Year End Woes....

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Neil Vidt

Apr 11, 2007
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA
So my year ended rather harsh. I was on my way to work Thursday and since the state was caught with their pants down with respect to dealing with the snow I slid across a 4 lane highway and hot someone head on. Fortunately there were no life threatening injuries. However I think the ST is headed for the bone yard. So I am looking for a replacement. One feature I have that I realy like on my 07 is the heated windshield. Does anyone know if that is still available on the 2010s?



Sorry to hear about that ST.

Like I tell my 16yo that just got his license:

- There is no place you need to go that is that important when the roads are crap.


- I've never been in an accident where I wish I was going faster.

Take your pick; I suppose one applies to your situation.


Good luck getting her fixed/replaced.

TJR, If his job was like mine was. There were no excuses for not being there. Except in the hospital. 3 days missed or late 3 times in 6 months. You get a 3 day no pay suspension repramind. The hospital was considered 1 miss. So that wasnt excused either. 30 days missed because of medical, I would loose 1/12th of my pension, for that yr. After the three misses. One more miss in the next six months may get you fired. Guess what? I was a union worker. Not all union folks get the free rides of white collar.

36 years never was granted a sick day.

We tried forever contract to get no pay sick days, with a doctors note. Company always said no. That is why it pi**s me off when some on here talk trash. Saying the unions take advantage of the company. 2 yr contracts and did not get a raise or addition to pension benifits, the last 6yrs on the job. Got a whole lot taken away just keep a job.

That is why I say. The company is ultimatley always in control, not the union.

Rant over....


Neil, glad no one was hurt. Take care...

We tried forever contract to get no pay sick days, with a doctors note. Company always said no. That is why it pi**s me off when some on here talk trash. Saying the unions take advantage of the company. 2 yr contracts and did not get a raise or addition to pension benifits, the last 6yrs on the job. Got a whole lot taken away just keep a job.

That is why I say. The company is ultimatley always in control, not the union.


Don't you understand. It is not about the facts, it is about fear mongering. Simple as that.

Not sure what local your in but it doesnt sound like they back they guys very well. We dont get any sick time it goes on the motto"whatever you can afford". As of now our union has as much say or more than companys.