Angel Torres
Hi guys!. This is my first post (and quite long) even though I joined sometime ago. First of all this STA is my first Ford. I also own a 1992 Mits. Monty with 225k in the odo (I did all of them) and my wife's 2006 Toyota Sienna minivan. I've been searching for something different and eye catching but not willing to pay the extra,extra buck's of a new one. So this one came in the classifieds and I went for it.
Fact is so far I love the truck but the more I learn about it the more I fear it also. Please let me start with the engine: it is a 4.6L equipped with a Whipple Supercharger (the one that also has an intercooler). Just a week after having it started stalling. I checked for a pattern but it would stall at any rpm, at idle ,cold, hot, flat terrain, inclines. Having done all the servicing in my Monty (besides the A/T) for 20+ years I was more than willing to handle this one so one day after 5 stalls I had enough and started by moving and lightly tapping all wires, connectors, etc. with a 1/4 inch thick wood pole. When I tapped on the wires leading to the TPS (I guess) the engine almost stalled so I repeated and confirmed. I let the engine to cool down and exposed all those wires only to find out that whomever installed the supercharger kit "forgot" that sensor wires must be soldered, an I am not an auto technician but an experienced electronics technician. So I removed all of the heat shrink tubing, soldered all wires, isolated with 3M tape for testing and so far no more stalls. The bad thing is I know I must trace all other wires that needed to be extended (for the supercharger) to solder all.
Here's where I need some guidance just to start: the speedometer is not working. So far I can tell the wheels are not factory (see pics in my profile, sorry for the low res [cell phone]). The cruise control also doesn't work. The tranny is (I believe) also not factory as it is a 3-speed (or a malfunctioning 4 or 5). It has a deep pan from B&W if I recall correctly.
The truck has a 3in. exhaust from the factory manifolds all the way to the back. It has dual magnaflows and cat in the front. Very important: this truck was supposedly a show truck and a speed truck for a while so the rear end was replaced with a leaf spring type syspension. According to the owner IRS axled were continuously broken.
I've already got the Ford Factory Service manuals (Vol 1 and 2) and the Wiring Manual.
The odo still reads 129 miles (yes 129 not 129k) so that more or less goes with what the owner said about purchase and go direct to the shop for modifications.
I know there's a lot of HP's under the hood by the way if responds whenever you step on the gas pedal. It also came with a SCT X3 Power Flash module but I was unable to get a clue on who the tuner was so I'm basically alone with "Adren-zilla". Based on the great condition of the truck's paint, seating, engine compartment, no leaks of any kind, etc. I'd say it cannot have over 20k and has been properly cared for. Any suggestions besides hiring "Ultra Man"?
Thanks in advance.
Fact is so far I love the truck but the more I learn about it the more I fear it also. Please let me start with the engine: it is a 4.6L equipped with a Whipple Supercharger (the one that also has an intercooler). Just a week after having it started stalling. I checked for a pattern but it would stall at any rpm, at idle ,cold, hot, flat terrain, inclines. Having done all the servicing in my Monty (besides the A/T) for 20+ years I was more than willing to handle this one so one day after 5 stalls I had enough and started by moving and lightly tapping all wires, connectors, etc. with a 1/4 inch thick wood pole. When I tapped on the wires leading to the TPS (I guess) the engine almost stalled so I repeated and confirmed. I let the engine to cool down and exposed all those wires only to find out that whomever installed the supercharger kit "forgot" that sensor wires must be soldered, an I am not an auto technician but an experienced electronics technician. So I removed all of the heat shrink tubing, soldered all wires, isolated with 3M tape for testing and so far no more stalls. The bad thing is I know I must trace all other wires that needed to be extended (for the supercharger) to solder all.
Here's where I need some guidance just to start: the speedometer is not working. So far I can tell the wheels are not factory (see pics in my profile, sorry for the low res [cell phone]). The cruise control also doesn't work. The tranny is (I believe) also not factory as it is a 3-speed (or a malfunctioning 4 or 5). It has a deep pan from B&W if I recall correctly.
The truck has a 3in. exhaust from the factory manifolds all the way to the back. It has dual magnaflows and cat in the front. Very important: this truck was supposedly a show truck and a speed truck for a while so the rear end was replaced with a leaf spring type syspension. According to the owner IRS axled were continuously broken.
I've already got the Ford Factory Service manuals (Vol 1 and 2) and the Wiring Manual.
The odo still reads 129 miles (yes 129 not 129k) so that more or less goes with what the owner said about purchase and go direct to the shop for modifications.
I know there's a lot of HP's under the hood by the way if responds whenever you step on the gas pedal. It also came with a SCT X3 Power Flash module but I was unable to get a clue on who the tuner was so I'm basically alone with "Adren-zilla". Based on the great condition of the truck's paint, seating, engine compartment, no leaks of any kind, etc. I'd say it cannot have over 20k and has been properly cared for. Any suggestions besides hiring "Ultra Man"?
Thanks in advance.