Al Gore's House

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JohnnyO asks:
Anybody know what's the biggest tires I can fit without a lift?

Just ask that question at: ""...

Al Gore will answer. He invented the tire.

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Al Gore is going to be this generation's Joe McCarthy.

Huh? Rich, I think you got that one backwards. If anyone, it's the Bush administration, and their wiretapping, detentions-without-trial, and race/ethnic/religion profiling by "security" personnel that are getting McCarthy-like. Bush is using the threat of terrorism the way McCarthy used the threat of communism.

Bill, every president since FDR gave their consent to illegal wiretapping, after J. Edgar Hoover made it clear to them that the wiretapping could be used for their political advantage, or against them. It became part of the political culture of the executive branch. There are several good books about the history of the FBI that cover this. If anything, Americans are less spied upon now, even with the Patriot Act, because there is more oversight after the abuses of the last generation, and the increasing suspicion against government after Watergate. I'm not excusing Bush's rather tepid presidency. That's a different debate.

Let's return to Al Gore for a moment, and the comparison I made to McCarthy: McCarthy played upon the greatest fear of the time (communism) to castigate, bully, silence and ruin people in both public and private life. He used it as a public platform to advance his political interests, at great cost to his opponents.

Al Gore is well on his way to using global warming for the same purpose. He's created a huge tar baby of a political monster, based on disputed science. His current refrain is "the debate is over." Scientists and people interested in scientific truth don't seek to silence critics. They invite debate. Silencing opponents is politics. See McCarthy.

Mark my words: This is the greatest political scam ever invented. When it's all over, trillions of dollars will have been wasted on something that humans can't control. And most of the advocates will use it as a front for a socialist agenda.
The link below is one of the most cohesive descriptions of the science and politics of the Global Warming phenomenon. The author, Richard Lindzen, is routinely villified by the Global Warmists for speaking out against the idea of "scientific consensus."

In the article, he takes the reader back to the very moment Global Warming was born, politically speaking, and neatly describes his own interaction with Al Gore, and how Al Gore subsequently has misreprented his (Lindzen's) position on the issue.

I encourage anyone with a serious interest in understand the truth about this topic to read on at the link.
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Great article Rich! I've read both sides of the debate and tend to favor the likes of the one you posted. Just something for the "Tree-Huggers" to unite over and spew thier heads off over. And I also agree with TomT's:

Gore's only agenda is personal fame and wealth.

The man just needs to go into obscurity with his wife Tipper. (her parents didn't like her much toname her that) I haven't liked her since the labeling of all my favorite albums.:D;)
Just read this on MSN. Gore defends his usage:

Here are some quotes:

Kreider said Gore purchases enough energy from renewable energy sources such as solar, wind and methane gas to balance 100 percent of his electricity costs.

Now I wonder where he gets his Methane gas? I bet there are tubes all over the house, they eat ALOT of beans, and they have a tank they keep filled. Or mybe Tipper is enough to keep it filled with gases from all the crap in her head.:D

To balance out other carbon emissions, the Gores invest money in projects to reduce energy consumption, Kreider said.

So in my opinion, he gets to use all the gas guzzling cars and electric he wants because he is such a great man to invest his "hard earned" money into reducing consuption. Boy that makes alot of sence to me.:wacko:

I invest about $50 a week getting my ST filled up, so it's pedal-to-the-metal for me.:D

Link for the lazy.:D

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You can argue with McCarthy's methods, but after the fall of the Soviet Union their archives got opened up and we found that they really were trying to infiltrate the media, entertainment, education, and were behind much of the protests in 60's.
Trouble was, McCarthy's methods were as bad if not worse then what he was trying to "protect" us from.
Johnny, if Americans are publicly, willfully and illegally abused by their own government, foreign powers are the least of our concerns. Living in a land where the basic laws emphasize individual liberty incurs risks, including foreign powers taking advantage of our freedom. Individual liberty and security are not excellent bedfellows.

I don't disagree at all. I'm just saying that it turned out there really were Communists in a lot of high places.

According to an article in the winter 2006-07 issue of ‘Rethinking Schools’ magazine, the teachers at the private school wanted their students to learn that private property ownership is evil. According to the article, the students had been building an elaborate ‘Legotown,’ but it was accidentally demolished. The teachers decided its destruction was an opportunity to explore ‘the inequities of private ownership.’ According to the teachers, ‘Our intention was to promote a contrasting set of values: collectivity, collaboration, resource-sharing, and full democratic participation.’ The children were allegedly incorporating into Legotown ‘their assumptions about ownership and the social power it conveys.’ These assumptions ‘mirrored those of a class-based, capitalist society -- a society that we teachers believe to be unjust and oppressive.’

Again, you can criticize the source, but the source is just laying out the evidence.
Mark my words: This is the greatest political scam ever invented.

Rich, I agree that the causes of global warming are indeed open to debate--scientific and otherwise. (The evidence seems pretty clear cut--even to the critcs of Gore the earth is warming. The debate is around "why".) Even if history should end up demonstrating that global warming is not human-caused and is not able to be affected by our species, I think it's a tremendous reach to make a claim like the one I quoted you on above.

Is Gore using the topic of global warming for political gain. Indisputably yes. Is he doing it for altruistic reasons--that is, because he truly believes that global warming is man-made and that we can have a positive impact on it--or is he just using it for personal political gain? There are plenty of people who are going to assume the former, and plenty who are going to assume the latter, just because of their own bias for/against Gore and his causes.

Whether or not the human impact on global warming is true or false, I personally believe that Gore truly believes in it, and is acting for what he believes to be altruistic reasons. McCarthy, on the other hand, I believe was in it for himself. (This is based not only on the "public record", but also on the fact that my grandfather knew and worked with him personally in his pre-senate days in Appleton, WI, and can tell more than a few stories about the things he did to further his own career, good of the public be damned.)

But even if he is in it for himself--calling it the "greatest political scam ever" is ridiculous hyperbole. Heck, it's not even the greatest political scam of the present day, let alone "ever". Gore's use of global warming to further his agenda pales when compared to either McCarthy's use of communism or Bush's use of terrorism to further their agendas. And when you start comparing it to "ever", there are hundreds of political scams throughout history that put all three of these to shame.

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