1st gen brakes

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Dec 26, 2022
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1st Gen Owner
Just curious what everyone is running on their 1st gens as far as brakes go. Ive been eyeballing the powerstop z36 pad and rotor kit, but i have never had any dealings with them. Most of my older trucks i just run the factory rears with ceramic pads up front(f250s and f350 with factory hd brakes)
Depends on your use, if you are going to haul trailer then run something like power stop etc, i beefed mine up and it was worth the little extra money..if just a daily driver then not so much. but brakes are not something to go cheap. brake dust is another factor. i would do like you are thinking with the power stop.
Depends on your use, if you are going to haul trailer then run something like power stop etc, i beefed mine up and it was worth the little extra money..if just a daily driver then not so much. but brakes are not something to go cheap. brake dust is another factor. i would do like you are thinking with the power stop.
I did wind up going with the z36 kit. Awesome brakes for my daily. I have no intention of pulling anything other than my little adventure camper that im designing. Kinda a crossover between a full blown overlander camp trailer and a teardrop. If i need to haul anything, i generally will use either my f250 or my f350.
Wagner rotors, akibono pads, FLUSH the brake fluid and go.

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