A few weeks ago my wife and I were coming back from Memphis on Hwy 63 near Trumann, ARK. All of a sudden we see a car comming the wrong direction with lights off (at night). The lights did come on, but almost as the driver was right on top of us. We slow and move over. It was then we saw a car upside down in the ditch. We were the third car to stop. By the time I get to the car, it had settled into about 8 inchs of water and two other guys had forced the passenger door open. I assisted in getting the mid 50's female driver out, then assisted in getting a 15month old boy and mis 20's female out of the back seat. The younger female was covered in muddy water (and it was about 40 degrees out).
We waited on the cops to arrive. When the first one arrived he check on the occupants, then took off saying they had pulled the car over down the road. Everyone was A-Ok.
The next day I got a call from the husband of the younger woman (who had used my cell phone to call him the night before). Turns out the driver that caused the wreck was an elderly lady with Alzheimer's that had turned up missing around 1 pm that day. She thought she was pulled over for tailgating. Had no idea she nearly killed at least three people.
I had never personally seen a car flip over. This on spun first, rolled when it hit the shoulder, then flipped up airbourne over a cow fence and landed in a ditch. The fence was just barely touched.
You can't change these people who solely rely on Fox news for their education.
I don't JUST rely on Fox News, there's:
Rush Limbaugh
Sean Hannity
Laura Ingram
Danny Glover (when in St Louie)
Glenn Beck
I got news for the Fox haters out there.... they are about as centrist as you can get. They just look right leaning because CNN/MSNBC are so far to the left....
And I also fail to see how a Fox viewer is an Arab Hater.
If anything, a CNN viewer is a White ****** (like me) hater.
Sorry turn this story into a political rant.