a good paying job in america

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Jake Levin

Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2005
Reaction score
Morristown, NJ
Joe Smith started the day early having set his alarm clock (MADE IN JAPAN) for 6am. While his coffeepot (MADE IN CHINA ) was perking, he shaved with his electric razor (MADE IN HONG KONG ). He put on a dress shirt ( MADE IN SRI LANKA ), designer jeans ( MADE IN SINGAPORE ) and tennis shoes (MADE IN KOREA ). After cooking his breakfast in his new electric skillet (MADE IN INDIA ) he sat down with his calculator ( MADE IN MEXICO ) to see how much he could spend today. After setting his watch (MADE IN TAIWAN ) to the radio (MADE IN INDIA ) he got in his car ( MADE IN GERMANY ) filled it with GAS from Saudi Arabia and continued his search for a good paying AMERICAN JOB .. At the end of yet another discouraging and fruitless day checking his Computer (Made In Malaysia ), Joe decided to relax for a while. He put on his sandals (MADE IN BRAZIL ) poured himself a glass of wine (MADE IN FRANCE) and turned on his TV (MADE IN INDONESIA ), and then wondered why he can't find a good paying job in AMERICA.
And yet we have unemployment near record low levels, the economy humming right along, and people spending more disposable income on worthless crap than ever before.

And even poor people in America have cellular phones, I-PODS, Air Jordans, lots of gold jewelry, Cadillacs, satellite TV, air conditioning, etc.

Joe Smith can take his ass on down the road to another country if he doesn't like it here...

You know how many times I have thought about this scenario. Oh my, it is so true. We wonder why there are no jobs in the U.S., I think it is because we outsource all of our work to countries that will get the work done for a fraction of the cost. So our fellow Americans with multi million dollar companies are screwing us to try and make more money. Why I ask, it seems that after the 1st billion you would be set right? Bah!
Yes I know this, but the Ford name came from here (Detroit Muscle baby), even though I can bet most if not all of the parts came from elsewhere. It is built Ford tough, made in the U.S.A.

I was into the German car scene for a minute, but I have changed my way of thinking for the most part. I am actually trying to be more alert to what I am buying....mostly local things. I buy things (food for the most part) that were made here in town or close by. There are just some things that can't be avoided, for example a nice set of wheels/tires.
LOL Bootsy and where do you think those wheels were made on your ST?

I don't know about Bootsy's wheels, but I have visited the manufacturing facility for Weld wheels in Kansas City. They have many workers there who do not speak English--most of them are Hispanic from Mexico. I asked why they don't have more "US" workers and the plant manager told me that he cannot find anyone with the machining skills in Kansas City to hire-- so he has his Mexican workers recruit skilled workers from Mexico to work in his plant.

The jobs were paying nearly $20 an hour, so I don't think it was a sweat shop.

I'm not sure what this means, but it was weird.

ATS wheels has a mfg plant about 2 miles from my house. I drive by it 2-3 times a day, and every employee I've talked to is a US citizen that speaks English.
Average wage in Poland is $400/month, and I don't see many imported goods here. Maybe if we lower wages across the board by 60% we could afford to manufacture items in the US again.
Ultimately it's all driven by consumer demand for lower prices. In effect, we export our inflation to other countries. Our prices stay relatively low whereas the developing nations see high rates of inflation when they have more money chasing fewer goods. The very nations that used to be low cost manufacturers, i.e., Japan and Korea, are themselves off-loading work to poorer countries like India and China.
One of the justifications for hiring illegal immigrants is that the American "worker" won't work for those wages. In my opinion, if welfare was cut off form the undeserving, they would have to go to work, and we wouldn't need the illegals.
I think it is funny and sad too. Every year more companies move over seas,:angry: because the labor is cheaper. Have you noticed Wal-Mart no longer advertises "Made in America"? If you put congress on the same system we are on, Social Security, unemployment insurance, health care etc, there were be a big change for all of us.:D
I'm an economist by education and background.

One of the justifications for hiring illegal immigrants is that the American "worker" won't work for those wages. In my opinion, if welfare was cut off form the undeserving, they would have to go to work, and we wouldn't need the illegals.

Partly true, but the illegals' advantage is that they work mostly under-the-table, so the employer doesn't have to pay unemployment insurance, work comp insurance, payroll tax, etc. (not that legit citizens don't do that too), which brings us eventually to the "Fair Tax" that Caymen hypes, something that me and him agree on.

Somebody on welfare gets a legit job, they have to be paid at least min wage and all the taxes I mentioned above from the employer, and they lose their health benefits and their Section 8 rent goes up.

My parents lived in Ft. Myers, FL for the past several winters and have observed that virtually all the housecleaning, yard work, and construction (plus some other things) is done by Mexicans. Meantime, on the north side of town on MLK Blvd there is a soup kitchen that is lined up around the block every day with *cough* other people, who you never see mowing lawns or whatever.

Don't anybody take that wrong....I don't create the stereotypes, I just observe them.

Although labor mobility is not as flexible in the real world as economists would like, here's where welfare screws it up:

Parts of the country have large pockets of unemployed people. However, there is often not a job anywhere for them even if they wanted one. In days of old, when that happened you loaded up the car and went where there was work. See Henry Fonda in "The Grapes Of Wrath".

(This happened with large numbers of middle-class people where I live not so long ago. The red light on the horizon was not the sunset but the mass taillights of departing U-Hauls. If you have at least one relative in FL or NC, you might be a Pittsburgher, the joke goes.)

Meantime, other parts of the country are starving for workers and since nature abhors a vacuum, jobs get filled by immigrants both legal and ill because welfare keeps people living in areas where their labor is not needed.
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I know several folks who are not working and are sucking off the system. When I tell them that there are gobs of $10-12/hr jobs out there for people like them without skills, they tell me they are holding out for a higher paying position. (Kind of like Cousin Eddy on Christmas Vacation, who was out of work for 7 years because he was holding out for a "management" position.)

The entire system makes it possible for people who don't want to work to live what I would consider a middle-class lifestyle. Plenty of credit card companies are happy to let jobless people run up $50,000 worth of credit card debt, and then these folks just file bancrupsy or ignore their debts until they get written off.
Why go work for $5.25 an hour mowing lawns when Welfare pays you $7.00 /hr to sit on your ass, eating bon-bons that you bought with food stamps and your 8 illegitmate kids run around town skipping school?
Why go work for $5.25 an hour mowing lawns when Welfare pays you $7.00 /hr to sit on your ass, eating bon-bons that you bought with food stamps and your 8 illegitmate kids run around town skipping school?

I wonder where you got those numbers from. I know someone that used to be on Welfare. They did not live the life of luxury as you think she did.
