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  1. Grizz 44

    Is this a good UD Pulley???

    I was wondering if this UD pulley is any good?? Or is it just like the OEM pulley?? The link is posted below....
  2. Grizz 44

    bed extender and cover

    do you have any pictures of the cover??
  3. Grizz 44

    AirAid Throttle Body Spacer. Does it work?

    The MAC Cold Air Intake from EE isnt too expensive either are the JBA plug wires..
  4. Grizz 44

    Broken caliper

    oh yea ok... can you buy the pistons at any local parts store??
  5. Grizz 44

    Broken caliper

    I called all over the place and they have to order them... and wont get them in till thursday or friday.. and i need to get this fixed cuz i have work all next week and it is my only vehicle... you know of anywhere that might have them in stock???
  6. Grizz 44

    Broken caliper

    yea one of the pistons had about 1" chipped from it. I havent really driven my car around after I put the caliper back on except to make sure the brakes worked on a test drive up my street. I am gonna go out tomorrow hopefully and get it fixed..
  7. Grizz 44

    Broken caliper

    i have tried calling a few of them but they cant get it in till end of this coming up week.... I need to go to work and now i have no way of getting there... is it really bad to drive with the caliper the way it is??
  8. Grizz 44

    Broken caliper

    Well today I was tryin to replace my break pads, i broke my caliper. On one of the ceramic holes it chipped. can i put it back on my truck so i can drive to the nearest ford dealer to get it fixed??? anyone have suggestions on what to do besides the ford dealer cuz i am sure that is gonna be...
  9. Grizz 44

    Performance mods on the way!!

    Well I have actually started buy performance mods for my trac... right now i have a MAC cold intake, JBA wires, dual exhaust on the way to my house... Also have JDBoxes making me a dual 10" sub box... man i cant wait to get all this installed on my truck... any suggestions on what i should get...
  10. Grizz 44

    New door speakers

    It is not that hard to install the speakers in your door at all took me like an hour to do all four in mine.. also it is pretty easy to identify the wires.. if you cant figure it out just figure out which one is the hot wire and that should be your positive one...
  11. Grizz 44

    Pro-M MAFS question

    yea that is true.... i just might have to try that then... thanks paul
  12. Grizz 44

    Pro-M MAFS question

    I had a 80mm Pro-M MAFS on my 97 3.8L mustang. Do you think it will work on my 04 ST?? This is probably a dumb question but I had to ask cuz it is just sitting in my garage.
  13. Grizz 44

    MAC Cold Air Intake For Sale

    hey you got any pictures of your mac intake??
  14. Grizz 44

    Spark Plug Wires

    Yea those are the ones from JBA right??
  15. Grizz 44

    Spark Plug Wires

    Has anyone installed the spark plug wires from EE.. Is it very time consuming?? I tried opening the one in the prjects section but it wouldn't open so i am just looking for some input thanks...
  16. Grizz 44

    Attn: JDBOXES

  17. Grizz 44

    Attn: JDBOXES

    I wanna buy your dual 10" enclosure.... so could you send me your link or paypal account so i can send you the money later today after i get off work?? my email address is [email protected] Thanks
  18. Grizz 44

    custom paint pics?

    yea sorry about the lingo man i meant to say your paint job is f**kin awesome...
  19. Grizz 44

    WTB: Clear corner lights

    hey man there are some clear corners on ebay right now for real cheap. that is probably your best bet for buying inexpensive clear corner lights.
  20. Grizz 44

    custom paint pics?

    that looks sick... how much did it cost to get that paint job... man that is filthy.