Gerry, I agree. Fishing is more about going out and relaxing and having a good conversation with your fishing buddies. I used to go fishing with my landlord in Turkey. We'd go down to a town on the Mediterenean called Yurmatalik, where he and his dad used to fish. We went nearly a dozen times, and never caught a fish.
He taught me how to fish turkish-style -- using a block of wood, instead of a pole. He also taught me a lot about Turkish culture and language. We'd usually walk down to a fish market in town and buy fish for lunch, then go to a place that would cook them for us, right next to the water.
He also ntroduced me to Raki, which is an anise-based liquor, which turns a milky-color when mixed 50% with water. I learned it is not good to drink when you have been in the hot sun all morning.
The last time we went, we discovered a castle ruin, which was inhabited by two old men who had gotten tired of their wives telling them what to do. They had been living in the abandoned castle for a couple of weeks when we discovered them. They were in good spirits, and I bet they didn't go home until the weather got nasty. :lol: