calls this kid all types of racial words for Arabs.

I don't normally witness accidents but I decided this woman is way out of line. So I pull over and get between the two and ask them both to move their vehicles out of the intersection. Which they do but I pull over and the kid in the Explorer starts galking at me about this so I told him listen I witnessed it and will let the officer know she was at fault bla bla bla. So I go over to the woman to see if shes ok and BAM she hits me for being an Arab lover and all the terrorists including me. I said some things I shouldn't have and walked away. The cop came I told the story and went on my way.

I hate stereo types. I a white male no more no less. But to cut into some kid because hes arab in a time war is sickening. I don't know if you would have stopped but I had to.
If you hadn't stopped you would have regretted it. That was the right thing to do. Most people who act like that really need to do a self assessment.

I hope that I would have done exactly what you did.

I live in Dearborn, MI, which, as some of you may know, has one of the largest populations of Arab peoples outside of the middle east (Just for clarity's sake, I am a white male). I have had many people in the area make comments to the effect that I live in terrorist town, etc., and I usually just let it go. But it really isn't true. I meet up with many people who were originally born in Iraq, Saudi Arabia, etc. in my daily life, and I will tell you these people are just trying to live their lives happily just like you an me.

Side note, I knew that the war in Iraq was the right thing to do on the day that Baghdad fell. I made a point of driving through the "Arab" part of town (storefronts written in Arabic, etc.), and there were people celebrating in the streets. These people were there, they knew how bad it was and were happy that Saddam's rule was over.

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What the heck was this ladies problem? I hope she received several good tickets for her apparent lack of patience. I don't know about Michigan but I live in Florida. Racial slurs are not considered protected by free speech and she could have been prosecuted for harassment under the hate crime laws we have here.
The sad part, is that she will go home, tell HER story where everybody else will be at fault; especially you Al, and she will even be more racist from now on.

You can't change these people who solely rely on Fox news for their education.

You did great!
Whenever I see an accident, I stop. I don't care if I am late for work, another human's life could be at risk. I am CPR certified and I will save someones life if I need to. I can only hope if I am in that same situation, someone else would do the same for me.

With that being said, I also stick around to make sure the guy responsible for the accident doesn't try to shift the blame on the innocent person. Been screwed once by an older gentleman blaming me for the accident when he was at fault. The officer believed his side of the story because I was a young driver and he was older. It was wrong and I still havent forgotten about it.

I don't think I ever will.

Well done Big Al.

I just think its funny that fmarano's post (rymes w/ runt) was followed by a post from "C".

Im in Troy, Mi up the road from Dearborn. Just doesn't understand the logic of hte people have. She didn't hit me but I the way she was steering front on my driver quarter I had no choice but to move/
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I witnessed an "accident" a few weeks back. A lady backed out of a parking spot in front of the convenience store that I was in and bumped into an elderly gentleman walking into the store. The whole thing had "insurance scam" written all over it from the actions of the old man, so I stuck around to give my observations to the police.

I can describe it if you want...an interesting story.

Good witnesses are hard to find.

That story reminds me (white male) of a story about a Professor I had in college (self proclaimed "rock 'n roll chicana hippie feminist from the 70's...and that's the worst kind"). She said she doesn't like white people because they are racist and they stereotype chicanos. Mind boggling isn't it? :blink:
BigAl - Way to go! Whether you changed her mind or not, you absolutely did the right thing. C is right, you would have regretted not stopping. To Caymens point, you may be the reason a young driver doesn't get screwed by the "older upstanding member of society".

If more people stood up for the right thing like you did, fewer of us would have to stand up for the right thing!

Steph - you gotta be kidding, I love the whole Fox is for bigots when studies show they are the MOST centrist of the major networks, only betterd by McNeil-Lehrer. Of course, your statement is not on that shows bias and bigotry, huh? The last remaining socially acceptable bigotry is that against conservatives, especially males.
I saw two terrible accidents in two days last week.

1. A drunk guy ran off the road and hit a ditch which made the vehicle catch air (snapping 3 palm trees in half, and then landing in a guys house. When I left the police and fire rescue still had no idea where the body went.

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2. I was out in my boat and this biker club was having a get together on the shore.. well a biker polls right into the path of a dodge ram..... the paramedics had to work on him in road (thats how bad he was) and the helicopter was there standing by...

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3. Then the night before my brother rolled his truck.

Accidents are scary.
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Fred Kent - Because anyone who watches Fox News is a mouth breathing knuckle dragger and the enlightened people watch CNN and listen to NPR. I am so glad I found those motorcycle gloves with the carbon covers on the knuckles. Now if I can just find a filter to keep the bugs out of my mouth while I breathe.

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