youTube 2007 Ford Sport Trac- Off roading

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George T

Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2006
Reaction score
Denver, CO
This aint mine (i wish)....i have no idea what lanuguage that is but it is a 2007 sport trac off roading. Just thought some people might want to see it.

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I was there. That water Josh is driving through is slightly shallower that a mud puddle. I walked through it without getting my feet wet. I was wearing flip-flops.

He was arfraid to get the body wet because he was afraid the body would rust out before he got home. I tried to tell him different but he said it was a Toyota and the thin body panels and cheap paint will rust out within minutes.

That looks like any of our streets in Seattle when it rains...LOL

In other words, everyday?

Actually, Seattle does not get as much rain as most area's, it just recieves more doses in smaller amounts. It looks like more, but it really isn't.

Oh, Caymen.... your so cute.

I don't think you really understand how mudy and steep that incline is the the back ground...
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You live in Florida. Florida does not have many hills. I will get you a snapshot of some real hills.

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That's a mole hill, Mud. :) The access road for the high tension lines is about as steep as the lines are going down. But, in all honesty, I climbed the hill with the old Explorer XLT. I'd never take the Trac through some of that terrain, ignoring the fact that my step bars likely would get me hung up at places. Additionally, for a while I drove ATV trails, and it was hard enough going between trees with inches of clearance without adding a few more inches of length to clear before I could cut the wheel.

Oh, how I miss that old thing. I drove the hell out of it, including snapping a tortion bar when off-roading once. I drove home with one bar up, one broken, and the left front wheel rubbing in the well. It took a beating and came back for more--despite what some Ford naysayers believe.

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Unfortunately, much of this land was former strip mining land, and it has since been filled and graded. The land, besides the power lines, is relatively smoothly graded now.

Tom--you have mountains in Ohio? :)
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looking the other direction...

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It's fun... but I only did it because the only way up the mountain was that road and through a creek... we had alot of rain the day before and it was a pain to get up it... especially with the tires that are on the Tundra...
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