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  1. L


    We only have the CURRENT system to use. Everyone knows that going in to the season. I myself would like to have a playoff system. Until then you can't start adding asterisks and such, just silly. GEAUX TIGERS 2007 National Champions
  2. L

    So who owes me money? Go SEC!

    Really? Most college football fans "seem to never have left grade school" is an "accurate observation", not an insult? Which poster(s) here were you referring to? Which post contains "people calling names, throwing insults and acting infantile over a sport"? Edited to...
  3. L

    So who owes me money? Go SEC!

    Come on Bill, really now. TJR, I'm assuming you watch Pro football? Their fans are so much better. You make yourself out to be such much better than us with your childish insult. Pot, meet kettle.
  4. L

    So who owes me money? Go SEC!

    One good year?:rolleyes: Since the BCS has been in play: SEC is 9-4 in games and 3 National Championships Add to that, Auburn got hosed when they went 13-0 and didn't get into the title game. 99: UF W Orange, UT W Fiesta (NCG) 00: BAMA L Orange, UT L Fiesta 01: UF L Sugar...
  5. L

    So who owes me money? Go SEC!

    :rolleyes:Big 10 football..... it's great rofl.
  6. L

    Canadian Jr's WIN GOLD!!!!

    Hockey??? What's Hockey?? :wacko:
  7. L

    Hook 'em Horns!

  8. L

    Anything is better than listening to the media blow USC claiming a "three-pete". It takes more than one crystal ball to have a "three-pete".
  9. L

    [Broken External Image]:
  10. L

    Category 5 Storm

    I'm 34 years old andI moved out of Greater New Orleans 3 years ago. Some of the CRAP I'm reading here is being posted by ignorant people who have NO CLUE what kid of damage the storm did... not talking about flooding here... I'm not talking about a drop of water. The wind damage alone was...
  11. L

    USC about to lose!!!!

    At least we don't have to listen to the media blowing smoke up USC's can about a "three-pete". Everyone knows the truth.[Broken External Image]:
  12. L

    Xbox 360, new in box

    Do I look like I'm concerned with anti-capitalist message board marauders? I scoff at their silly comments. Nobody is twisting anyone's arm.
  13. L

    Xbox 360, new in box

    I've yet to put it on Ebay.... taking offers via e-mail first. I have posted on numerous message boards.
  14. L

    Xbox 360, new in box

    [Broken External Image]: [email protected]
  15. L

    Wal-Mart can pack sand....

    Don't you people have anything other to do than cry about Wal-Mart? In the free market, people choose where they want to spend their dollars, and if it happens that MOST people spend theirs at Wa-Mart, it's for a reason. They aren't #1 on the Fortune 500 list for nothing. If you think that...
  16. L

    New Meaning to the Word A--Hole

    Dumb kids did that after seeing it on "Jackass The Movie".
  17. L

    ESPN2 sux

    Nobody wanted to watch those 2 sorry programs fist-fight.:D