Al Gore's House

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Jonny, it's not illegal to believe in socialism. It's not illegal to teach socialism. If a group of teachers wants to educate private school children as described in your example, that's between them and the children's parents. It's not an issue for government.

Bill, I stand by my prediction.

I encourage you to read the document at the link I posted, at least the paragraphs where Lindzen describes how Gore, on at least three occassions, once in Senate committee, and twice in print (NY Times and in his book), deliberately mischaracterizes Lindzen's position. If that's Al Gore's version of the truth, he's dellusional at best, and dishonest at worst.

I can't follow people like that.

I had no negative, preconceived opinions regarding Al Gore until he became the Grand Wizard of Global Climate Change. If anything, I thought he was a decent politician. My opinion has changed as I have researched this issue.

1. 37 years is a blink of an eye in the history of the world. In 1970 I was in 4th grade and we had the first Earth Day, where one of the concerns was global cooling. Same all through the 70's because we had some bad winters. So who's right, the warming people or the cooling people? I dunno.

2. One of the head honchos at The Weather Channel, a former CNN employee, wanted to pull the accredidation of any meteorologist who questioned global warming. So much for continued scientific debate. Vee have zee answers und zee conclusions und you vill like it.

3. We know for a fact that there have been climate changes before. 1816 and 1848-50 were particularly cold years, all year. From around 1250 to 1400, Europe was epecially cold. We have core samples showing a previous Ice Age and occasionally people still stumble across the frozen carcass of a wooly mammoth. Something warmed the earth up from that and it wasn't SUV's and fossil fuels.

When you look close at WHO is leading the climate change movement, you find that the Communists, Socialists, and generally anti-private property/anti-capitalist people, have found a new home. Therefore I am suspicious.

Jonny, it's not illegal to believe in socialism. It's not illegal to teach socialism. If a group of teachers wants to educate private school children as described in your example, that's between them and the children's parents. It's not an issue for government.

Got no problem with that. When I taught college economics I taught about Socialism myself.

This is what I have a problem with:

the teachers at the private school wanted their students to learn that private property ownership is evil.

These assumptions ‘mirrored those of a class-based, capitalist society -- a society that we teachers believe to be unjust and oppressive.’

Students should be taught HOW to learn, not WHAT to learn, then make up their own minds. Not the teachers' personal beliefs and politics.

Capitalism seeks equal opportunity. Socialism seeks equal results.
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Rich, I don't have time right now to read the entire article, but I did search to the points where it discusses Gore and his supposed comments in the Times, his book, and in the Senate hearing, as you suggested. And I just don't see where you're coming from. First of all, it wasn't Gore who wrote the article in the Times that I believe you are referring to--that, according to the article, was written by someone named Tom Wicker. Secondly, Lindzen claims that Gore misconstrued what he said in the senate hearing, both there and in his book. So at best, we have differing conclusions on what was said in the hearing, without having an actual transcript, audio, or video of the proceedings to determine for ourselves which has more merit. But somehow, from what I can only conclude from statements you've made in this and other discussions is your own personal bias on the subject, automatically conclude that Lindzen is right, and Gore is wrong. For all we know, Lindzen did reverse himself in that hearing, Gore was right in his assessment of that, and Lindzen is now reversing his position yet again and lying to cover his tracks. Or, it could have just been a misunderstanding of some statements during the hearing, and neither party is lying, but are just stating what they understood to have been said. We really don't know. And, playing devil's advocate, even if Gore was intentionally misconstruing what Lindzen said--according to many on here, it's OK for people to intentionally misconstrue what Gore said about his involvement in the development of the internet, but not for Gore to do so toward Lindzen? If that were proven to be what Gore did (and I don't think such a proof can be done), I wouldn't defend it--but it only brings him down to the same level as his critics.
Bill, unfortunately, Lindzen is not the only scientist who has offered this type of viewpoint (do a google search on "global warming dissenters"). And Lindzen has been consistent in his writings on this topic since the issue began to get notice in 1988. He's one of the pre-eminent meteorologists in world, working at one the world's finest scientific universities, and he's a classic representation of why the popular phrase "scientific consensus" is a HUGE lie.

When it comes to character and honesty, Lindzen has a large body of objective, peer reviewed, scientific writings to draw upon. Just reading the article, you should be able to tell he resists opportunities to mischaracterize or reshape the events he describes. He allows for alternatives and clearly delineates facts from opinions. He resists villifying the very people who are villifying him.

Al Gore, on the other hand, is a lifelong politician. Even if he has some measure of character, his chosen profession is entirely about shaping perception, rather than laboring to establish truth.

Further, one only needs to see "An Inconvenient Truth" to appreciate the deceptive lengths to which Al Gore will go to fuel the hysteria of Global Warming. That movie is very misleading on numerous aspects of the scientific issues and debate concerning global warming.

Johnny, as soon as you move away from the classic three R's of education, teachers can't help but inject their persoanl opinions into the material. The nature of the beast...

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