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Ford SportTrac Forum

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  1. Adam Smith

    Is there a forum for "Body"? I have a question about tailgate badge.

    I'm looking for suggestions for what to use to attach my Explorer Sport Trac XLT badge to my tailgate. I had to replace my tailgate with a used one and I removed the badge from it (XLS) with a heat gun and fishing line, need to reattach the correct badge. Thanks.
  2. Adam Smith

    Vehicle For Sale Selling my 2004 Sport Trac

    I'm a Firefighter in San Diego, strictly maintain my vehicles, and I'm about to list for sale my factory white SportTrac XLT 2wd, Gen. 1, V-6 multi-fuel, in excellent condition, to buy a Maverick. I have driven it carefully for 191K mi. since I bought it new in late 2003. Receipts for...
  3. Adam Smith

    Someone sideswiped my white '04 Trac, paint stains

    I've tried washing with a nylon brush, no results, their blue and white paint won't come off my rear driver's side quarter panel (and left rear tire). Any suggestions as to how I can safely get this paint off? I think he'd disguised his vehicle, it appeared to be spray painted. Thanks.
  4. Adam Smith

    '04 Trac front alignment? Is the shop trying to trick me??

    The shop wants $86 to align the front end, which I can handle, but they said it's another $67 for caster / camber kit, and $88 labor to install, saying "will take us 3 - 4 hours". I thought 2002 and newer didn't use caster / camber kits? and instead you could add washers? Is it possible they're...
  5. Adam Smith

    Front Suspension parts identification / serious problem leaning = '04 SportTrac 175K mi.

    I'm a Firefighter, relatively handy, so I'm wondering if this is a job I can do myself. Noticed my truck pulling left a bit, leaning left (see photos). Just looked underneath front suspension, I think this short vertical rod (#13 in diagram) is the "stabilizer end link"(?), and is missing rubber...
  6. Adam Smith

    Door Keypad intermittent 2004 Sport Trac

    Stuck at the beach this morning, door wouldn't unlock; keys, wallet, cellphone, insurance card, slim jim all locked inside. Luckily Lifeguards looked up roadside assistance # for my insurance co. and let me use their phone. While waiting for tow truck, I kept trying, and after about 40 - 50...
  7. Adam Smith

    Squealing... water pump? 2004 ST XLT

    I used to be on this forum all the time, I guess I can't remember how to use it anymore. Searches yield nothing in Jobs or postings. Especially when starting off in the AM, I drive a few miles to my destination, but I have a squealing which in my younger days with my old Toyota p/u would have...
  8. Adam Smith

    2004 Sport Trac Hood Gas Lift Struts

    Been a while since I've visited this site, can't find anything in the search bar anymore. My hood is no longer being supported by what Ford calls the "Gas Lift Assembly", or the struts holding the hood up. After a few seconds the hood falls on my head. Is there anything I should know about this...
  9. Adam Smith

    2004 Keypad won't unlock, only locks

    I have never replaced the battery in the door (if there is one). It took 15 minutes of trying this morning to get in my door. I can press the last two buttons at the same time, and I hear it try to lock all the doors (they are already locked), but pressing my code no longer works. Thank you.
  10. Adam Smith

    Warning: Test New Battery!

    My battery was under warranty (2 yr) from O'Reilly's. Instrument gauge lights acting up, took it in to O'Reilly's for them to test, said battery was bad, even though it was just 18 months since purchased there (and it was produced 1 month before purchase). They gave me a new battery (warranty...
  11. Adam Smith

    Brake light / fluid + ABS light = radio cuts out?

    2004 Gen 1 XLT. This is hard to believe. My red brake light on the dash was coming on at stop signs, so I knew my brake fluid was low (this has happened before; where the fluid goes is a mystery...). Before I could get home to top it off, the yellow ABS light started intermittently coming...
  12. Adam Smith

    Windshield Washer T fitting

    Don't know what category this fits in... 2004 Trac, windshield washer stopped spraying fluid, even though I could hear motor running and it was full. Inspection revealed plastic T fitting between fluid reservoir, and R/L side nozzle hoses was disconnected. After pulling apart, all three sides...
  13. Adam Smith

    Clicking sound below dash

    2004 Sport Trac XLT (Gen 1?), 110K mi. Just started hearing this scary sound today, sounds quite like the turn signal indicator, but it's totally intermittent, no rate or rhythm consistency like a turn signal has. I can't produce it at any specific speed, etc. In fact, one time today when I...
  14. Adam Smith

    Alignment shop in San Diego?

    Does anyone have a recommendation for a shop for a front end alignment here in San Diego? Everywhere I call they either don't know anything about the Tracs, or they say that I need a full "cam bolt kit", part #87500, and from what I understand, the 2004's just need cams. One place will do a...
  15. Adam Smith

    Fuel Gauge sporadically shows empty

    (posted in wrong place originally) The fuel gauge reading on my '04 flex fuel Trac started having intermittent problems in 2012. It was very sporadic, only right after fill up, would still show empty, but would usually pop back up to "full" after restarting; or it would slowly creep up while...
  16. Adam Smith

    Recommended Brake Fluid? Flush?

    2004 XLT V6 Sport Trac. Brake light coming on - not sure why, don't see any leakage. Just replaced rotors/pads a year ago. Anyway I need to buy some more to top off, maybe the fluid I used to top off last time had some water in it, which has now vaporized. Are there any real differences? Looking...
  17. Adam Smith

    Valve Stem Seals leaking?

    Just got back from having my mechanic do an oil change on my '04 SportTrac Flexfuel with 100,000 miles. I/he has kept it maintained since I bought it new, Mobil 1 Fully Synthetic 5W30 wt. and Motorcraft filter change every 5K mi. It was down almost 2 qt. and he says it's likely Valve Stem Seals...
  18. Adam Smith

    Spectre Performance Replacement Air Filter Element

    Anyone know anything about (or have experience with) this brand of replacement drop in filter element? $21 on Amazon, vs. about double for K+N. Thanks. 2004 flex fuel trac xlt
  19. Adam Smith

    Intake Manifold Gasket

    My '04 XLT Sport Trac, 90K mi., is starting to run badly, engine missing, hesitating. I changed out the plugs (that was fun) and will likely do the same for the plug wires. Mechanic said the intake manifold gasket is made of plastic and cracks around 90K after all the expanding / contracting...
  20. Adam Smith

    San Diego Smog recommendation?

    Anyone in San Diego have a recommendation for a place to get Smogged? I'm replacing my plugs, and will put in some high test, (if that helps?), and warm it up well. Anyone have any other ideas for passing smog? 2004 Sport Trac XLT w/flexfuel engine. Thanks.