Witnessed a nasty collision - Filled with Racial Hatrad towards Arabs

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You did the right thing by stopping. I would have done the same just because she pushed me into the grass, let alone causing an accident...
I don't fully trust ANY news report. The first amendment guarantees that the media can lie about anything, and does not need to accurately report the news.
Nobleman - I agree with you that I don't fully trust any media source. That said, Wiki is notoriuosly unreliable. Witness Dianne Feinsteins staff removing mentions of her husbands business dealings with China a few weeks ago (http://news.com.com/2061-10796_3-6038011.html).

Not saying that in this case, they are wrong, but here is a link to a VERY liberal and VERY anti-big business writer who shreds them as professionals and questions their motives and credibility. John Sugg's column appears in the Creative Loafer here in Atlanta. Although I rarely agree with his philosophy or interpretation, he is usually strong on his facts. I would have predicted a John Sugg article would have supported these two. One reason I respect his writing is his love of facts.

Link to rather lengthy article with John Sugg's input.
Dale - just because you live in/near Atlanta does not mean you need to bow to the CNN tiki.

I wish someone would redefine the word news to include the word - UNBIASED. Tell it like it is and allow the educated or uneducated public make up their own freakin' mind.

This would keep people from separating people based upon what they may or may not watch.

Only thing worse is actors/singers who get all political and then their minions/lepers just follow because they cannot think for themselves.

From atop the mound,


p.s. Stacy Kiebler is hot as all get out.
Travis - Re-read Dale's post and, hopefully, you will see his sarcasm towards CNN. I believe most people, especially those of us in Atlanta, see CNN exactly for what it is...an extension of the Dummycrat party.
Travis - I can see CNN from the roof of my building and I wish I could throw an egg that far.

CNN is a joke. For example, it is not uncommon for 10 or 15 war protesters to get CNN cameras out to their event, but 400 pro-troop supporters saw no cameras, despite telling CNN where and when they would demonstrate. Thank goodness for the local Protest Warriors.

The funniest thing is watching CNN crybaby about Fox News kicking their butts in ratings. CNN was #1 because they were the ONLY 1.

Geez... I just watch whatever is on that has the most interesting news at the time.

If CNN is covering something better than Fox, I'll watch CNN (and like wise with Fox channel).

I could care less which political side they want to lean toward... what matters to me in the coverage they give.

A few weeks ago my wife and I were coming back from Memphis on Hwy 63 near Trumann, ARK. All of a sudden we see a car comming the wrong direction with lights off (at night). The lights did come on, but almost as the driver was right on top of us. We slow and move over. It was then we saw a car upside down in the ditch. We were the third car to stop. By the time I get to the car, it had settled into about 8 inchs of water and two other guys had forced the passenger door open. I assisted in getting the mid 50's female driver out, then assisted in getting a 15month old boy and mis 20's female out of the back seat. The younger female was covered in muddy water (and it was about 40 degrees out).

We waited on the cops to arrive. When the first one arrived he check on the occupants, then took off saying they had pulled the car over down the road. Everyone was A-Ok.

The next day I got a call from the husband of the younger woman (who had used my cell phone to call him the night before). Turns out the driver that caused the wreck was an elderly lady with Alzheimer's that had turned up missing around 1 pm that day. She thought she was pulled over for tailgating. Had no idea she nearly killed at least three people.

I had never personally seen a car flip over. This on spun first, rolled when it hit the shoulder, then flipped up airbourne over a cow fence and landed in a ditch. The fence was just barely touched.

You can't change these people who solely rely on Fox news for their education.

I don't JUST rely on Fox News, there's:

Rush Limbaugh

Sean Hannity

Laura Ingram

Danny Glover (when in St Louie)

Glenn Beck

I got news for the Fox haters out there.... they are about as centrist as you can get. They just look right leaning because CNN/MSNBC are so far to the left....

And I also fail to see how a Fox viewer is an Arab Hater.

If anything, a CNN viewer is a White ****** (like me) hater.

Sorry turn this story into a political rant.
LOVE Glenn Beck...and our local guy, Michael Smirkonish. Sean Hannity is good, and I agree with most of what he says, but often his attitude and manners leave me cold. El-Rushbo, well he says mostly what I think, but there is something about how he says it that turns me off.

Talk Radio, the last beacon of hope and truth in an otherwise troubled world (I think that is Hannity's tag line, paraphrased)
Michael Smirkonish

Heard of him, never heard him that I am aware of.

I have actually been accused of being furth to the right than The Great Maha Rushie. Sometimes I do think he is too far left on topics, but for the most part I agree. I think it's his egocentric attitude that brushes most people the wrong way.
about 10 years ago I was coming home from visiting my parents in NC. I was driving up 77 ( i think). This little yellow Mercury Capri comes flying up the on ramp and darts into traffic and cuts off a green explorer. The explorer swerved into the grassy median to avoid the car, goes sideways, comes back onto the high where the tires gripped and flys up in the air flips twice and lands upside down in the middle lane. there's nothing like seeing the underbelly of a truck 15 feet in the air in front of you. I called 911 from the cell and gave our location. About a dozen people had stopped at that point and they had helped pull a late 60s women out of the truck which was flattened. the roof has been smashed flat to the hood. the yellow capri took off and we never saw it again.
Neal Boortz is good too. I try to check his web site every day for his "reading assignments". He usually links some pretty interesting thins to read.
Driving up US231 from Dothan to Montgomery during Spring Break 2003, I witnessed a Pontiac TransSport roll. The Pontiac was driven by a teenage girl and the passengers were two of her friends and an adult woman. I saw her closing in behind me VERY rapidly, probably at 85 or 90 MPH, so I moved over. She made about three lane changes and then I saw the brake lights. She swerved to the left, overcorrected and moved quickly right, slid sideways and began barrell rolling. The van left the road and down an embankement into a low area probably 40 ft below road level. I was close enough that I hit the brakes hard and stopped on her skid marks on the emergency lane. There were clothes and debris from the car littering the tree branches and steam rising from the van. A biker, a trucker and myself ran down to the van and opened the doors so the girls could climb out. Gasoline was everywhere, so we decided to move them away from the van. The girls didn't have shoes on, so they walked on our shoe tops across the briars to safety. Then we had to get the woman out. She was bleeding and soaked in gasoline. I established she could move on her own, but wasn't strong enough to get out of the inverted van. We managed to open the lift gate and the biker and I lifted her out of the van. She was beginning to freak about the gas. The biker sensed she was about to panic so he carried this woman, who was at least 220 lbs, through the underbush to safety. By the time I got away from the van to the occupants, a trauma nurse (on her way to her shift at the ER) had arrived to help them.

Everyone was OK, the troopers took my info and I never learned the name of the biker or the trucker. I can point to at least five people who risked their safety that day to help people they had never met. This is just one time that reaffrimed my belief that the VAST majority of people are good and decent.
I think many people are put off by Rush because of his arrogant act. I grow tired of the act from time to time and listen to others. He is an entertainer and he plays a character. I have met three people who have spent time around him (event promoters) and one who played a round of golf with him at a charity tournament. All of them describe him as a very kind and generous person and were all shocked by his humility. Three of those are liberals, BTW. :D
I hear you, Dale, and when I do listen to Rush, and it's probably a few minutes a day, a few days a week, I do so to get entertained and to hear his spin on the insanity which is the extreme left. But often he comes off as a caricature of himself (is that possible?), one that almost seems to exist to feed the left and give it substance. In other words, I don't think they could exist without him, and he without them, and at a certain point it all comes down to devisive horse crap, IMHO.

Still, it can be entertaining.

Okay one other accident story from me where I wasn't actually involved. Last winter I was going skiing at Mountain Creek. I was walking up ffrom the lower parking lot with my skis in tow when I heard this screech and loud crash. Turn around and see this car sitting on its side. The bottom of the car is facing us and we can see flames coming out from underneath. my girlfriend at the time and I drop our stuff and ran fulll tilt to the car where this 17 yr old girl is standing up with her feet on the passenger side window and her head coming through the drivers side window. couple of quick questions, can you move, is there anyone else in the car with you and I lift her out of the car and carried her to aa neearby buiding. My then girlfriend was a nurse so she did a quick checkup on her until the EMTs and the fire dept got there. Turns out she had gotteen her license 2 weeks prior and she had been reaching over to get her bottle of water that had fallen onto the floor and as she leaned over she steered the car to the right and off the road. Lost my favorite Columbia fleece that day as it got given to this girl to keep her warm