WTF Pennslyvania?

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Active Member
Jun 11, 2001
Reaction score
Tonto Forest Estates, AZ
WTF, I'm searching for an '08 or newer Adrenalin, and they ALL seem to be in Pennsylvania???

I've relegated myself to living with the dark charcoal interior (Not exactly ideal in AZ) but they are all on the east coast.
I've relegated myself to living with the dark charcoal interior (Not exactly ideal in AZ)

If you're set on getting an Adrenalin, then that's all you'll get. No other interior color was offered with the Adrenalin package.
I wish my '07 had dark charcoal. The light tan color sucks no matter where you live...IMO
I live in Northern Virginia and have never seen another 2008 Adrenalin like mine on the road. When I ordered it the dealer was clueless that it was even available and when it arrived the entire dealership was outside staring at it as they had not seen one. Ford never advertised the Adrenalin and I never saw another one ever sitting at a Ford dealer. So, I'm very happy to have a very limited edition vehicle and I'll take the black interior anyway over a tan one. It's a hot looking truck. I even get F150 owners ask me where I got it and how! They think it is a new style/model.

@ TrainTrac - Yes, I know realized that, hence why I'll take one that way.

@CopSTA - Not being a Wuss. Just not interested in a truck that has spent a few years driving around on roads covered with fender solvent.

@JohnnyO - Yep. Seems like a lot of them in your neck of the woods.

@Heyward - Yeah, same thing here too. People have no clue about them. Ford screwed up discontinuing them. I drove a Ridgeline today. It felt heavy and slow, mini-vannish (since it is a pilot) like the new FWD Explorer.
@ TrainTrac - Yes, I know realized that, hence why I'll take one that way.

@CopSTA - Not being a Wuss. Just not interested in a truck that has spent a few years driving around on roads covered with fender solvent.

@JohnnyO - Yep. Seems like a lot of them in your neck of the woods.

@Heyward - Yeah, same thing here too. People have no clue about them. Ford screwed up discontinuing them. I drove a Ridgeline today. It felt heavy and slow, mini-vannish (since it is a pilot) like the new FWD Explorer.
The light tan color sucks no matter where you live...IMO

'07 ST, that color does suck, but a good polish and wax job (using proper technique and high-quality product) will help that tan pop out from the masses.
@Chr$ - yeah agree. My brother in law has a cousin that runs a Honda dealership in Atlanta and when he was looking at maybe buying a Ridgeline his cousin said don't. Internal discussions at Honda was that it's made up of different parts of other Honda vehicles (like the Sport Trac was) but that the repair and warranty calls have been large. The dealership did not think the vehicle had been engineered to normal high Honda standards due to the complaints at the time. I agree. I drove it and there is no comparison to the Sport Trac at all (Gen 1 or Gen 2). It looks dorky too. I pray that Ford wakes up and realized not everyone wants an F-150 and won't. They will lose a 25 year Ford buyer if there is no replacement I can move to in the next 5 years. That's a shame because I like Ford more than anyone (Ford is not perfect but I think they make the best trucks and I have always loved pickup trucks.)

Well I am gonna look at a blue STA in Pennsylvania next week since I will be there, and also may fly down to FL to look at Jeffrey's, Which is probably the best deal for me, as I have to ship it to Arizona. At least it is white.

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