Your hawt but really dumb!

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LOL. If they had IQ's above 100 then they would not be beauty contestants. She still has a great career ahead of her pole dancing. :D
Well, at least she tried to think globally ... even though she didn't even come close to answering the question !! I'm thinking she will go into politics :lol:
Where is "Diaraq?" That's what I want to know.

Yes, I feel better about my choice to stay North of the Mason-Dixon if that there is the product of a Southern school system.

Yes, I feel better about my choice to stay North of the Mason-Dixon if that there is the product of a Southern school system.

Yeah, southern girls just aren't as smart as those northern girls like Paris Hilton. :rolleyes:
TomT says:
Yeah, southern girls just aren't as smart as those northern girls like Paris Hilton.

I don't know how you can claim she is a Northern girl???

She is from Southern California, and as anyone can see on the map of the USA, that's definitately the Southern half of the country.

I don't get the south-bashing. Are you implying that we're too busy molesting our cousins and dogs to be educated?
Hey-- Don't you be talking about my cousin and my dog in the same sentence. Here in the Ozarks we love both of them (and in some cases they are the same being).
I don't know how you can claim she is a Northern girl???

She is from Southern California, and as anyone can see on the map of the USA, that's definitately the Southern half of the country.

She may live in LA now but she was born, raised and went to school in NYC.
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TomT--She went to school??? I'm amazed to hear that. :D

TJR--We northerners should't try to brag about this one too much--after all, within this very thread, SST (Seattle = "north") misspelled "You're" (in the thread subject line), and TJR, you personally misspelled "definitely", used the so-called phrase "that there", and capitalized "Southern" twice in situations where it shouldn't have been. And if I proof this message carefully, I'll likely find I messed up a time or two myself. :)

Besides, as the moderator on the video link alludes, Miss South Carolina still looks like she'd be a, um, fun date. I don't know if that can be said for any of us on this site. :)
Hey, BillV, I never claimed I was that bright, grammatically...I'm an engineer. Only 550 on the verbal portion of the SAT. 780 in math, though.

As for using "that there", I was trying to speak southern.


I was educated in GA. That's a southern state, for the geographically challenged. I'm purty durn smurt, though.
For those that can't understand this young lady, here it is in print, so you can see each gem:

Q: Recent polls have shown that 1/5th of Americans can't find the U.S. on a world map. Why do you think this is?

A: I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because, ah, some-a people out there in our nation don't have maps and, ah, I believe that our education like such as in South Africa and Diaraq, everywhere like, such as, and I believe that they should, ah, our education over here in the US should help the US, er should help South Africa and should help Diaraq and the Asian countries so we will be able build up our future for our children.


Does anyone else care to answer the question?


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