07 ST: Ford - Lock the Gas Cover!

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Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2004
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All Over the East Coast,
I was looking at photos, and mindful of gas prices, it would be smart for Ford to offer as a standard feature either a locking gas cap or a lockable gas door (a'la release handle in the cab). I just ordered a locking cap today (and yes, I know they are of marginal utility, but for an idiot thief, it is enough deterrence) because I realized how easy it could be to steal $60 from my tank.

Come on Ford, get practical.
Vehicles today are equipped with a deterent that will not allow gas to be siphoned from the tank........
I think the locking gas door with the release handle in the cab is probably the ideal way to go. I haven't heard of any problems (freezing, sticking, etc.) with this feature and I believe it should be standard and not a $$$ option.
I believe the tanks have anti-siphon valves in them, so stealing your gas can't happen. I suppose locking it would prevent vandalism however. But a vandal might be just as happy ripping the cover open?

The best solution for vandals is a locking gas cap, you can buy those at any auto parts store.
Another benefit of a locking gas cap, and the reason I got one, is to keep people from adding to my gas tank. No, not that I'd object to someone topping it off with some 87 octane.....but sadly I'm not worried about that...I am however I worried about other things being added.
If your really a paranoid person or live in a really bad neighborhood then by all means buy a locking gas cap. But don't buy one because your afraid of someone syphoning gas from you or because your worried about additives like sugar being added to your tank. Most of that is just a myth anyway.
I'm not paranoid - I'm just precautious. South and West Philadelphia, which I occasionally have to travel to, aren't Bel Air. :) But, as for the anti-theft devices, I guess I learn something new everyday.
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No thanks. I had a locking gas cap on a car once. What a pain. That's the first thing I replaced with a nonlocking one.
I agree with trr, locking caps are a pain in the ass. However, I wouldn't mind seeing a fuel door that you open from the inside installed on the Trac. Have one on my Toyota and Kia so I don't understand why Ford couldn't do it. I know they are flimsy and won't really stop anyone from getting to your tank but at least you would know if anyone tried to mess with you.
The sugar in the gas tank is not a myth. I'm not saying how I know, but I know it will screw things up (especially in a Volkswagon Beetle;)). My lab partner, when I was first starting college, added Muratic acid to the gas tank of his van right before his ex-wife took possesion of it. She was walking within a week.:D
My personal experience, I had a reason to be paranoid. I was a high school teacher and frequently took the lower level, at risk kids. Many of them didn't care if they even got caught. No thanks. I won't take any risks. I'm not in such a hurry with life that taking a second to unlock before I fill will ruin my schedule. From the time I put my card in and wait for it to process, I can unlock and prep to fill. Not to mention, my keys are NOT in my truck and thus no one can possibly jump in and steal it why I fill. I see nothing bad about having it....I only see good.
Yeah I need a locking gas cap. I can't sleep at night knowing someone might steal the cap.

Same with the door. I'm fearful that I will go out to my truck some morning, and my gas door will be missing.:lol:

locking gas caps can be easily removed with a screw driver and a few minutes. I removed one from my buddies car after he lost the key....
SKEPTICS & NAYSAYERS! Be self-righteous and flippant, but if it happens to you, don't say you weren't aware of the risks! So, some of us feel a need, some of us don't. Because YOU don't see a necessity, doesn't mean you have to be so indignant of the rest of us. And if it can be easily removed, so be it. At least if they have to pry it off you have a chance to fill their a#%@s with BUCKSHOT before they finish their dastardly deeds! I don't have a lot of enemies to my knowledge, but its better to be safer than sorry! JUST MY OPINION! LOL to ALL!
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